Wolven Tide Relic

And just like that, history repeated itself as Alec tossed Agnes' ever-changing staff into the carcass of the new set of wolf remains, with another Alpha Wolf as the core.

He had exchanged for the Alpha wolves with the bodies of numerous wolves that were killed by Arthur and the others, and since James saw it as a good deal he had no problems accepting.

However, this time Alec noticed that the Visual Clone crafting the armor set was not the visual clone of the dwarf who had previously crafted knight's own armor.

This revelation made him instinctively turn his attention back to the system spirit golem.

"Hey, what's with the intense stare? It's quite unnerving!"

"Seriously, man, just explain to me why the visual clone crafting Agnes' armor set looks completely different than the old one, And why does this clone resemble a goblin so much?"

"Do goblins even know how to forge?"