The Chase Part 1

When Alec and the gang emerged, they noticed that even Grace and Gabriel, who had decided to keep their distance, had repositioned themselves closer to the Golems.

At the cave entrance, an entire army of plant life forms stood before them, Just the sight of them filled Alec with a sense of foreboding.

There was only one plant Lifeform that Alec knew that could be so enraged as to mobilize an army of this size against him.

This could be seen from the fact that the plant Lifeform was even willing to cross the borders where Divine Tree held no dominion, all to take Alec down.

"Surely, you didn't expect to see me again, did you?"

The root, now in Its form of a plant humanoid, stepped forward with outstretched arms.

Its gaze bore into Alec, but Alec still struggled to recall who it was.

This action of Alec just seemed to infuriate the root even more.