Don't Mess With The Gordons... 7

Titan tightly gripped his lightning axe with both hands before forcefully pulling it apart, causing the

Massive two-handed Battle Axe weapon to split into two shorter lightning axes.

Butcher advanced towards the three mages who had been assigned to engage him, noticing that even the water mage seemed hesitant to confront him head-on like before, Smirking, Butcher focused his attention on the other two mages instead.

After clashing with Butcher, the water mage had realized that he and his companions stood no chance against Butcher in a contest of strength or a face to face confrontation, especially since they were at the same realm of power and butcher seem to be way stronger than his realm.

The way Butcher had effortlessly sliced through his water bombs without any resistance confirmed his suspicion that butcher had tremendous power and total control over his abilities.