Final Mission (2).

Alec remained composed while the Priests was still in shock after seeing how there companion died, but Alec who understand his disadvantage, knew he had to swiftly reduce their numbers, especially with the potential threat of the Tier 4 Bishop joining the battle anytime.

He wanted to make sure if the Tier 4 Bishop should attack, he should be able trusted his golems to handle the remaining enemies while he focused on the main threat.

[> Low Tier Spell – Gravity Surge <]

Alec infused his Bone Katana with the gravity powers, spinning it around to push back the approaching foes.

As he extended his fingers after knocking them back, the Priest’s panic was evident upon seeing the earth rune manifest again around his fingers.

“Get him quickly before he can unleash his innate spell, If we disrupt it, we can survive,” one Priest urged the others.

As another Priest charged towards Alec, aiming to prevent him from completing what they believe to be a powerful one shot kill spell.