Growth (1).

Alec’s neck twitched ever so slightly as a high-speed water spear sliced through the air, narrowly missing him.

The sky was filled with an onslaught of water elemental attacks – water spears, flood dragons, and even water wheels sent by the sea demon leader Yet, regardless of the assault, Alec effortlessly dodged each strike with millimetre precision.

Perplexed by Alec’s uncanny evasion skills, the sea demon leader inquired,

“Do you have eyes in the back of your head?” His gaze followed Alec’s subtle bend as a water wheel, manipulated for a sneak attack from behind, whizzed harmlessly past.

A sly grin formed on Alec’s lips as he finally removed his hands from his pockets.

“You’ll need to do more than that, for within a few meters of me lies my domain, and this slow attacks would never hurt me “ he retorted.