Still Not Enough (1).

Just as Alec thought he had evaded all of them during his retreat, he realized that his danger senses were blaring, and one of the wolves that had encircled him was missing.

So he quickly turned and swung his Changdao along, which was coated in a fiery aura, his blade clashed with the wolf’s claws, parrying the attack, but residual black particles from the wolf claw’s stuck to his chest, making his movements sluggish for a second.

Giving another wolf the chance to sank its jaws into his thigh, but Alec merely grunted, bearing the pain, cause with his high endurance, he could cope with the pain temporarily as he glared at the wolf responsible for his impaired agility.

Determined to eliminate the threat, Alec shifted from a defensive stance to an offensive one.

As he thrust the Changdao forward, targeting the underbelly of the wolf, which was still reeling from the force of Alec’s strength.