Devourer Bloodline (2).

As Alec tore open his clothing, he witnessed something being engraved on his chest in that very moment, leaving him in a state of confusion akin to receiving another tattoo. Meanwhile, the system spirit, observing from the side, wore a wild smile that strained its golem face as if pushed to its limits.

After about a minute, Alec finally realized the true nature of the image being etched onto his skin—it was an exact replica of the wolf cub he had awakened within his microcosmic universe.

Yet, this was no ordinary tattoo; as the image slowly forming on his chest seemed to convey a sense of life, giving Alec the impression that the small wolf being etched onto his very skin was alive.

In a groan of pain, Alec expressed his discomfort as the image of the wolf cub was completed, specifically when the back of the cub was being drawn, the process of the wolf cub drawing carried on for an additional nine minutes before Alec’s exclamations subsided.