Collision 1.


Alec’s name echoed throughout the Royal arena, and in that moment, even some fans from Onyx Academy and the other Great Eight schools couldn't help but stand and clap.

They watched as Alec surveyed the crowd, and no matter how much they might want to deny it, they couldn’t anymore, Alec Gordons had single-handedly carried his team to the finals of the inter-academy competition.

For years, the Battle Mage Academy, Royal Academy, Holy Grail Academy, Onyx Academy, Gate Academy, Wizards and Witches Academy, Bloodline Academy, and Vajra Academy had dominated the inter-academy scene.

Over the years, the winners of the competition had consistently come from these eight institutions, and with the other High and Ancient Tier clans aligning themselves and choosing one of these academies, it only made them nearly untouchable.