Quasi Lord.

Almost instantly, as Legion eliminated the Rhino demonic beast, Alec heard the system notification and assumed it must have been triggered by Legion’s action.

However, he soon felt a cold chill creeping over him, which caused him to look down at the tree he was perched on; and he noticed that the ground beneath it was lightly covered in frost.

“No way, this can’t still be about Legion,” Alec muttered as he turned his gaze toward the second battlefield, which they had all overlooked while watching Legion.

While doing this, Alec pulled up his system notifications to check what had prompted the alert.

[> Titan’s Ice Manipulation has finally completed its evolution.]

[> Ice Manipulation has now changed to Ice Manipulation I.]

[> The first stage of Ice Manipulation ability will soon be awakened.]

[> Pay 250,000 system points for the first stage awakening (Y/N)?]

Seeing this option left Alec quite perplexed, but he didn’t hesitate to select “Y” for yes.