First Wave 2.

This time, Butcher was in charge of leading the melee golems. As the first wave of demonic beasts charged at him, he began to spin his lightning axe at a rapid speed, sending those rushing toward him sprawling backward.

Thanks to the force generated by his whirling axe, he created a type of lightning repulsion, leaving most of the demonic beasts who were knocked back numb and paralyzed for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, all it did for Butcher was push him back a few steps, with a little strain on his shoulder joints.

“How the hell did Titan always manage to hold off the waves of beasts without being pushed back? It’s hard to fill his shoes; we really need his expertise in situations like this,” Butcher grumbled after clashing with multiple Tier 4 demonic beasts.

He reflected on every time he fought alongside Titan as he led the charge, recalling that it took an exceptional beast of the same realm or a miracle to force Titan to move back.