A bizarre and unexpected scene unfolded before the eyes of the High rank mages and above that were watching the battle, and even the once entertained demon monarch Azgoth, now found no joy in watching the ongoing battle.
All this was due to the fact that an ordinary Tier 5 mage, who is not even at the pinnacle of the realm allowed to fight, was wreaking havoc, under the Blood Moon rule invoked by Azgoth himself.
To Azgoth this mage was allowed to fight just to entertain him and yet, instead of being fodder for the demons, he was chasing down Tier 6 Demonkins with relentless determination.
Azgoth’s amusement had soured, as this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, the limited army he had brought was due to being restricted by the lack of unanimous support from the other demon monarchs, but now he was failing to deliver the chaos he’d envisioned.