“So, what’s this surprise you have for me, old man?” Alec asked, casually gesturing with two fingers.
At his signal, the mages standing before him spread out, forming a neat line, a line that led directly to where the Patriarch stood, as he was still stunned by their transformation.
“We greet the Patriarch!” they all called out in unison, bowing with cupped hands toward George Gordons, who finally started walking toward Alec.
Alec stood next to a large stone pillar that was all the way up to his waist line, atop which a miniature battlefield had been sculpted from earth, depicting small terrains and figures to help visualize battle formations.
But as soon as his grandfather reached him, Alec swiped his hand over the stone pillar, instantly flattening it into the ground, erasing the intricate display in an instant.