Best Harbinger

There was utter silence. The known strongest Demon Lord, feared by many demons, had been hanging grotesquely at Regar’s sword. Regar lifted his sword at chest length and a great smile had curved his mouth, teeth gleaming. He had won.

“I have defeated him! A reward is waiting for us boys!” Regar celebrated, he turned to face the crowd behind him with Dreygo still skewered by his sword as he waved it like a victory flag.

“You are too easy, Regar.” Soft, difficult, and hardly spoken words loomed.

Shock visited the seemingly triumphant Harbinger. Then it hit him.

The fight was not done. Something was not right. Dreygo could have blocked the attack, it was only an ordinary attack that any warrior could even block or evade, easily. Regar could have thought that he moved faster but not to Dreygo. He knew that Dreygo could follow his movements. He was not fast enough to trick Dreygo into a simple attack.