The majestic Manuheim had always given Nethaniel a delightful burst of welcome from its constituents. Some would say he was the hero of the post-war. Everybody agreed that he was the strongest Angel warrior of the second generation, nothing could beat him in contests.
Even though Nethaniel was not in a political position but the continent leaders had always respected his advice because he was known to be Arkeus’ right hand and understood the Lord’s wishes to the letter.
During the post-continental wars, Nethaniel saved a lot of constituents in major cities by destroying the Demon monsters one by one that defiled the lands of Heaven world. These demons were the remnants of the wars between territorial disputes of the realms.
It was a thousand years passed and now the balance of the realms was wrecked. Another war would ensue as Chaos had played its part, crumbling the fine line that held the three worlds in a delicate balance.