This game is getting boring! yes!
what game should we play now! Ummmm..... i know! lets make a new mortal!
Yes! i will make one big! and fat! i will make one SMALL! and tiny! i know! lets make one together!
yay! let me start! let me start! okey! Hmmmmm. I'll make it a Saiyan! I'll make him a strong Saiyan! yay! what about power! power! power! I'll give him..... power of rage! wow! so good!
yeah! he can get angry! this is so much fun! wait! what name should we give him! uh... Zeno 3! like us! yeah! no wait! are we going to give him our power! huh! no! then we can't call him zeno? hmmm....
I know! well call him Ronald! Ronald! Ronald! Ronald! Ronald!!! Ronald!!!! Ronald!!!! Ronald!!!! Ronald!!!! Ronald!!!!
you look down at your feet to find yourself floating high above the clouds. what... where am I? you feel a strong gust of wind! ... are you?
Vados. Vados... do you know why I'm here? surely your age musts restrict your knowledge? I been told that you hold a power level of one trillion. for your age that is... incredible. I assume you have been told what you need to do? Gather the dragon balls? well yes but not specifically.
you have been chosen to be the new god of destruction. your job is to destroy. who knows, you may even decide to not help Beerus and Champa.
who are they? the previous gods of destruction. they were exiled for keeping their universes at a low mortal rating. Champa refused to listen to me so i assume you will listen? ... will you! will I what? will you listen to me?
yes! Hehe that's cute. take my hand. you take her hand. this might make you a little sick. hold tight. woah... where are we? home. this is the planet that they have selected for you. this is your castle. its fresh. prebuilt and has many things you may need.
though there are no other servants for the time being. this is so cool! Mmhmm. you spend the rest of the day making yourself acquainted with the castle.