I said to 18 Wheres vados?
She said something about going to learn a few new recipes. Though that could be a lie.
…. What don't you try cooking for once 18? Do you even know how to cook 18?
Who do you think you're taking to ronald? I won a cooking contest when I was a little girl. No one can cook better than chi-chi though.
You know.. I need to introduce you soon.
Most definitely. I hear some girls laughing in the distance. Ten girls in swimsuits run out and laugh as they play with the fish.
Are you seeing what I'm seeing Ronald?
Oh yes.
18 can't stop herself from laughing. Is this what he does when no one is around?
I would assume so.(that stupid fish!)(he would have invited me.)
They look like such harlots. Whores. Don't you agree Ronald?
Most definitely 18.(not!) disgraceful for them to be doing things like that. Especially in the land of the gods.
Exactly! Come. Let's go inside. I can try cooking a meal for you. She begins walking towards the castle door. You grind your teeth furiously as the oracle fish sticks his tongue out at you.
Are you coming ?