is everyone ready? The journey will be long so make sure you have all you need.
I think we're fine. oracle you're in charge while we are away.
oh you don't need to tell me! stay as LONG as you want. seriously.
okey! let's go!
20 minutes later
And that was why I chose the south galaxy.
that makes sense. so tell me about this Bulma. what is she like?
eccentric loose.
what does that mean 18?
it means that she's very open to suggestions. then again. she's married to Vegeta. the prince... technically the king of all saiyan.
18 chuckles. technically speaking, he is YOUR king.
A king that gets captured by weaklings.
Haha you sound just like him. He's a scary guy. then there's Goku. honestly the man is a buffoon. but he love to fight. he's the strongest fighter in earth.
I see. can you tell me more about this Goku you speak of he sound very interesting.
sure he's 175 cm tall he's also a saiyan an is married to chi chi, anything else you want to hear about.
No that will be enough for now. you have some strong friends. I'm only going to assume that your husband is equal if not stronger than them?
Uh... Well
your husband is Krillin yes?
18 is he?
is he what?
oh. y - yes. very strong.
I see. vadis was telling me previously about a universe 7 fighter. one that was being considered to be a god of destruction student. I assume it was your husband?
... y - yes I guess so.
impressive. perhaps I can fight him when we meet.
Oh no no. he is retired!
retired? what do you mean?
we have a arrived.
(thank you!)
18 is this earth?
yes and this location is the capsule corp. Bulma's family owns the place.
where is she?
inside, follow me.
18 lead both me an vados to the front door, she looks up at the security camera and waves.
ms 18?
Sarah it's me. open the door. I'm really sorry 18. Bulma ordered me to not open the door for anyone. even her friends. she thinks some of you may be brainwashed.
... tell her I found the balls.
but ms-
tell her.
right away Ms 18.
I hope you didn't bring us here to waste my time?
she will be out soon. I suppose she has a reason to be suspicious. it took me a long time to reach the south galaxy. And now I'm back so soon.
in any case. there are many things we could do on this planet. should she not appear of course.
well- Bulma...