- Mars -

Sitting on top of a skyscraper, I observe the views of the beautiful purple Seoul sunset. At the end of the raid, after I resurrected Cyclops, Jong-In insisted we go to the second A-rank dungeon tomorrow instead. His explanation was he wants his B-team to go in first, ahead of us. He apologized, promising me the next A-rank gate that spawns for the inconvenience. The guildmaster even said I could have the shadows of any monsters his team killed in the second dungeon. I'm not too concerned, as I'm sure they'll be needing assistance in the top tier A-rank gate.

My guess is that he saw enough of my powers in the earth giant gate. Hae-In had let me know that it'll be just us two tomorrow, I can't help but wonder what Jong-In is scheming. The plan for tomorrow is me and Cha Hae-In will enter inside shortly after the B-team's initial entrance, just in case the group runs into any problems. I suppose he wants to flex what his lesser team can accomplish, as the White Tiger guild would need Baek Yoonho and their strongest hunters to clear an A-rank gate. Unfortunately for them, the group will most definitely need our help, as the high orc shaman Kargalgan is hiding the dungeons true power level.

If I remember it correctly, there is an entire army of orcs waiting inside that dungeon, as the boss orc is supremely skilled when it comes to magic. Not only that, but they are red-skinned high orcs, the strongest possible type of orc. The key difference between normal orcs and high orcs is their intelligence and their magic resistance.

I should be expecting an all out war once I enter, as I'm skeptical the chieftain of the high orcs will be as conversable as Baruka. Elves tend to be more cunning than orcs, as there's no way Kargalgan's ego could handle kneeling to me in front of his entire legion. Although, I'm not exactly sure what his reaction will be once he meets the shadow army, he was definitely aware of the Shadow Monarch in canon.

Tomorrow will be an important day, as I'll definitely need the orc forces to properly match the considerable numbers advantage the ants will have in Jeju. Not only have the ants been multiplying without any hunters to keep them in check, but the Ant King should be preparing himself and the new and improved generation of monster ants. The majority of the ants should now exclusively be A-rank now.

It's nice to have a break every now and then, as I've considerably upgraded my shadow army in a short amount of time. I look over to Igris, sitting next to me on the edge of the roof, it seems he's been enjoying the peaceful down time as well. He now emits a much more menacing aura, as he and his sword glow a dangerous purple, matching the sunset in front of us.

Baruka stands behind me quietly, leaning against an antenna while he watches the rest of the city in their daily routines. As the leader of the Hyakki shadows, he is much more intimidating with his purple skin. His black hair and armor provides an interesting contrast.

Ashborn, how many people can I use [Power Bestowal] on?

Once you fully unlock your Ruler powers, there's no limit to our power. I only advise that you bestow your powers to people you trust with your life. And don't forget you can always use the Pledge of Servitude.

Right, of course. There are only a handful of people I can consider sharing my powers with anyway, and I'd rather not use the Pledge of Servitude unless absolutely necessary.

Whatever decision you make, young Mars, I'll always support you. Just follow your instincts, it has gotten you this far, has it not?

My phone vibrates, it's a message from Sung Jinwoo, asking if I'm free to come see him in the hospital. Apparently Lee Joohee is back from visiting her parents, so it'll be a nice to see them again, a lot has happened since then. I recall Baruka into my shadow as I jump off the roof, Igris follows closely, he can use [Rulers Authority] to fly as well.

- Later -

I scour each window on the eighth floor of Seoul's national hunter hospital, looking for Jinwoo's room. It only takes a few moments to find it, as I subtly knock on Jinwoo's window, not wanting to cause a fuss by going through the main entrance.

Lee Joohee spots me right away, alarmed at first before giving me a warm smile as she quickly runs over to open the window for me. She gently takes my hand as she slowly pulls me into the room.

I scan the modest hospital room, spotting the two Sung siblings who were in some sort of sibling squabble, before I entered.

"Mars!" Jinah immediately ignores whatever Jinwoo was grumbling about when she darts over to me, squeezing me in a tight bearhug. "Oh my god! You're all over TV! Are you alright?! I just heard about what happened in the dungeon from Song-Yi…"

"Jinah, it's okay. We're both okay…" I assure the girl as I affectionately play with her hair, deeply peering into her eyes.

Name: Sung Jinah

Race: Human

Occupation: Student

Thoughts about you: She still can't believe you're the famous S-rank hunter currently the talk of the country. She was terrified she was going to lose both you and Song-Yi in the red gate incident.

Affection: 100

She buries her face into my chest, as she somehow adds even more pressure into the embrace, Jinah clearly doesn't care that we're in front of her brother or his girlfriend. I glance to the giggling Joohee, who has returned to Jinwoo's side, she confidently holds Jinwoo's hand in hers, his face reddening due to the sudden display of affection.

"Uh, so hey guys…" I awkwardly try to pretend Jinah isn't currently sobbing into my chest, as I delicately rub her back. "Did I come at a bad time?"

Name: Sung Jinwoo

Level: 9

Race: Hunter (E)

Class: Assassin

Title: The Weakest Hunter of all Mankind

Thoughts about you: Thankful you're alright, he was worried when he watched the news covering the red gate.

Reputation: 95

Name: Lee Joohee

Level: 32

Race: Hunter (B)

Class: Healer

Thoughts about you: She is amazed with how much stronger you seem now, compared to when she last saw you.

Affection: 70

"No, you didn't miss anything Mars." Lee Joohee answered with a content look on her face. "It's just Jinwoo and Jinah being silly."

"Ah, so nothing out of the ordinary then?" I joke with a shit eating grin. "I'm happy to see you both."

"I'm glad you could make time to see us so quickly." Jinwoo gives me a smile as he watches me wipe his little sister's tears. "Jinah here was just complaining that she felt left out from you and Song-Yi, she said she wanted to become a hunter as well."

My face twists a little bit, as I have somewhat mixed feelings on the idea. I wouldn't mind her awakening to any powers, as it would give me some peace of mind that she could protect herself if I'm not nearby. Especially since I don't have [Shadow Exchange] unlocked yet.

On the other hand, I kind of agree with Jinwoo's firm belief he would discourage Jinah from being a hunter, if she did happen to awaken any powers. I can't deny any feelings I have for Jinah, it's hard not to want to keep her free from any danger.

Jinwoo spots the conflicted look on my face before Joohee suddenly flinches, pointing at the corner of the room in shock.

"Mars? Please tell me that's your summon standing in the corner?" Joohee sheepishly asks me, interrupting the awkward silence.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce my strongest summon and bodyguard, Igris!" I announce to the room. The knight had been patiently standing to the side before Joohee noticed him. "Igris and the rest of my summons are completely loyal to me, and will do their absolute best to protect me and anyone close to me."

Igris finally steps forward to the middle of the room, where he greets each individual with a bow. His greeted Jinah first with a deep bow, I suppose he can sense how I feel about her. When he locked eyes with Jinwoo, Igris nodded to him, as if he could feel their connection in a different life. Even Jinwoo must have felt something, as he gave Igris an odd look of familiarity.

"It's good to meet you, Igris!" Jinah welcomes my knight with an impressed expression on her face. "Song-Yi told me all about you! Wow. You're even more intimidating in person..."

"Girls, can I have a moment alone with Mars?" Jinwoo looked to his new girlfriend, who must know what this is about, returning a knowing glance as she quickly took off with a mumbling Jinah.

Waiting until the girls left the room, I recall Igris back into my shadow as the look on Jinwoo's face is quite serious.

"Is everything okay, Jinwoo?" I ask the would be Shadow Monarch, I can feel the sudden turn in atmosphere. "Is it about Jinah?"

"Yeah, I just have some questions for you..." Jinwoo looks up at me from the bed with unmoving eyes. "If she were to awaken any magical powers, would you encourage her to become a hunter like you or Song-Yi?"

I don't answer right away, knowing he's asking me this as an older brother to Jinah, not as a friend to me. I remember in the manhwa he was vehemently against Jinah ever being put in any danger, when Jinah's teacher asked him about the idea of her becoming a hunter like him.

"To be honest, I'd be glad if she did unlock any powers." I respond thoughtfully, pausing to gauge Jinwoo's reaction, which hasn't changed yet. "Mostly because I know she would diligently study and train any newfound abilities, just like she does in school. But if she wanted to become a hunter? I would encourage her to try to live a normal civilian life, or at the very least, I would try to get her some back office job or support role within a guild."

"Hmm. I see." Jinwoo processes my answer, before he looked into my eyes once again. "And what if she wanted to become a hunter, no matter what?"

"Then I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. I'd even create my own guild if I had to, just to protect everyone I love." I respond, knowing what an older brother would want to hear, I have a lot of respect for Jinwoo, and his story. "I understand the stronger I get, the more dangerous of a world I enter. S-ranks and National rank hunters who could potentially become my enemies or rivals might aim for Jinah or any innocent people around me if they know it'll either upset or provoke me..."

When I first entered this world, I was alone. But now, that's not the case. I know I could always stay a loner, and simply keep company with my shadows and nobody else. But I don't want to live like that, whoever I was in my past life doesn't matter anymore. I'm Mars Valentino, and however my story ends, I'll make sure to not regret a single second.

"Living in this brutal world, only the strong will prevail..." I continue, as Jinwoo is going over my words very carefully. "If my goal is to become the strongest, then it's because I have people I want to protect. I can't look you in the eyes and tell you everything will be okay, or that no one is going to get hurt... But I can tell you I'll try my best. And I really don't want to ever see Jinah cry."

I understand why Jinwoo decided to reset the timeline, as he wanted to shield his family and Jinah from any grief, as she went through a lot in the original timeline, especially with the deadly dungeon break in her school. This talk was needed for me, as I realize I'm not playing toy soldiers here; this is a world filled with people, each person with their own dreams and aspirations. I'll make sure Jinwoo can rest easy this life, becoming the Shadow Monarch bears a lot more responsibility than I thought.

"Thanks, Mars. I hope you understand where I'm coming from." Jinwoo finally shows his cheerful smile.

Name: Sung Jinwoo

Level: 9

Race: Hunter (E)

Class: Assassin

Title: The Weakest Hunter of all Mankind

Thoughts about you: He is pleased with your intentions with his little sister, he can truly tell you want to keep Jinah safe.

Reputation: 100

[Sung Jinwoo's Reputation has been Maxed and Locked]

"Of course. You know, if you or Joohee want to retire from being active hunters, I could get you both pretty good jobs." I say with a grin, the heavy atmosphere in the room is gone now. "I'm tight with the top guildmasters now, I bet I could even get you gigs within the hunters Association."

"Haha, maybe. Joohee actually wants to go back and finish university." Jinwoo revealed, texting on his phone, I'm sure he's telling her they can come back into the room now that we're done discussing Jinah.

"Yeah, that's good for her. That'll be a much needed break for Joohee." I let out a relaxed sigh. "Looks like you'll need to support her while she studies. Should I start calling her Joohee Noona then?"

"Hey, I haven't thought that far ahead yet!" Jinwoo snaps back with a flustered face, before grinning back. "You better call me Hyung from now on!"

- Choi Jong-In (Hunters Guild) -

The Hunters guild's mastermind sat at home, the television in his living room was buzzing in the background. Most hunter and news channels were discussing Mars in some fashion: either trying to find out his identity, or discussing the events with his and Yoonho's guilds.

Ever since he observed the first fight with the earth golems, Jong-In was formulating his next steps. Not only did he fully grasp Mars' disgusting potential, he was able to really take note of the young hunter's character. Mars' battle with the earth giant dungeon boss hadn't left his memory, he wouldn't be surprised if Seoul's Saint is eventually christened as the world's newest National rank hunter. He could also never forget the dangerous feeling in the air after Mars raised the giant Cyclops.

The two masters of the Hunters guild were instantly aware of the sharp power growth in his shadows, as soon as the summons turned purple. It felt like they were in the presence of the world's strongest army. All the more reason to recruit Mars now before he is out of their reach.

Jong-In sighed as he realized he shot his load a bit early, Mars' existence is currently the number one story among hunters worldwide. Jong-In remembered when Hwang Dongsoo defected to the United States, it was still a shock to many in the Korean hunter community. The sly snake still felt he had the biggest advantage, however, as he mulled over his two pronged plan.

First, Cha Hae-In. He could never have imagined that she would be the first one to develop a crush between the two, as it was immediately apparent to anyone who's met her how different she acts with Mars. The infamously cold and distant hunter was basically following Mars like a puppy dog in the dungeon. Jong-In instantly noticed that Hae-In never once used her handkerchief to mask Mars' scent. In fact, as they progressed further into the dungeon she tried to get even closer to him.

He didn't miss the looks Mars and Hae-In traded, he could even detect Hae-In trying to sniff Mars when he wasn't looking. The beauty had never been interested in any other strong hunter, let alone blush constantly in anyone's presence.

If Mars and Hae-In get together, then he can guarantee that Mars would join his Hunters, as he obviously would be joining his girlfriend's guild. How could any hot blooded male resist the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world? Especially Mars, it would be the absolute dream of any boy his age to get with the world famous Cha Hae-In. Honestly, it would be the dream of any man to get with the The Dancer, the ice queen herself.

The spectacled man was annoyed when his phone rang, distracting him from his plotting. It was his contact within the hospital, nurse Choi Yoora, who had been the one to plant the spy camera in Mars' room.

"What is it?" Choi Jong-In answered his phone with little patience.

"Sir, check Sung Jinwoo's hospital feed, Mars is here right now." The nurse reported, unmoved by Jong-In's many erratic moods.

He quickly pulled up the feed on one of his monitors, watching and listening in the private discussion Mars was having with the E-rank hunter he dismissed as a worthless commodity.

Jong-In clicked his tongue in irritation, he needs Mars to fall in love with Cha Hae-In, not some random classmate of his. That would be the easiest way for Mars to join the guild, since the young hunter made it clear he wasn't after the biggest pay check.

The real question was how could he use this complicated situation to further drive up Hae-In's affection for the kid? Maybe he will just use this Jinah girl as bait, Hae-In would act faster and more assertively if she realized she had competition. He wasn't too worried, he realized once Mars spent more time with the strongest hunter in the country, there would be no way Mars could resist Hae-In's charm. The graceful blonde was surprisingly diligent when it came to her guild obligations.

It was the most logical plan, as he could easily puppeteer the two hunters into spending a lot of time together, his plan for the following morning was simple. He would ask Hae-In and Mars to check in on the B-team soon after the secondary strike force enters. Not only does he get to give his main strike force an extra day of rest, but he'll be able to showcase how world-class his guild really is to the young hunter.

If that scheme somehow doesn't work, he would try to corrupt the young hunter, as Jong-In felt the two were quite alike. He thought of throwing party with the elite of the country, and show Mars the extravagant lifestyle that power, money and influence brings. If all goes well, then he would have the perfect student to mentor, the perfect hunter to catapult his guild into the upper echelon of organizations worldwide.

"Should I go in?" Choi Yoora asks, as Jong-In hadn't given any instructions yet.

"No." Choi Jong-In orders the nurse. "It'll interrupt my current plans with Mars if you make a scene. Just keep watch for now."

- Later -

- Mars -

It was fun to spend some time with Joohee and the Sung siblings, eventually Jinwoo asked me to accompany his sister home. He didn't want her to go home by herself late at night, as Jinah felt alone in the empty home. After saying goodbyes, I surprised everyone by jumping out the window with a screaming Jinah, giving her no warning. After a couple seconds of terrified shrieking, Jinah started to enjoy the ride.

"Holy shit!" Jinah screamed out loud, her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. I was holding her tightly, as we flew up into the clouds, where we could watch the unobstructed stars. "This is amazing!"

"It is… You know, I can show you this view every night, this won't be the last time." I point out, watching her as she wanted to capture this breathtaking moment fully into her mind. "Your initial reaction to flying was adorable~ I was actually scared you were going to break skin with how hard you held on to me!"

"S-shut up!" Jinah squeaked out. "That's a totally normal reaction to flying off a tall building for the first time!"

"I'm sorry… If I get you something signed from Cha Hae-In will you forgive me?" I ask with a smirk, knowing just like the most of Asia, her favorite celebrity is the Hunters swordswoman.

"I still can't believe you're going to meet with the world's number one idol tomorrow!" Jinah exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "I want a picture with her!"

"Hmm maybe... That might be a big favor to ask of her." I reply with a teasing tone, stopping my flight as I look into her eyes. "I might need to get something in return for a request like that..."

"And what would that be?" Jinah questions me with sultry smile, as I lightly grope her ass.

"I could think of a couple things..." I whisper into her ear, gently biting her earlobe, chuckling as she whimpers in surprise.

"Are you crazy?!" Jinah playfully pushes me away from her while wrapping her legs around me. "We might fall!"

"Come on, you don't trust me?" I start planting small kisses on her neck, as she cutely giggles.

Jinah offers no resistance when I start to move up, gently kissing her lips as I squeeze her ass. She only moans in my mouth in response, she gets into the kiss immediately, trying to explore every part of my mouth with her tongue. Minutes go by as I start to feel my lips go numb, she's quite the aggressive kisser.

"Let's go, I want to show you something before we get carried away." Jinah breaks the kiss, looking into my eyes lovingly as she wipes the saliva from her lip.

We enjoyed the rest of the ride to her and Jinwoo's family apartment in comfortable silence as Jinah nestled close to me. Landing right in front of her door softly, she impatiently unlocks the door, dragging me into her bedroom where I'm pleasantly surprised to see Han Song-Yi sitting on the bed, dressed in a white nightgown.

There were lit candles scattered around the room, it's not exactly difficult to read the mood in the room.

I turn back to Jinah, she had begun to strip off her clothes, apparently she was wearing saucy red lingerie underneath her uniform. Song-Yi stands up, pulling me onto the bed with her, while Jinah starts to take my pants off for me. The girls both blush heavily as they must have forgotten since last time I don't wear any underwear.

"Hey Song-Yi." I greet the E-ranker with a smirk, it's hard not to jump them both right now. "I feel like I missed a conversation you two had..."

Song-Yi and Jinah both nod to each other with determined faces, as the three of us sit on the bed.

"Mars, with the red gate and its aftermath, I never got a chance to thank you for everything." Song-Yi began her speech, as she held my hand delicately. "Me and Jinah have been talking a lot about you lately, and we've agreed it would be useless to fight over you."

"We love you..." Jinah grabbed my other free hand, seamlessly continuing their joint confession. "Especially since we realized we might lose you at anytime, we don't want to live with any regret."

The girls look up to me, expecting me to react to their sudden admission of love. I really do love these girls back, but it'd be a lie if I said I wasn't interested in other women, like Hae-In or Heejin. As the new Shadow Monarch, eventually no one in this whole world will be able to compare to me, maybe it's only right I can have countless women to call to my bedroom. I might leave this universe pretty soon, so why should I hold back? If DxD is the next world I visit, then I'll have to get used to the idea of harems real quick.

"I know we can't really compete with a celebrity like Cha Hae-In. The clips of you two together online are already going viral, there are many photographs in the hunters tabloid of you two from earlier today." Song-Yi continued, squeezing my hand even tighter. "But I'm confident no other women will love you as much as we do!"

"Yes! How many women can say they knew you before you became Seoul's Saint?" Jinah added with a beautiful smile. "I loved you before you awakened as a hunter!"

I'm staying a quiet as I really don't want to commit to a relationship right away. The girls look at each other nervously as I try to come up with the best response.

Jinah doesn't even bother to wait for my answer, as she starts to rub my growing erection, much to Song-Yi's embarrassment.

"Girls..." I start off with a lust filled sigh, as Jinah strokes me. "This almost feels a little coercive."

"Hehe, what are you talking about?" Jinah cutely says, as she starts to rub faster, touching my face with her free hand while she starts to kiss me again.

I grab her hair possessively, which was still in a ponytail, fiercely returning the kiss. After a moment, I pull her away, her puckered lips forming a smile while I lick my own swollen lips.

"Jinah, I love you." I suddenly confess to her, she clearly didn't see that coming as her face suddenly explodes in an even brighter red flush.

"E-excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom!" Jinah stutters out, before running out of the bedroom, clumsily slamming the door shut.

Song-Yi and I laugh at the amusing girl for a second, before I give her my best smile.

"Song-Yi..." I say quietly, grasping her face in my hands confidently. "You don't need to thank me for saving you in that red gate, I'll protect you no matter what."

I lean forward, putting our foreheads together as I close my eyes, calling forth my Ruler powers. I start to form an intimate connection with the E-ranker, bestowing my powers to her, just like I did with Park Heejin in the red gate. Song-Yi stiffens up as she feels me send her some of my strength, before relaxing into my embrace, as she remembered me sharing my essence with the older mage many hours ago.

She starts to moan lightly, Song-Yi starts to glow in a faint golden light, as my wings drape around her. I can feel her breasts start to rub against my chest as it feels like Song-Yi is trying to caress me with her entire body.

[Han Song-Yi has been bestowed a fraction of your power]

I crack my eyes open, and I'm greeted by Song-Yi with a huge smile on her cute face. Just like with Heejin before, it's instantly obvious that my bestowed has received a power boost.

She takes to her newfound powers immediately. Song-Yi jumps off the bed, curling her hands into fists, as a crackling holy lightning energy forms in each fist. As a fighter, I can already imagine her beating her opponents into a bloody and burnt mush, each of her punches should pack the force of a mini lightning strike. I'll have Igris train her, she now has the potential to become a strong hunter.

I shouldn't be surprised that she hopped more ranks than Heejin did, as each tier gets exponentially harder to climb. To go from an E-rank to a B-rank would be considered a miracle, as most reawakening hunters only rise one or two tiers.

Name: Han Song-Yi

Level: 31

Race Hunter (B)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: She can feel your warmth, she doesn't want to leave your side.

Affection: 100

"Mars..." Song-Yi sings out sweetly, staring at me with seductive eyes.

She jumps at me with greatly increased speed and strength, pinning me to the bed as she awkwardly mauls my face with her lips. Song-Yi starts by giving me light pecks on my cheek and jaw, before placing her lips on mine, crudely kissing me. She had shut her eyes once she began to kiss my lips, so she didn't notice when Jinah entered the room quietly.

I study Jinah's face as she slowly approached us, she seemingly has no problem as she just watches her best friend try to stick her tongue down my throat. Song-Yi only moans louder as I start to rub my dick against her panties, the thin layer of lace protecting her virginity. These emotions have been building since before the red gate, most likely since she witnessed me and Jinah lose ourselves in each other.

- Sung Jinah -

Jinah bit her lip as she watched her best friend grind against Mars on her own bed. She didn't dare make a peep and interrupt Song-Yi, as she remembered when Song-Yi silently observed Mars take her own first time. She had no problem returning the favor, as the two girls had already planned for this; the red gate incident only served to accelerate their plans of seducing Mars together.

The two best friends came to the conclusion that the slutty nurse trying to get with him was only the beginning in Mars' rise to fame. They realized countless women would try to win his heart, especially since he was revealed to be an S-rank hunter. Jinah shuddered as she thought of the bitches that might steal him away from her just because they were thirsty for him. How many women would throw themselves at any celebrity? Guildmaster Choi Jong-In was infamous for being an unashamed playboy. Certain perverted fangirls in the hunter's fan club at school were already writing smut stories about Seoul's Saint corrupting them. She didn't want to lose to girls like them, as she could never forget her amazing experience in Mars' hospital room.

She was immediately drawn back to the scene in her bedroom, as she watches Song-Yi rip her new panties off, grabbing Mars' erection and impatiently inserting it into her virginal pussy. Song-Yi's voice broke in a loud moan, as she slowly began to mount Mars, impaling herself on Mars' cock. Jinah flinched in pleasure as she witnessed her best friend clumsily ride him, the forceful impact of their thrusting echoing lewdly in the room.

Jinah could only pout a tiny bit, was that the difference between a human and a hunter? Even she realized the vast difference, as Mars was being overly gentle with her during her first time in the hospital. But with a fellow hunter he seems to be increasing his force with each pump.

"Ahh~" Song-Yi shuddered in pleasure and a bit of pain, as Jinah watched her climax after a couple minutes of relentless pounding.

Jinah had been rubbing her clit as she watched her best friend's surprisingly rough first time. She was entranced by her friend the entire time, her face twisted in pleasure. She could only wonder if she looked like that as well when she was with Mars. He slid Song-Yi off him, she collapsed onto him after she couldn't take it anymore. Song-Yi wasn't moving, she was in some sort of sex-fueled trance.

- Mars -

I take a second to wipe the sweat from my brow, as Song-Yi lay face down on a pillow, her plump ass looking irresistible. I can't help myself as I start to sheathe myself into her wet folds again, this time she feels even tighter as she is still feeling sensitive.

We both groan in ecstasy as I reach even deeper from this position, it was hot to watch her take control and ride me for her first time. This time I can go even faster, as I know a B-rank fighter is considerably more durable than any normal human.

The view of her wet pussy lips gripping my dick make me pump even harder than before, as I try to reach her deepest parts with each thrust. I can no longer hold back, and I feel my own climax coming, I start to buck wildly as I wanted to do this since before the red gate. I pull out the last possible second, grunting loudly as my dick smoothly slides between her cheeks as I cum all over her back. Song-Yi only trembles every couple seconds as I didn't really show her any mercy at the end, but she let out satisfied guttural moans while I was plowing her.

"I hope you're not too tired, Mars~" Jinah reminds me she's here as she grabs my erection, giving me a hungry look, before devouring my lips with a deep kiss. "This is going to be a long night..."

- The Next Day -

- Son Kihoon (Hunters Guild) -

The A-rank tank meditated with his eyes closed in front of the enormous A-rank gate. He took deep breaths, Son Kihoon was anxious because he was finally given a chance to lead the Hunters guild's second strike squad. Guildmaster Choi hadn't decided on the leader yet, as a few fellow A-rankers were given opportunities to lead previous dungeon raids. No one had done an amazing job yet, so the position was still up for grabs. He opened his eyes when he could hear a group walking up to him.

It was the rest of the B-team, it was a formidable group, made up of eleven A-rankers and six B-rankers. The B-rankers were quite close to A-rank strength, as well. He was quite positive they could handle whatever they might encounter in the dungeon, as they've fought as a group countless times.

The group was still a little confused, as the main strike force was supposed to clear the first dungeon today, but the guildmaster and vice guildmaster Cha already took care of it with Seoul's Saint. The whole guild was in a bit of a whirlwind with the situation, as there were conflicting reports on whether or not the Hunters guild recruited the newest S-ranker.

He felt even more eager and determined, if their guild gains another S-rank, then he would need to secure his place as the second strike team's leader.

"Kihoon Oppa, stop looking so nervous! You're making the rest of us anxious." Gina startled the tank from his thoughts. "Just because you're the raid leader this time doesn't mean anything special is going to happen. The magical energy coming out of this gate is a lot weaker than the one the S-rankers took care of. You're not going to solo this dungeon, remember all of us here are outstanding hunters."

"Sorry, I'm a bit on edge, maybe I just drank too much coffee..." Kihoon replied while rubbing his temples. "It didn't help that our porter was late!"

The rest of the strike team gathered around the two A-rank hunters for a pre-dungeon meeting.

"It'll all be fine, guildmaster Choi just called me to say vice-guildmaster Cha will be joining us after we enter the gate." The A-rank mage Gina announced to the forces assembled. "We'll have to do our best to show them that the B-team is no joke!"

The crowd broke out into light cheers as Kihoon felt the tense atmosphere disappear.

"Are you all ready?!" Son Kihoon felt rejuvenated and full of confidence. "Let's enter the gate!"

- Cha Hae-In (Hunters Guild) -

Hae-In stared out the window of her penthouse suite, with sleep deprived eyes, sipping tea as she watched the sunrise. She wasn't able to get much rest that night, as she could only replay the events of last night in the dungeon over and over again. Watching Mars and his summons in action certainly ignited the thrill of being a hunter. The ominous purple glow his shadows started to radiate meant they had to convince Mars to join their guild as soon as possible. Since awakening as an S-rank hunter, she didn't meet a single hunter who interested her. Mars was different.

He had the explicit approval of her mentor, Song Chi-Yul, and even more surprisingly, the rare respect of the chairman, Go Gunhee. The more she learned about the new S-ranker, the more she wanted to get to know him. She already missed him, her nose couldn't possibly forget the one hunter who didn't have a stench. Even guildmaster Choi teased her about Mars after the earth giant dungeon, was she that obvious with her growing crush?

Her phone vibrated, she was expecting the call of Hunters guild's best investigator. She called the guild's top information gatherer the day before, asking him to find as much material on Valentino Mars.

"Good morning, hunter Cha, thank you for being patient while I scoured the files." He greeted the vice-guildmaster professionally. "I'm sorry to say, but the Association has put up a lock on his data. This is my first time seeing such a high level of security on a hunter's data."

Annoyed her one lead quickly fizzled out, she quickly hung up on the informant, rolling her eyes when she started to get a call from Choi Jong-In.

"Yes?" Hae-In answered the phone with a cold tone.

"Sheesh, already so cruel to me before I even said anything~" The upbeat voice of her guildmaster this early already caused the beginnings of a migraine to form. "Thankfully, I have news that will cheer you up! I was able to track Mars' movements last night. Are you up for a wake-up call?"

"Send me his location." Hae-In orders her guildmaster as she ends the call, hastily entering her luxurious bathroom to get ready for the big day.

- Mars -

I rub the sleep from my eyes, the sun is shining through the curtains in Jinah's room. I enjoy some quiet time as both girls snore silently on each side. Last night I may have went overboard, but it's really the first time I had the opportunity to let loose, as I finally got to enjoy Jinah and Song-Yi's bodies as much as I wanted.

I take the time to go over my active quests.

[Quest: No More Hiding]

[Objective: Reach National Rank Status]

[Reward: ?]

I'm close to completing this one, what reward is it going to be this time? I should be ready for anything once I'm National rank, whether it's other hunters or even my fellow Monarchs...

Conquer the remaining Monarchs (0/7)

Clear Jeju Island (incomplete)

Take over Seoul (incomplete)

Build a Lair (incomplete)

Acquire a General (incomplete)

Gather Minions (1/1000)

Corrupt Maidens (2/3)

Since when did I gain a minion? Maybe it's Park Heejin, since I bestowed her my powers? Does Song-Yi not count since she's considered a maiden, instead? Either way it looks like this will be my first task completed for Venus.

So far, Go Gunhee is the top candidate for my General. It was originally Woo Jinchul, but if I keep the old chairman alive, then I would have the perfect puppet. He would be able to easily take care of any politics or bureaucracy for me. I'll let my General take care of all the boring stuff, while I get to have more fun.

I sense a powerful hunter nearby, right in time for me to hear them ring the doorbell. With a yawn, I send out Igris to answer the door, as there are not that many hunters who could fit the power profile. At the very least, no one at this level should be hostile to me, so I know I'll be safe, as I don't sense any ill will from the source.

- Cha Hae-In (Hunters Guild) -

Hae-In fought off a yawn, she was barely able to take a shower and change into her battle outfit in her half awake state. She had called an uber to get to Mars' location as soon as possible.

The woman started to panic as she rang the doorbell. She suddenly realized the implication when guildmaster Choi said he was staying overnight with a close friend. Remembering his file, his only close friends were two girls, former classmates hunter Han Song-Yi and human Sung Jinah. The same Sung household she is currently visiting, as she reads the family name on the mailbox outside the door.

She was told by her mentor that Sung Jinwoo lost his leg in the double dungeon incident, she briefly went over his file, knowing he is still recovering in the hospital. So that would only mean he was staying with Jinah. Did Mars already have a girlfriend? Hae-In felt a slight pain in her chest, as she never could have considered the possibility. His sudden power gain and evolution surely would have triggered the admiration of one of the two women already close to him.

The door suddenly opened, as Mars' bodyguard Igris greeted Cha Hae-In. Igris had changed considerably since she first met the summon. It was just a couple days ago, but the S-rank summon was rapidly approaching her power level now, as both sword specialists observed each other's ability. The ghastly purple aura gave her chills, but surprisingly the summon didn't have a foul stench either. She thought briefly about the dungeon raid last night, and realized neither the bear nor the elf made her want to gag, as every other dungeon monster smelled horrible to her. The earth giant Mars resurrected stopped leaking the putrid energy as soon as he revived the creature.

Both S-rankers stared at each other for a moment, before Igris bowed politely, opening the door for her to enter. She nodded back to the strangely gallant shadow, as she respectfully entered the household. Igris motioned the swordswoman to sit down on the couch, as the knight started to prepare tea, placing four teacups on the table. Four cups? She never thought about it, but do Mars' summons need to eat and drink?

Her thoughts were soon interrupted when a very naked Mars walked out of one of the bedrooms. Hae-In's face turned into a tomato when her eyes looked up and down the yawning Mars. She audibly gasped when her wandering gaze naturally fell onto his morning wood. She didn't realize she was staring until one of his wings covered him up, Hae-In had to muster up all her courage to even look up to Mars after she was caught ogling him.

He had a lazy smirk on his face, she could feel her cheeks heating up when she realized he was checking her out just as blatantly.


- Son Kihoon (Hunters Guild) -

As the first time raid leader stepped through the gate, he trembled when he felt an ominous feeling from further inside. They spawned inside a cave, the glowing magic crystals found at the entrance signal much more valuable treasure deeper in the dungeon. It was far too quiet inside the cavern, as he expected monsters to greet them as soon as they entered.

"Okay, let's move." He silently took charge of the group of hunters, the beginning of a dungeon was always the most angsty.

He tentatively marched forward, ready to block any surprise attacks. With each step, the more uneasy he felt. Kihoon shook off the intrusive thoughts with a practiced ease, while he may not be like master Choi or vice-master Cha, he still considered himself one of the best among the A-ranks.

The eerie silence was broken as the sounds of dungeon beasts rapidly approaching the group rang throughout the cave. Without a single instruction, the battle-tested group tightened into formation, Kihoon and the tanks of the party ready for what was coming. The mages in the middle of the party were ready to cast any spell at a moment's notice.

"What..." Kihoon uttered to himself as he spotted sets of red eyes emerging from the darkness of the cave. "Th...those are dungeon jackal?!"

A surprisingly healthy pack of red jackal beasts charged the waiting group, the monsters at the front were slain as the A-rank tankers easily blocked and slashed the C-rank monsters in half. Gina took care of the remaining jackals in the back, as she conjured and fired rocks, the weak monsters had no chance against the barrage of missiles.

"How did these jackals even survive? Any B or A-rank beast higher on the food chain in the gate would have already hunted them down to extinction." The purple-haired healer of the strike force questioned the confusing appearance of the monster. "Not only was there a large amount, they all looked to be well-fed. There should be not a single monster these dungeon jackal could hunt in an A-rank dungeon.

"Look! Leash marks..." Gina noticed the jackals that weren't decapitated all had a trace of a leash. "Someone has been raising these things..."

"So what intellectual beasts would keep these jackals alive as hunting dogs?" Kihoon asked the group who had let their guard down momentarily.

Suddenly, the magical pressure from further inside the gate tripled, triggering the survival instincts of every hunter present. The group was temporarily frozen in place, as the sheer density of the mana paralyzed the hunters.

The dreadful noise of a pack of countless monsters coming out of the darkness made Kihoon cringe in place. A large group of red-skinned orcs revealed themselves, their red eyes shining. Every orc was covered in tribal like tattoos, the markings symbolizing a veteran warrior with plenty of kills under it's belt.

"Oh my god..." He felt a cold sweat drop down his spine. "High Orcs?!"

He counted over twenty bloodthirsty high orcs. Not only are they vastly outnumbered, but each red orc is powerful enough to contend with an A-rank hunter.