- Mars -

[You have used Shadow Exchange. 2 hours 59 minutes until the skill can be used again]

Whoa, one moment I'm in the Radiru castle and the next I'm back in Seoul. Luckily I placed an infantryman in Gunhee's shadow before I left for the Demon Castle.

My senses are going overload since I'm surrounded by S-rankers everywhere I look.

"Hey." I greet the chairman, noticing the confused stares aimed at me. I take off my helmet to show the hunters I'm a friendly. "Sorry I'm late."

"Ah, young Mars!" Gunhee greeted me with a smile plastered on his face. "You are just in time!"

"Mars... Where did you come from?" Baek Yoonho asked me, his eyes were round in confusion. "I didn't sense you at all."

"It's a long story, let's just say I can switch places with my shadows every now and then." I reveal, looking to change the subject right away. "So... We're doing some training, right?"

Name: Go Gunhee

Level: 96

Race: Hunter (Ruler Vessel)

Class: Monk

Title: S-rank among S-rank, the Sky above the Skies

Thoughts about you: He is glad you returned, he believes you really can solo Jeju Island. You surpass his expectations every time he meets with you.

Reputation: 100

Name: Cha Hae-In

Level: 83

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Master Swordswoman

Title: The Dancer

Thoughts about you: She missed you, she's wondering how you got that new pair of wings. She wants you to reconnect with her kumdo master, Song Chi-Yul.

Affection: 90

Name: Choi Jong-In

Level: 76

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Grand Sorcerer (Fire)

Title: The Ultimate Soldier

Thoughts about you: He wants to thank you for saving three of his hunters from the high orc gate. Will literally do or offer you anything if it means you joining his guild.

Reputation: 50

Name: Baek Yoonho

Level: 74

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Brawler (Tiger Transformation)

Thoughts about you: He's been carefully observing your power growth with his beast eyes since you re-awakened. He still can't believe that you can continuously grow this much so fast. Wants to ally with you, regardless of which guild you end up joining.

Reputation: 80

Name: Lim Tae-Gyu

Level: 68

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Ranger

Thoughts about you: Heard many things about you from the news. He hopes there's a chance you could join his Reaper's guild, since you haven't accepted any offers yet.

Reputation: 10

Name: Ma Dongwook

Level: 56

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Tanker

Thoughts about you: He wants to see how strong you are compared to Goto Ryuji or Go Gunhee.

Reputation: 15

Name: Woo Jinchul

Level: 49

Race: Hunter (A)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: He wants to know where you were the past couple days. How did you to grow this much?

Reputation: 80

The last time I was here with everyone, I was barely stronger than Lim Tae-Gyu. My old self can't even hold a candle to my new powers and shadows.

"Yes, we were just starting with some light sparring." Gunhee clapped his hands together. "Goto-san, are you and your hunters ready?"

I turn to the Japanese guildmaster, who is whispering something to the woman next to him.

"You guys go ahead and start without us, we need to change and warm up." The woman next to Ryuji announced in Korean to the rest of us.

Goto Ryuji and his squad disappeared further into the building, where Woo Jinchul escorted them to the change rooms.

"Young Mars, do you need to prepare as well?" Gunhee asked me while he rolled up the sleeves on his uniform.

"No. I'm ready, chairman Gunhee." I start to take off my armor, feeling overdressed, as the S-ranks gathered here are mostly wearing plain black shirts with cargo pants and boots. Go Gunhee and Ma Dongwook went more traditional, the two eldest hunters here are wearing Korean doboks.

"Mars... You're back!" Cha Hae-In approached me, sporting a pretty smile.

"Hae-In noona!" I greeted her, feeling the urge to tease her as soon as I was reunited with her.

"Noona?!" Hae-In's face instantly exploded, not expecting that.

"Heh, sorry... Did you hate it?" I said, glancing at Gunhee suppressing his laughter.

"No..." She sheepishly said, looking down, a hint of a smile on her face still apparent.

"Mars, please stop flirting with my vice-guildmaster, you're making her nervous..." Choi Jong-In joined the conversation, a shit eating grin on his face. "Why don't you and your shadows face off against us? We got some time to kill before the Japanese hunters will be ready. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who wants to see how strong your summons really are..."

"Heh, that sounds fun to me." I call out the strongest Korean hunters around me. "Who wants a piece of me~"

With that offer, all five active S-rankers stepped up, wanting to see how I fight up close.

"Chairman Gunhee? I believe we have a bet to settle..." I turn to the lone man who didn't join the rest of the Korean hunters.

"A bet?" Baek Yoonho asked us. "What's this about, chairman?"

"Just a gentlemen's agreement." I answer the curious White Tiger guildmaster. "If I lose to him in a duel, I have to join the Korean Association..."

"What?!" Hae-In shouted out, looking at me in worry.

"Haha! Now that's amusing!" Ma Dongwook laughed out, as an outsider he doesn't have a dog in this fight.

"Okay Mars, a bet is a bet. I'll need to switch places with one of you, we will need someone to act as a referee." Gunhee nodded, cracking his knuckles, joining the other S-ranks.

"I'll switch out." Choi Jong-In offered immediately.

- Choi Jong-In (Hunters Guild) -

"What are the rules?" Mars asked the rest of the hunters assembled, who were all taking this sparring session seriously.

"Since we don't want anybody to get hurt before the raid, why don't we keep the rules simple?" Baek Yoonho suggested. "Whoever can knock their opponent over will be considered the winner."

"Because it's a group competition, whichever team to knock out someone from the other team first will gain the tide of battle..." Mars thought out loud, the corners of his mouth turned up.

"Exactly." Jong-In nodded, feeling the rules were fair. "For team Korea we have hunter Baek Yoonho, Ma Dongwook, Cha Hae-In, Lim Tae-Gyu and finally, chairman Go Gunhee! Mars, who will participate for your team?"

Choi Jong-In was more than happy to get front row seats to observe Mars and his summons battle up close. He was wondering just how strong he is now, he was easily on Go Gunhee's enhanced level now.

He watched as Mars' shadow expanded, covering the whole gymnasium floor. Jong-In shivered a little bit, as Mars seemed to transform, his eyes glowed purple while his shadow shifted unnaturally.

"Igris. Tusk. Baruka. Tank." Mars uttered out, and instantly four S-rank summons arose from his shadow.

The temperature in the gym noticeably dropped, as Mars and his soldiers stared down the most powerful and influential people in the whole country.

Mars' fearsome knight, Igris, stared down Cha Hae-In. Both swords specialists sizing each other up.

"LET'S GET STARTED!" Fame guildmaster Ma Dongwook shouted out, performing his Gigantification, the already large man doubling in size.

In response to the burly hunter breaking the tense silence with his battle cry, the hooded high orc on Mars' side drastically grew in size, rushing the bearded man.

"Mars is mine." Gunhee called out, motionless, as the strongest members on both teams carefully watched each other.

The ferocious shadow bear roared out loud, shaking the whole gym, before it charged at Baek Yoonho. Yoonho's hair turned white, his hands shifting into massive claws just in time to clash with the charging bear.

"Lady Cha." Igris bowed to Hae-In, before he pulled out his sheathed sword. "Would you like to have a proper duel instead?"

"Igris." She nodded back to him, reaching for her sword nearby. "Let's."

The two jumped farther away from the rest of the battle, wanting to have a duel uninterrupted by the other fighters.

Mars made the first move between the two captains, flying at the chairman, purple fire in his eyes. Gunhee was completely covered in a golden energy, lightning crackling through his veins. Mars was similarly encased in a purple spectral energy, the same bright lightning was freely flowing through his arms and wings.

The final two remaining were ranger and Fiend guildmaster Lim Tae-Gyu, who was nervously looking at the shadow elf. The shadow Hyakki cracked an evil smile, licking his lips before turning invisible.

"Oh come on!" Tae-Gyu yelled out. "Why do I get the freak summon?!"

It was hard even for Jong-In to keep track of all the different fights across the gym, his eyes darting from one battle to the next.

He was drawn to the battle between giants, watching as Ma Dongwook struggled to flip over the high orc, who was simply too heavy to lift up at that amplified size.

"Huh?!" Dongwook blurted out in surprise, the tanker was lifted up into the air. "Gravity magic?!"

The red-skinned orc let out a brutish laugh, grabbing the suspended Dongwook, swiftly slamming him into the ground.

"Haha..." The large tanker laughed to himself, sprawled in the crater on the mat the heavy impact generated. "That's a first..."

"Ma Dongwook has been eliminated!" Jong-In shouted out loud to the rest of the fighters.

Another bone rattling roar shook the battlefield, he looked to the source, where Baek Yoonho was in his full transformation state. Yoonho's face resembled a monstrous tiger, short orange hair now a full white mane. His entire torso and arms were transformed, he was currently more beast than man.

The shadow bear he was trying to keep at bay was relentless. But with the guildmaster going all out, he was able to overpower the shadow beast, flipping it onto its back.

"Mars' bear has been eliminated!" Jong-In sweat a bit, watching the fight progress. "For a single bear summon to force Yoonho to go full Tiger..."

"Where is that damn elf?!" Lim Tae-Gyu cried out, the uneasy hunter was looking everywhere for any sign of his invisible adversary. "Show yoursel-"

The creepy elf summon finally revealed himself, right behind the unaware ranger, slamming the guildmaster onto the mat with a picture perfect German suplex.

"Oww..." He whined, his body flipped upside down.

"Pffft. Lim Tae-Gyu has been eliminated!" He couldn't help but laugh at the Fiend guildmaster's pathetic showing.

At first Jong-In was worried, not wanting Mars to end up joining the Korean Association of all possible groups. As the battle progressed, he realized just how outmatched the hunters are.

Hae-In was swinging as hard as she could at Igris, the dreadful knight was only playing defense, completely blocking or parrying each of Hae-In's attacks. Chairman Gunhee and Mars looked to be evenly matched, but it was clear neither man was going all out, rather they were slowly testing each other's skills.

He turned back to Baek Yoonho, who was fending off both the high orc and the ice elf, but it was clear Yoonho was getting overwhelmed. Since he had to keep a close eye on the orc at all times, it gave the ice elf plenty of time to launch quick attacks from various directions. Unfortunately for Yoonho, it seems Mars' shadow summons don't ever run out of stamina.

"AARGH!" Baek Yoonho growled at the two summons.

Yoonho finally caught the elf by his throat, anticipating the elf's next target. But it was enough to distract the White Tiger, the orc summon managed to hurl the occupied Yoonho onto the mat.

"Aha, the White Kitty has been eliminated~" He sang out, never missing an opportunity to roast his rival guildmaster.

"Ugh... Watch it, Choi Jong-In..." Yoonho huffed out in frustration, transforming back to normal.

He noticed the high orc and ice elf summons both walk off the mat, joining the giant shadow bear to the side. Did they not want to interfere in the two remaining duels?

"This is quite fun!" Go Gunhee admitted, as the two men jockeyed for position. "Shall we take it up a notch?"

"That's fine with me!" Mars replied with an energetic expression on his face.

Mars tightened the grapple the two men were in, his 6 wings flexing, glowing slightly. He flew into the air, Gunhee trapped in his hold.

"Oh dear." Gunhee said to himself, bracing himself as Mars forcibly switched directions, crashing into the ground.

The deafening slam caused the gymnasium to shake one more time, the smoke and dust clearing after a moment, Gunhee on the floor on his back, a satisfied smile on his face.

"That was a good spar young Mars." Go Gunhee coughed, before he laughed to himself. "Looks like I'm still pretty rusty..."

"Heh, yep. You've just been out of practice for a while." Mars beamed at the chairman, helping the old man up. "I've kinda been fighting nonstop for the past couple of days."

"C-chairman Go Gunhee has been eliminated!" Jong-In announced late, he was distracted with the National-ranked scuffle.

"My god. They're all monsters." Park Jongsoo sighed out, feeling worthless at the moment. "If I fought with that A-rank translator lady earlier... It would have looked like kids play compared to these guys."

"T-that's not true, Hyung-nim! You looked pretty damn cool as well!" Jung Yoontae tried to cheer up his guildmaster.

Everyone in the gym who wasn't already watching turned their attention to the final battle, where it looked like Hae-In was in a real fight with Igris. The struggle on her face was clear, as Igris continued to ward off all of Hae-In's strikes.

"She's using it..!" Jong-In watched the duel carefully, where Hae-In was forced to use one of her ultimate abilities, Sword Dance.

Igris seemed to notice the change in her demeanor, adjusting his stance in preparation for her attack. The mana around Hae-In began to shine gold, and in a blink she was in the air, using her graceful and devastating sword skill. She finally struck Mars' summon, Sword Dance increased her attack speed significantly.

Choi Jong-In, having participated in countless dungeon raids with her, immediately noticed what she was about to do next: her other ultimate maneuver, Blade of Light. He knew Hae-In only used the attack when her back was against the wall, she must really want to win this duel. The glowing mana around her began to manifest around her weapon, transforming her sword into pure light.

The blade sliced through Igris, right through his chest plate. The great knight, as if acting purely on instinct, counter attacked Hae-In, hitting the tired swordswoman on her face with the hilt of his great sword in a fraction of a second.

She fell to the ground, mostly due to exhaustion, using all her energy just to land a couple strikes on the inhuman knight.

"Ugh..." His vice-guildmaster groaned in pain, blood was leaking out of her nose.

- Mars -

"Igris." I call my first summon, who immediately drops down to one knee, knowing he fucked up.

I rush over to Hae-In, holding her in my arms as I start to cast [Heal]. Her whole body is enveloped in a golden energy, as I look over her injuries. Thankfully Igris barely clipped her, her attack must have been powerful enough to trigger Igris' lightning fast reflexes.

"Luckily it's likely just a bloody nose." I try my best at diagnosing her, pinching her nose for her. "Are you okay, Hae-In noona?"

"...Yes." Hae-In answered, leaning against me as my healing magic restores her burst blood vessels in her nose.

"I would like to apologize Lady Cha..." Igris deeply bowed to her in regret.

"It's no problem, Igris..." Hae-In chuckled to herself. "If anything, I should take it as a compliment you instinctually hit me. I was swinging pretty hard at you..."

"Mars... Since when can you use healing magic?!" Baek Yoonho questioned me, as multiple hunters gathered around us.

"Oh yeah. It's a pretty new ability of mine, actually." I answer, as the S-ranks look at me in fear, respect and bewilderment.

"We should take her to the doctor's office near the gymnasium, in case she has a concussion." An unfamiliar voice spoke behind me. "It's great to finally meet you, Mars."

Name: Min Byung-Gyu

Level: 63

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Healer

Thoughts about you: He's heard a lot about you from Baek Yoonho, initially not believing how strong he claimed you are. He thinks Yoonho might have underplayed your powers. He doesn't exactly know how to feel about there being another S-rank healer in Korea.

Reputation: 35

"Right, it's best to get her actually checked out." I help Hae-In to her feet, she seems okay. "It's good to meet you, hunter Min. Please take care of her."

"You can depend on me!" The S-rank healer had a bright smile on his face, as he made a pose.

"Actually, Mars. Byung-Gyu here isn't technically a hunter..." Choi Jong-In cut in, always ready to slander someone he didn't get along with.

"Shut up, four-eyes..." Byung-Gyu groaned, as if he's used to Jong-In's barbs. "Let's go, hunter Cha."

"Are you really okay Hae-In~" The Hunters guildmaster joined the two as they walked out of the gym, trading insults the whole way.

I guess it's true, combat oriented hunters usually love to fight, while healers all love to heal. Is that an inherent trait to all hunters?

"The training facility has been built and fortified using the greatest magic gems out there. Your average hunters wouldn't have been able to make a single dent, but we managed to make quite the mess of this room." Go Gunhee sighed out, looking amused more than anything else. "I think it's best to say we lost the competition..."

"So chairman... Do you believe I can take care of Jeju Island by myself now?" I ask Gunhee with a confident smirk.

"Ahem. Sorry to interrupt." The Japanese woman spoke in Korean, alerting us of her and the Blade guild's presence.

I look to the group of Japanese hunters that must have been standing there for a while.

Name: Goto Ryuji

Level: 89

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Samurai

Title: Japan's Greatest Hunter

Thoughts about you: Threatened by your presence, didn't realize you were this strong when he read about you. Trying to decide if you're a real threat or someone he can poach.

Reputation: -15

Name: Hanekawa

Level: 48

Race: Hunter (A)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: She doesn't think you're as impressive as her guildmaster.

Affection: 5

Name: Reiji Sugimoto

Level: 81

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Mage

Thoughts about you: The vice-guildmaster is thinking of ways to recruit you to the Blade guild.

Reputation: 15

Name: Minoru Hoshino

Level: 79

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: Impressed there was a Korean hunter this strong, wants to see you challenge Goto Ryuji.

Reputation: 10

Name: Akari Shimizu

Level: 75

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Healer

Thoughts about you: Thinks you and Cha Hae-In look adorable together. She's already shipping you two in her mind.

Affection: 20

Name: Kanae Tawata

Level: 77

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Swordswoman

Thoughts about you: She liked how easily you took control of the situation. Impressed with Igris' abilities, wonders if you wield a sword as well.

Affection: 20

Name: Mari Ishida

Level: 76

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Mage

Thoughts about you: She can't wait to talk about this event on her next livestream. Wonders if she can get a quick selfie with you.

Affection: 15

I guess the Japanese S-rank hunters really were a lot stronger than the Korean S-rankers. I wonder how strong the other five S-rankers sent to Jeju were. Wait... If Beru did consume them, did he absorb their abilities?

"Ah. Sorry about that. I know you came all the way out here, but as it turns out, you won't be needed." Go Gunhee announced to them in Japanese, baffling them, before he turned to me with a knowing smile. "I believe you can, Mars."

"What do you mean?" Goto Ryuji asked the chairman to clarify exactly what he meant by that. "You don't need us for the Jeju Island raid?!"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean, Goto-san." Gunhee seemed to enjoy breaking the news to Ryuji.

"You're kidding..." Ryuji's forehead furrowed, not understanding. "You mean to tell me you plan on clearing the island with just your Korean hunters?!"

"Well not exactly... I might as well tell you, everyone will hear about it soon enough." Gunhee gestured to me. "Young Mars here will clear the island of the ants."

"Seriously... One kid by himself?!" The samurai looked at us like we were batshit insane, before whispering into Hanekawa's ear.

"Mister hunter, there is a message that guildmaster Goto wants to tell you." The slender woman relayed his message to me. "Your name is Mars, correct? Would it be alright if we had a one-on-one fight?"

"That's fine with me Ryuji-kun~" I taunt him, shocking them when I reply back in fluent Japanese, thanking my built-in universal translator. "And about me clearing the island alone... I will have the help of my shadow soldiers."

Igris, Tusk, Baruka and Tank gather behind me staring the man down.

"Don't get cocky you brat!" Ryuji sneered at me, fury building up in his eyes. "So what if you have a couple strong summons? Tell me what happens if you die? Will your precious shadow soldiers save you then?!"

"You shouldn't underestimate me..." I warn the guildmaster, feeling the urge to humiliate him in front of everybody. I call forth some more of my S-rank shadows, my orc generals and Hyakki warriors.

The atmosphere in the gym cools down rapidly, my ice slayers are glaring at the Japanese hunters with bloodlust in their eyes. My orc generals surround me, daring him or any of his hunters to try anything funny.

"HAHAHA... I knew it was a good idea to stay in town for a while!" The menacing laughter drew everyone's attention to the entrance, where a hulk of a man stood, his overwhelming power clear to every hunter present.

Name: Thomas Andre

Level: 120

Race: Hunter (Ruler Vessel)

Class: Tanker

Title: The Goliath

Thoughts about you: He likes the bloodlust you're leaking, curious to see what's going to happen next.

Reputation: 15

Name: Hwang Dongsoo

Level: 90

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Brawler

Thoughts about you: Grudgingly feels the slight difference in power, doesn't want Thomas Andre to replace him with you. Wary of your shadow soldiers.

Reputation: - 10

Name: Laura

Race: Human

Occupation: Scavenger Guild Secretary

Thoughts about you: She is well aware of your potential, knowing that you can upgrade other hunters.

Affection: 5

Well isn't this a nice surprise... I wondered when I was going to run into these guys, I can't say I expected them to barge inside the gym like that.

Looks like I don't need to worry about fighting Thomas right now, I guess he'd rather instigate the beef between Ryuji and I.

The remaining hunters looked to the American, either in fear or utter confusion.

"Thomas Andre?!" Goto Ryuji's jaw dropped, not expecting to run into the strongest hunter in the world here in Seoul.

"Ahh you're that samurai guy, right? Don't mind us." The Goliath took a seat, comfortably relaxing in the atmosphere he made worse. "I'm just here for the show."

- Goto Ryuji (Blade Guild) -

What the hell is this... The lingering presence he sensed in the airport earlier really was Thomas Andre?!

"So... Ryuji-kun~" Mars continued as if the strongest hunter in the world didn't just walk inside to watch the altercation. "I'm willing to fight you, but only if you're at full strength. Of course, I won't be holding back either!"

Is this kid being serious right now? Well our S-rank healer Shimizu is here, so nobody will get seriously wounded. He turned to the girl who always had a lollipop in her mouth.

"Fine by me." He agreed, not wanting to show cowardice in front of Thomas Andre. "Shimizu, make sure to stay ready when Mars gets injured."

"Alright." Mars shrugged, stretching his wings. "Then let's get start-"

As soon as the kid began to talk, Ryuji leapt forward, aiming for the pretty boy's face. His lethal palm strike somehow missed, the brat was able to dodge the surprise attack a the last possible moment.

"-ed." Mars finished his sentence, a clear smile on his face. "You're fast."

Ryuji felt the clear dishonor, as he used his hand like a blade, aiming for the kid's throat. He increased his speed, trying to teach the brat what happens when one disrespects their elders.

Mars continued to dodge the attacks with ease, smiling at Ryuji while he moved side to side.

This kid dares to smile again?!

"Shouldn't we be stopping this match?" Mari Ishida asked her fellow Blade members. "It seems Goto-san is taking this match too seriously."

"Those are some scary attacks.. It's nearly too fast for me to track with my eyes." Lim Tae-Gyu commented to Ma Dongwook.

"But hunter Valentino Mars is holding on pretty well." Dongwook agreed. "There aren't that many who can dodge that many blows thrown from the best hunter of Japan."

"He isn't just holding on..." Yoonho watched the fight with his beast eyes. "Even amongst the unending attacks released by Goto, he's continuously taunting him to throw even more!"

"If I don't use my full strength, I'll end up losing to the kid..." Ryuji realized as Mars effortlessly dodged his strikes. "You think you can play around with me?!"

- Mars -

As I toyed with Ryuji, I suddenly felt a ton of bloodlust leak out from him.

Name: Goto Ryuji

Level: 89

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Samurai

Title: Japan's Greatest Hunter

Thoughts about you: He changed his mind about you, he's trying to kill you.

Reputation: -50

It's probably not the best idea to kill Ryuji surrounded by all these strong hunters and guildmasters, in front of the media. As much as I would love to make him my shadow right now, I feel like there will come a better opportunity to add him as a soldier. For now, soundly defeating him in front of everybody should be plenty satisfying.

He increased his speed, aiming for my eyes, giving me the chance to catch his left hand-blade with my right hand. I throw a feint with one of my wings, forcing him to use his one free hand to block. This gives me the perfect window to punch him quite hard near the base of his sternum, aiming for his solar plexus.

Ryuji instantly crumpled onto the mat, going into shock in more ways than one, thanks to the electricity I packed in the punch.

"Urrgh!" Ryuji struggled to even breathe after that vital strike, his nerves must be going haywire right now.

The Japanese hunter could barely look up at me, the pain was visible on his face.

"Let's stop this match for now." Go Gunhee stepped in between us. "Since things got out of hand, let's just end it for the day."

"O-Okay..!" Hanekawa accepted in a mild panic, gesturing for their healer to get to work.

"Awww!" Thomas Andre whined out loud. "It was just getting started though~"

"Mars, let's go to my office for a moment." The chairman suggested, wanting to remove me from the potentially volatile situation as fast as possible.

I recalled all of my shadows except Igris, following Go Gunhee and Woo Jinchul to the exit.

"It's nice to meet you in person, Mars." Thomas Andre hollered out loud so all the hunters could hear him. "I'll be speaking with you very soon!"

- Later -

I'm seated on Gunhee's couch, in his modest office at the hunters Association building. Woo Jinchul is standing behind the old man, sitting at the desk opposite me.

"Congratulations, Mars. Your summons triumphed over the best hunters our country could offer..." Gunhee nodded in humble defeat. "But you also soundly beat me head to head. It's my complete loss."

Quest Completed: A Bet with the Chairman

Objective: Clear the Demon Castle in 4 days

Hidden Objective: Defeat Go Gunhee in a Spar

Reward: Go Gunhee is now eligible to become your [General]

Perfect. Now how should I start? My General will be my right hand man when it comes to the upcoming War. I don't know for sure when the Monarch's Gates are going to spawn, but I have to be prepared for an ambush. I have no idea what they're plotting.

"Sir, about Jeju..." I start off the serious talk with a pre-discussed topic.

"Do not worry, young Mars. I will take care of it all. The media, the other guilds and even Goto Ryuji." He assured me. "Just focus on clearing the island, and nothing more."

"Thank you, chairman but I have quite a bit more to discuss with you here." I admit to both men, who can sense the grave importance in my tone. "It's related to why I want to be recognized as a National-rank hunter as soon as possible. I need the authority that comes with being one of the top hunters in the world."

"Why is that?" Gunhee asked me, wondering where I'm going with this.

"The gates, the monsters, hunters, magic crystals... It's all a prelude." I pause to take a break. "I'm sure you're both well aware of the skyrocketing magical energies and mana being generated all across the globe. Do you think it's a coincidence so many hunters are awakening to their powers every day?"

"It's pretty obvious how different the mana levels are in the country. Even a couple months ago, it wasn't even half as plentiful as it is now." Woo Jinchul nodded in understanding.

"A prelude to what, exactly?" Gunhee peered into my eyes, knowing I'm telling the truth.

"War." I reveal to them. "On a scale you couldn't even imagine. Picture all of Canada, completely wiped off the map in less than a day."

Both men were silent for a moment, thinking of the severity of my words.

I have to think about what I unveil to them or any of my trusted confidants. The Gamer System for example, will only ever be known between me, Ashborn and Venus. I will chalk up any of my Gamer privileges as Monarch or Ruler powers. While I thought about giving him one of the Holy Water of Life potions, I decided I'll hold on to them for now, until I can somehow find a way to create more.

"World War 3?" Jinchul guessed, taking off his sunglasses. "The National rank hunters are going to war?"

"No, much worse." I disclose. "Ancient monsters, looking to wipe out the human race."

"Monsters will come and destroy the planet?" Gunhee asked, trying to imagine the worst. "How strong are these monsters?"

"Two ancient races, representing light and darkness, that completely transcend humanity. Rulers and Monarchs." I answer. "The Monarchs all have power surpassing National rank, and they all command their own armies. If you thought the dragon Kamish was a calamity, think of an entire army of dragons annihilating the Earth. And not just dragons, but all kinds of monsters: Magic beasts, snow folk, monstrous humanoids, insects, giants and more..."

"These Monarchs you're talking about... What can we do to stop them then?" Woo Jinchul questioned me. "And what of the Rulers?"

"The National rank hunters, including you, Go Gunhee... The Rulers have shared some of their powers with hunters who can handle them. As for the rest of humanity, the Rulers are saturating the world with mana, thanks to the gates, magical crystals, captured monsters." I carefully explain. "It's all so humanity isn't completely wiped out in the coming War. Honestly there's not much we can do right now to stop them. Only I can."

"Only you?!" Gunhee looked at me with anxiety. "So we're supposed to just sit around and wait? I don't suppose you have any proof?"

"My wings, my powers and abilities... Do you think any part of me is normal? After my reawakening in that double dungeon, I became part Ruler and Monarch." I shrug. "I'm just asking you to trust me. Once I have undeniable proof, I will present myself to the international hunter community, but saying anything now will just breed chaos."

"Mars..." Gunhee nodded to me in reluctant acceptance. "It sounds like you need help, then?"

"Exactly. I need you and the rest of the Association's support." I request their assistance. "I need to expand my shadow army, so that I can fight the Monarch's armies. Clearing Jeju Island helps me with two of my goals: Becoming National rank and of course, I can revive any dead ants into my legion of summons. Chairman Gunhee, I need you to be my General."

"Okay Mars... What do you need me to do?" Gunhee accepted instantly.

"For now, I need you to announce to the world my identity. Let everyone know my goal of soloing the S-rank Jeju Island by myself. Of course, I expect people will ridicule us, but once I show the world my unyielding power, they will have no choice but to listen to me." I sincerely ask the influential man. "And I'll need you to take care of the media, the government, other international guilds, really any unimportant distractions that will stand in my way. I promise things will make more sense in the coming days."

"I believe you Mars, you have my full support." Gunhee confirmed. "If you need anything, just ask."

"Thank you, sir, I will." I shake his hand, turning to Woo Jinchul, giving him a handshake. "And thank you, Inspector Jinchul. I'll be relying on your support now more than ever."

"Mars, you've been a great help to us as well." Jinchul gave me an earnest smile.

[Woo Jinchul's Reputation has been Maxed and Locked]

"Jeju Island." I stand up, preparing to leave for the night. "I'm clearing it tomorrow."

- Later -

- Sung Jinah -

"Wait Jinah, why did Mars ask us to meet in mom's hospital room?" Sung Jinwoo asked his sister, who was rolling him inside their mother's hospital room.

"He didn't tell me why exactly, but he said it was serious." She replied, just as confused as him.

While the two waited, the window to their mother's room opened, Mars arriving right after them, having flown up a dozen floors.

"Hey guys." Mars greeted the two siblings, embracing Jinah in his arms. "I missed you."

"Mars!" Jinwoo smiled at him. "You look a lot stronger, again."

"Yeah. I was out training... But more importantly, I got my hands on this potion." He said, pulling out a small vial, filled with a red liquid. "Jinah remember when you told me about your mom? This will cure her."

"Huh? But the Eternal Slumber is incurable!" She yelled out in disbelief. "The doctors all said the best we can do is just keep her on life support, until they figure out a cure!"

"By mundane means, sure." Mars looked deep into her eyes, before he turned to Jinwoo. "But this is a magical potion. I promise you, it'll work. Do you guys trust me?"

The siblings looked at each other for a moment, understanding just how close Mars got with both of them.

"I trust you, Mars." Her brother answered for them, knowing Mars wouldn't make a cruel joke like this.

They both watched as Mars uncorked the vial, carefully opening their mother's mouth, pouring the mysterious fluid down her throat, not wasting a drop.

Instantly, their mother's pale face became flush with color, as if she was no longer a breathing corpse. Mars stared intently at the dormant woman, as if he was expecting her to just wake up at any moment.

"Mars, I don't thin-" Jinwoo began to speak, before he was rendered speechless.

"Is that... you, Jinwoo?" Their mother sat up from the bed, as if she woke up from a long nap. "Just how long was I asleep?"

Jinah couldn't stop the tears that were already leaking from her eyes, racing over to her mom, not wanting to let go of her.

"M-Mom..." She felt herself lose control of her body, sobbing into her mother's embrace.

"4 years..." Jinwoo's voice broke, he also felt a dam of emotions break. "It's been 4 years..."

"My daughter's all grown up..." Her mom held Jinah tight, looking over to Jinwoo. "Thank you, son. You kept your promise."

Their mom held Jinwoo's hand in hers, as both siblings let out all their stored tears.

"Because I got sick..." She started to cry as well, seeing her kids break down in front of her. "My children... I'm sorry, it must've been difficult."

"... Yeah." Jinwoo wiped the tears from his eyes, looking around the room. "Where'd Mars go?"

- Mars -

I'm sitting on the roof of the hospital, watching the moonlight shine over the rest of the city. I didn't want to interrupt the emotional reunion, I can always meet their mom once she's discharged from the hospital. I'll send a message to Go Gunhee, to deal with the doctors and keep it a secret. If word got out someone woke up from the Eternal Slumber there would be a lot of questions needing answers.

One problem at a time. I'll worry about all that stuff after I clear Jeju.

You have completed two of Venus' Tasks

Acquire a General (Go Gunhee)

Gather Minions (1000/1000)

Reward: Leadership Perks

Perks added:

[Compassionate Commander]

Affection and Reputation grows faster with people weaker than you

[Ferocious Loyalty]

The power of your personality inspires die-hard loyalty from your minions and followers


- Querehsha (Monarch of Plagues) -

"Can you feel it darlings?" Querehsha purred out to the guard ants protecting the fortified cave. "The so-called strongest humans have gathered nearby, they are preparing to steal our new home from us!"

"My Queen..." The leader of the ants spoke up, his antennae twitched violently in the direction of the humans. "I can sense them... He's finally coming? Their King?"

"Oh yes, my dear~" She petted the ant king, as she lovingly cuddled with him. "You desire to fight a worthy opponent... Darling, you shall get the fight you wish for. Don't disappoint me~"

"The one you warned us about... The Monarch of Shadows..." He kissed her feet, worshipping his queen. "I will deliver you his head."