Nan Hua’s Position in Nan Family

The next morning, Nan Hua checked the room before doing stretching exercise and basic workout. She took a bath and then walked out of her room to the dining room. Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Nan and Nan Xian Mu were already there.

"Sister!" Nan Xian Mu smiled brightly and waved to Nan Hua.

Mrs. Nan only glanced up and frowned. "Dress up properly. Why are you wearing such outdated clothes?"

Nan Hua showed a dazed expression. "I only have these clothes."

Mrs. Nan frowned even more. "Did you not bother to buy more clothes when you come here? Go buy more clothes when you have time later. Don't make me lose more of Nan Family face."

Nan Hua nodded dumbly.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mrs. Nan."

"Good." Mrs. Nan snorted and then pointed at the seat. "Eat. And pay attention to your table manner."

The so called table manner was the set of rules that needed to be followed when one was eating. After Nan Hua came to Nan Family house, Mrs. Nan didn't like her careless way of eating that looked ugly. She was forced to learn about table manner so that she would not look 'uncultured.'

Nan Hua sat beside Nan Xian Mu and picked up the spoon and fork in accordance to the memory. The fake Nan Hua's learning ability was really bad and even after a long time, she didn't even master the correct technique to follow the table manner.

Her movement was stiff and awkward as if she kept on forgetting about things.

Mrs. Nan was getting even grumpier as she watched Nan Hua's move. In the end, she slammed the table. "You kept on learning these. Xian Mu, let's go, I'll take you to school."

"Yes, Mom!" Nan Xian Mu stood up abruptly and watched as his mother turned around. He looked at Nan Hua with complicated expression. "Nan Hua, that, you just take your time. I also need a lot of time to learn when I'm young."

But at that time, my mother is not so impatient like this.

However, Nan Xian Mu didn't dare to spout out the rest of the sentence he wanted to tell Nan Hua. Because he felt that his mother was indeed quite biased towards this new sister of his.

"I'm fine." Nan Hua lowered her head, not allowing Nan Xian Mu to see her expression. She simply held the spoon and continued to eat the tasteless soup in front of her.

Nan Xian Mu looked at Nan Hua one more time before turning his head and picked his backpack. It was time for him to go to school.

"Xian Mu! Don't dilly dally!"

"Yes, Mom!"

As the two people went, Nan Hua stopped eating. She had eaten enough for breakfast and the only reason why she stayed here was simply because to show an appearance. The previous Nan Hua didn't dare to defy the Nan Family in fear that she would be thrown out.

After all, she knew that she was not the real Nan Hua and only stayed here for the sake of the reward promised to her from the organization.

As long as she finished her mission, her future life would be easy.

Unfortunately, she ended up dead before the mission was completed.

"Young Miss Nan, Old Master is looking for you." The butler who worked in the Nan Family came to the dining room and bowed politely.

Nan Hua's presence was unwanted in the entire Nan Family, but the servants were all still treating her politely and respectfully on the surface. It was unknown what they were thinking in their mind, at the very least they didn't show it blatantly.

"Yes." Nan Hua nodded and followed the butler slowly.

The Old Master in the butler's words was Nan Hua's grandfather, Old Master Nan. Old Master Nan used to be a Star General, a very famous one. But because of his injury and old age, he had to retire and usually stayed in the retirement facility with his old friends who also stayed there.

His son and grandson were usually busy with missions while his daughter in law was busy with business and teaching his second grandson, so the house was empty most of the time.

Old Master Nan didn't like the quiet and empty house, so he went to play with his friends.

Unfortunately, his health was also not very good and was hospitalized a few months ago. It was only during the New Year that Old Master Nan returned to the Nan Family and met with the fake Nan Hua for the first time.

At that time, it was a gathering of family.

Though, Nan Hua's father and oldest brother were still doing mission in faraway place and couldn't make it home. Old Master Nan also didn't bother with them because he knew it was useless to expect them to come back.

Knock! Knock!

They reached the fourth floor where Old Master Nan was staying. He had the entire floor for himself and unless there was an order form him, no one would dare to come up here.

"Old Master, I brought Young Miss Nan here."

"Let her in."

"Please." The butler moved to the side, beckoning for Nan Hua to enter the study.

Nan Hua nodded and pushed the door open.

The moment the door opened, she could see an old man sitting on the chair while holding a book. His hair was completely white and there were wrinkles everywhere. However, he still looked majestic due to the years he spent on the battlefield and fighting against countless enemies.

Old Master Nan turned his head, looking at Nan Hua carefully.

Seeing his appearance, Nan Hua realized that his eyes were very similar to hers. Both were willow leaf shaped eye with black obsidian pupil. It looked beautiful and warm if it were not for the fact that Old Master Nan was completely covered in battle intent.

As an assassin who had killed countless people and met with various types of people, Nan Hua was very sensitive to this killing intent. Old Master Nan was curbing it because he was not on the battlefield, but how could this kind of thing be easily covered in front of someone who knew it well?

Nan Hua lowered her eyes and greeted, "Nan Hua greets Grandfather."

"You don't have to be so polite." Old Master Nan looked at this granddaughter of his up and down, feeling heartache. When they first found her, he was hospitalized because of his old illness acting up. He only heard about the assessment that they conducted through DNA, facial recognition, and many other things.

After making sure that everything was suitable, she was sent to Nan Family Residence and Old Master Nan had only met her in the New Year dinner.

At that time, she didn't have much time for break because she had to attend the make up exams. But he saw that she was a quiet and timid girl, so he didn't dare to let her get too close to him.

Many people who got close to him were scared and didn't dare to approach him.

He didn't want his granddaughter to be the same and ended up being afraid of him.

"Yes, Grandfather," Nan Hua replied, but her tone was dull and careful. It was clear that she was not comfortable enough.

Old Master Nan didn't force her and only asked, "Have you gotten used to the live in the Nan Family?"

"I'm fine." Nan Hua lowered her eyes as if she was afraid to meet Old Master Nan's eyes directly. In fact, it was fine, but she knew that showing expression in her eyes was harder. She could do it, but it was very tiring to maintain because only she knew that her heart never rippled no matter what happened.

Old Master Nan looked at Nan Hua and then spoke slowly, "I heard that you got out of the hospital because there's fire. Did you get hurt?"

Nan Hua froze and then shook her head.

"Do you need doctor to check?" Old Master Nan asked again.

"There's no need, I'm fine, Grandfather." Nan Hua couldn't let the doctor check. She had recovered the memory and knew that the fake Nan Hua had bruises on her back because she fell during the examination.

On the other hand, she had bruises all over her body because she was buried alive.

In such a short period of time, the marks would still be visible. She had to cover it up with make up or give medicine that could heal her faster so that Old Master Nan and the doctor would not be suspicious.

Old Master Nan looked at Nan Hua and sighed. "You don't have to be so restrained. As my granddaughter, you can be yourself and do whatever you want without the need to worry about other people's opinion."