[Bonus chapter]Jealousy

The practice continued.

Nan Hua reduced her clumsiness and also lowered her body figure, allowing her to hide longer. But no matter how longer it was, Long Qian Xing would be able to find her and eliminated her quickly.

For some reasons, Long Qian Xing's method of elimination is quite interesting.

For her, he would only pat her shoulder and tell her that she's eliminated. For his other friends, he would 'kill' them brutally either using gun, knife, or even sword.

In short, everyone but Nan Hua experienced brutal deaths in just a span of four hours.

They were dead tired and their entire body felt hurt. Even though they were not injured, the pain on their nerves due to the simulation still existed, giving them shadows of their deaths.

"It's near the time for dinner." Long Qian Xing glanced at the hour. "Make sure to remember to practice again later if you don't want to be eliminated in the first section."
