Playing Games

Tian Lou nodded his head like chicken pecking rice. "Let's just play games. I think that there are many fun games in the Virtual World."

He was afraid that if he was a bit slower, Long Qian Xing would throw him back to train. At that time, he wouldn't know where he should cry and reported his miserable grievances.

Tian Lin nodded rapidly like his older brother.

Train again?

He couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be beaten up so horribly like what happened just now.

After experiencing it once, Tian Lin didn't want to experience it again.

No wonder that his older brother seemed to have shadows from fighting against Long Qian Xing. If it was him, he definitely would have bigger shadow and didn't even want to associate with Long Qian Xing in the slightest bit.

Who wanted to be beaten up all the time?

He had no such hobby!

"What game do you want to play?" Qian Fei Liu asked.