Preliminary Exam

Drap! Drap! Drap!

Looking around them, it didn't seem that there would be any way out at all. There were too many instructors around them.

Not to mention, they didn't know where they were.

Whether this facility was big enough or not for them.

Qian Fei Liu suddenly stopped. "Stop."

"Why? We can try to run away from here." Tian Lin was dissatisfied. In his opinion, they could just get out of here if they tried hard enough. The instructors had gap between them and it was not like a compete encirclement.

However, Qian Fei Liu shook his head. "It might look as if we can go. But if you think about it from another perspective, we can't really get out. Do you think that the difference in our physique and strength is for nothing?"

The difference in physique and strength?