Assassination (2)


In the far distance away, Tang Bao Lu was still doing his usual conference. There were a lot of people who wanted his life, so there were always a lot of bodyguards around him. He has always been careful and they would check the venue before he came here in order to prevent anyone from assassinating him.

But at that moment, a bullet simply broke through their entire defense.


Tang Bao Lu fell to the ground; his head was bleeding. 

Scream and chaos followed.

Nan Hua disassembled the sniper gun at the fastest speed possible and put it all in the suitcase once more. The plastic that she used was simply thrown away and let it fly by the wind. It was picked up by her from the trash can in the bathroom, which was from the disposable mask's wrapping. She walked to the ventilation, but found out that there was a fan inside, so it would be impossible for her to enter unless she stopped the fan first.