Three Big Wars (1)

"War of the Red Flower is a war between Planet Apple and Planet Orange." The glasses student coughed and then continued, "It's a war that's started because of a territorial dispute. There's a special small uninhabitable planet not far from the two planets where some special vegetation can live. The most prominent is a beautiful Red Flower.

The flower is red and the amount is numerous, making the surface of the small planet look red from the sky. This red flower is poisonous if not processed but if it's processed, the taste is extremely sweet. So sweet that no sugar can ever compare with it.

Planet Apple has taken this small planet as theirs starting from Year 1208. And Planet Orange came on 1381, claiming that this planet belongs to them. It's the place where their ancestors used to stay but because Planet Orange was attacked by other planet and then forced to serve another planet for more than 3 centuries, their ownership of the planet was let loose.