Darius's Stats (Before the reincarnation)

Name: David Mercer (Formerly) Darius Blackburn (Currently)

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Classification: CEO of Blacklight Genetics, One of the Richest Men on Earth.

Powers and Abilities:

Skilled Combatant

Attack Potency: Athlete Level

Speed: Athlete Level

Lifting Strength: Athlete Level

Striking Strength: Athlete Level

Durability: Athlete Level

Stamina: Athlete Level

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Phone

Intelligence: Genius. (A brilliant scientist who is a master at Chemistry, Physics and Biology, having done many experiments that led to the creation of many abominations. He is also a master at manipulating others. He also created a serum that had the capabilities to upgrade his cells, immune system and other organs. This would have given him superhuman powers and a longer lifespan but it was incomplete. He would have been able to complete the serum had he not been betrayed and driven into a corner).

Weaknesses: Basic human limits

Feats: Created several abominations and created the 'Mercer Virus'.