My new Family part 2 (and a bit of learning and powers)

After that eventful dinner I went to my room which had lots of books , I decided to look over the memories over my 'family'. My father, tall dark haired man was once a powerful Imperial Mage who was an adept in Black Magic. He was cruel and ruthless, but this would change when he met my mother.

My mother a busty blonde milf, originally known as Eliza Dagmire, was the daughter of Lord Dagmire, who was a powerful Light Mage. When my parents met, they disliked each other due to their bloodlines, but slowly, as they began to know each other, they fell in love.

The Dagmires clearly didn't want them together, so my father gave up his usage of dark magic in order to marry my mother. This pissed off my grandfather and sought to find a new heir through his grandchildren.

Speaking of magic, there's magic, Psionic powers, and genes that can give people powers in this world. This is very interesting. Could these powers have something to do with evolution. Hopefully, I will get my questions answered tomorrow.

I have a younger brother named Billy, a younger sister named sister named Evie, an older brother named Zack and an unknown older sister. Zack seems to be close with my older sister as he was angry about grandfather calling her a disappointment.

And then, there's the Blackburn Lord himself, Crawford Blackburn. He is the most powerful dark mage in the Terran Federation and has a lot of knowledge that he can give me and my siblings.

This makes me wonder, can one person use both magic and psychic powers at the same time. Well time to read some books to satisfy my curiosities. The book says that Magic is the energy of the universe and mankind was able to harness this energy due to human evolution.

Psionic powers are also caused by evolution. The difference between Psionic power and Magic is that Psionic Power comes from the mind whereas Magic comes from the universe. Imperial Mages can use both of these powers but some see one power superior to others.

The Imperial Knights are augmented through experiments that give them superhuman powers. There are also heroes as well, they have a gene called the meta gene that gives them superpowers.

It seems that human evolution allowed humanity to develop these powers, now how do I awaken my powers. The book answered my question as it showed that in order to awaken Psionic Powers one must either reach surpass an emotional limit but this condition is very dangerous as it may lead to self destructing.

The other way is just sheer willpower and desire. After reading this line, I place the book on my bed and raised my right hand and concentrated. I thought back to my first life, how I felt weak when being abused by my father, how I was backed into a corner by the military, and that place that almost drove me into insanity.

I never want to feel powerless again. What I wanted was power and immortality. I don't care what I have to do to achieve it. The book started to slowly move. Suddenly, I felt a surge of power flowing through me, my body started glowing, and then-


3rd POV

There was a sudden explosion in the Blackburn manor, Eliza and Tybur were worried about the children, but Crawford was not. He had a stunned look in his eyes as he saw the explosion, but then it turned to an excited look.

From the ashes came a glowing figure. This figure was none other than Darius himself who had just awakened his latent Psionic Powers. The entire family apart from Crawford looked in shock as Darius had become the youngest human being to awaken their Psionic Powers.


This...this feeling, it's incredible, I raised my hand and lifted the rubbles with my mind, and then I crushed it. There was a grin on my face as I began thinking, what other powers do I have now.


I heard someone clapping, and I looked up and saw my grandfather with a proud smile. "Well done, boy, you have successfully unlocked your Psionic powers. Now all that's left is for you to unlock your magic."

The thought of gaining more power excited me, but then my mother quickly ran to me, asking if I was ok, to which I responded by saying yes.

My father then mended my room through Magic or Psionic Powers. I then wanted to test out my powers, so I asked "Grandfather may I test out my powers in the training room?"

My mother was about to speak but my grandfather beat her to it. "Of course you can, follow me." My grandfather then led me to a training room where there were multiple weapons and training dummies. "You may begin now, Darius."

The entire family watched as I raised my hands and used Psychokinesis to push the dummies into the wall and then tore them apart. My grandfather then waved his hand a car appeared out of nowhere. "Now Darius, use your power to crush this car."

"Grandfather, doesn't this seem a bit too much? He should rest." Crawford then looked at Tybur. "Oh do shut up, you little shit, I won't have you making my grandson as disappointing as you." Tybur then clenched his fists in anger, knowing he couldn't do shit.

I then slowly curled my hand into a fist as I slowly started to crush the car, which took some effort for me to do. My nose began to bleed and head started to hurt, but I kept on going. My family looked horrified, but my grandfather looked proud at my determination. Finally, the car was nothing more than just a ball of metal.

"Well done, Darius, you may go to your room and rest." I nodded at my grandfather and walked out the training room, wiping the blood from my nose. My mother wanted to help me, but she was stopped by my grandfather. I looked at her, then carried on walking to my room excited about my newfound powers.

Crawford POV

My grandson truly is interesting, becoming the youngest person to have ever awakened their Psionic Powers. As I was thinking about what I should teach my grandchildren tomorrow, an annoying voice caught my attention. "Why did you stop me, can't you see Darius needs help."

Slowly I walked towards my daughter in law until I was in front of her. "Oh do calm down will you, it's just a nosebleed."

"Just a nosebleed, you saw him reaching his limits and was in pain because of it. What if he passed out?" This woman starting to get on my nerves. "Tybur" I said in a stern tone. My son stiffened and replied "Yes father."

"Why did you marry this girl, is it because of her smoking hot body. Who knows, maybe I'll indulge myself in those fat tits." This earned me a look of disgust and anger from Eliza.

"Father please don't talk about my wife like that." Tybur looked quite pissed, a smirk formed on my face. "Or what Tybur, what are you going to do about it. I could rape your wife her in front of you and your children and there's not a thing you could do about it."

Tybur and Zack both grit their teeth as they know I'm right. It's quite a shame, Tybur was an adept at Black Magic but stopped using it in order to marry that Dagmire bitch. Then there's Zack, he had a talent for Black Magic but due to the brainwashing of his parents, he refused to use it.

And then there's HER. Vivian herself, the oldest among my grandchildren and the most powerful. She could have been a powerful Imperial Knight, armed with Black Magic and Psionic powers. However, she gave everything up, all for a normal life. The Blackburn prodigy then became an artist.

Just thinking about her makes me want to kill someone, the only other person who made me this angry was my wife.

Due to these failures I was searching for an heir amongst my other grandkids, most of them were useless naive brats such as Billy and Evie. And then there was Darius, from what I've heard from my servants he was a bookworm and was shy.

When I lifted his mother into the air with my mind he didn't seemed worried, instead there was greed in his eyes. When I looked further into his eyes, I could sense that he was no ordinary child. Darius just seemed more mature then his younger siblings.

It's almost as if he's an adult in a child's body. My interest in him peaked as he awakened his Latent Psionic Powers, when I saw him crush those rubbles I could tell that he was in awe of the power he has.

And in the training room when he tore apart those training dummies with only his mind, I decided to give him a challenge so I used my Magic to bring a random car. Tybur wanted to stop this but I would not let him.

As I watched Darius crush the car, I felt proud of his determination, he was having a nosebleed and his head was filled with pain but he still kept on growing and going beyond his limits.

I then looked at my disappointment of a son and said "Tybur, you and your wife better not fill Darius's head with your bullshit, like you did with Zack?" And with that I left.

Well Darius, you have my full attention. I do hope that you won't disappoint me like many of your relatives.