
In the Blackburn manor, Eliza and Tybur Blackburn have been thinking about what to do about Darius.

Tybur POV

My wife was worried sick about Darius, and so was I. I could not imagine the things he was going through.

My father forced me to kill from a young age, and that traumatised me.

That monster is probably making he do the same thing with Darius.

I heard the door opening. It was Zack.

"Father, I may have an idea. What if we ask Lord Dagmire for help."

That could work, but it may result in my father in law being killed by my father. Eliza instantly agreed.

She is very scared for our son.

She then contacted her father through magic, and we waited.

After a few minutes, a bright light appeared, and we saw Lord Frederik Dagmire, and he did not look very happy.

A tall blonde with a blonde beard and well-built man.

He smiled at Zack and Eliza but scowled at me.

"Tybur." He said with a flat tone.

"Father in law," I replied in a calm tone.

"So my grandson is currently being trained by that man."

His face looked angry when thinking about my father.

"Do you know where he might be Tybur."

Lord Dagmire asked, with a glare. He really doesn't like me.

I should be grateful to Lady Dagmire as if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to marry Eliza.

"I suspect that he may be at the Blackburn forest, where he trained me. I tried going in, but I was blocked by powerful magic. Only a mage as powerful as you can bypass the magic."

After hearing my answer, he turned to Eliza and smiled at her.

"Fear not Eliza, your son will come home. I promise you that."

And with that, he left. Though I am worried for my son, I am somewhat glad that Darius is being trained by my father.

This should show him the kind of person my father is and how terrifying dark magic can be.

Darius, you brought this suffering on yourself. We gave you many warnings, but you continued on your path.

This will give you a wake-up call.


I sneezed. I wonder if someone is talking about me?

I then brushed my teeth and was going to start my physical training with my grandfather. I sensed a powerful presence.

It was very similar to my mother but far more powerful.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears as I looked at the source.

It was a man who was blonde and had a yellow beard. He had a golden aura around him, and his eyes glowed gold as well.

My grandfather muttered to himself.

"I probably should have made the shields stronger."

Before I could even think about what he meant by that, the man spoke.

"Crawford, I am here to take my grandson home with me."

My grandfather raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, and how are you going to stop me, Frederick? Do you want a repeat of what happened last time we fought."

He had a grin on his face, his eyes turned purple, and his aura was dark and purple. It was getting hard to breathe now.

Luckily, they saw what was happening to me and powered down. After taking deep breaths, I asked a question.

"Grandfather, who is this man."

"He is your other grandfather, Frederik Dagmire. The current lord of the Dagmire family."

So that's why he had a similar presence to my mother.

Lord Dagmire looked at me with pity in his eyes.

"I have come to take you home, Darius."

"But I don't want to return home."

He looked shocked.

"You wish to stay here and continue suffering."

"It's not suffering. It's training."

Lord Dagmire looked stunned and then glared at my grandfather

"What did you do to your own grandson?"

"Do shut up. I give you my word that I did not do anything to him, or are you calling me a liar, Fred?"

Grandfather said the last part dangerously.

Frederik Dagmire just stared at my grandfather with hate burning bright in his eyes.

These two are behemoths, and their auras almost killed me. Their very presence scares me.

Though grandfather seems more powerful as Frederik seems reluctant to fight him.

I really do have a long way to go if I wish to surpass my grandfather.

Lord Dagmire then looked at me and asked a question.

"Why did you agree to train with Crawford young Darius?"

"Because I want to become strong so that I can protect myself."

He then asked another question.

"Did Crawford have you kill a person, Darius?"

I nodded yes.

"I see, and how did you feel?"

"Nothing, nothing at all."

He stared at me for a while and sighed.

"I can sense that you are not lying, I can also sense your usage of dark magic. I suggest you stop using it as you will gain no friends when you go to the academy."

Lord Dagmire then disappeared in a flash of light.

My grandfather had an angry look.

"That righteous piece of shit."

He then looked at me and spoke.

"Tell me, Darius, what are your opinions of your other grandfather."

"He's a potential enemy in the future."

He raised an eyebrow.

"You're right about that. The Dagmires really detest dark magic, fucking idiots."

I then thought for a while, was it possible to become both the Dagmire and Blackburn Lord?

"Grandfather, is it possible to become both the Lord of Dagmire and Blackburn family."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Why yes it is, why do you ask?"

"Because I seek to usurp his role."

My grandfather looked shocked, then had an evil grin.

"Now that is something I want to see, I can't see the look on Freddies face when his successor is a dark mage."

3rd person POV

In the Blackburn manor, Tybur is waiting confidently that Darius would come home and accept that his family was right.

Then a bright light appeared, it was Lord Dagmire only.

Tybur asked where his son was, and Lord Dagmire replied in a frustrated tone.

"That boy chose to remain with his grandfather. He seeks power."

Before Tybur could speak again, the door burst open, and Eliza was searching frantically for her son.

Then Frederik explained what had transpired and that Darius is not under any influence from Crawford.

Eliza wept, afraid her son might become a monster like Crawford.

Tybur was stunned. He was shocked at the fact that Dariusbfelt no remorse for killing.

Frederik then spoke, "Look, all we can do is try to convince him to walk on the right path. Not the path of his grandfather.

And so the trio agreed on trying to 'save' Darius from becoming a monster.

Not knowing that their efforts were futile.

They thought that Darius admired his grandfather. They were wrong.

Crawford was just a means to an end.

They had no idea that the real Darius ceased to exist, and the person who they thought was their son was only a ruthless monster who hungers for eternal life.