
Darius walked towards Billy with his hand cackling with Lightning as Billy tried to get away but was stopped by Darius's Telekinetic powers.

Tybur rushed in but was stopped by Crawford who used his to stop Tybur and the others from moving.

Darius was in front of Billy, his eyes glowing with red energy, he spoke with anger hidden in his tone.

"Tell me little brother why did you tell everyone about my awakening?" Billy replied with fear in his tone.

"I-I just wanted to be popular, to be famous." As Darius heard those words his anger grew further.

"I see, let's see if you'll be popular after I burn half your face off." Darius's right hand sparked with flames.

Tybur, Eliza and Zack tried pleading with him to stop but their pleas fell on deaf ears and Crawford watched with a grin.

Billy tried getting away but was still held by Darius's Telekinetic powers, the flames started getting closer and Billy was crying and wailing.

Darius was about to burn half of Billy's face when he sensed danger from everywhere around him.

He saw a kicking coming towards him he blocked with his right arm but was sent flying into a nearby wall.

His arm was broken but Darius used healing magic to heal it. Darius looked at the person who attacked him.

She was tall, had Raven hair flowing till her waist and was a beauty. Darius sensed that she was stronger than him.

The stranger comforted Billy as he cried since Darius almost burned his face off.

Crawford lets go of the rest of the family as they rush towards Billy seeing if he was ok.

The Lord of the Blackburn family growled,"You have a lot of nerve showing up here Vivian."

The stranger revealed as Vivian glared at Crawford than at Darius. She spoke with anger and disappointment in her tone.

"So you are Darius, when mother spoke to me about you I was excited to meet you. But now seeing you, I only feel disgust."

Darius observes her, 'so this is my older sister, she has powerful aura, much stronger than Zack and a bit weaker that my father. I need to be careful around her.'

Crawford was about to attack but Darius spoke to him using Telepathy.

'Grandfather don't, Vivian is close with grandmother and she's good friends with the Empress. Killing Vivian will lead to a huge problem.'

After hearing Darius's words, Crawford calmed down realising he was right.

"Come Darius, it's time to eat. You maggots also come as well." Crawford walked off with Darius following behind.

Eliza watched as her son l left with sadness in her heart .

Vivian POV

I was angry, no words could describe the fury I felt, how could Darius do this to his own brother.

When I heard about how Darius was training under Crawford. I believed he was suffering and I felt bad for him.

But seeing him now, his ruthlessness and behaviour told me otherwise, I have to tell this to grandmother.

She wanted to know about her grandchildren and wanted them and father and mother to come live with them.

The Empress helped us with this and I came here to give them the option of coming with me to live with Grandmother.

Grandmother always felt bad for the way she neglected father and sought to make amends.

I was excited, we could finally be together, away from that monster we call grandfather.

I told my family about the news and they were overjoyed.

"Thank you for telling me this, I can finally leave this place. It was always my prison, I was constantly trained by my father and was forced to become a monster.

But now I can leave." Father spoke with a somber tone and mother held his hand.

"But what about Darius, is he coming with us as well?" Evie spoke with a shy tone.

We were all quiet, this was the question I didn't know how to answer.

Darius doesn't seem like he wants to leave and I don't how to convince him.

Zack now looked determined, he looked at Evie with loving eyes and petted her head.

"Don't worry Evie I'll teach Darius a lesson and he'll apologise to us. I will make him see the wrong in actions.

And than Darius will go back to normal, I'll knock some sense into him." Zack spoke with determination in his voice.

I realised what Zack was going to do, he was going to challenge Darius to a duel.

"Zack please there is no need for violence, we can convince him to come with us." Mother said, pleading with Zack.

But Zack looked at her with a smile.

"I have to do this mother, words won't convince Darius so I'll use force to do so." Zack stood up and walked to find Darius.

Mother looked sad but I hugged her telling her it was going to be fine and that this was necessary for Darius to change.

Darius Blackburn, prepare yourself as your going to get a beatdown from your brother. This what you get for harming your family.

POV end

Darius POV

I was eating with grandfather.

"So grandfather tell me, who is my grandmother." I said, feeling curious.

Crawford stopped eating and than looked at me.

"Your grandmother was a powerful woman who I married through political reasons. Her name was Seraphina, she had no last name.

She was a Dark Mage who gave up her usage of magic just like your disappointment of a father." Said Crawford with disgust in his tone.

Wow, almost all my family despises Dark Magic, Crawford tells me more.

Seraphina was a top beauty in the Federation and was surpassed by the Empress and her eldest daughter in beauty.

The Empress was known as Evangeline and her oldest daughter's name was Rennala.

The Emperor has three children, Daniel, he was strong and sought to help those in needs prioritising others rather than himself.

He was the weakest of his siblings and would have been taken advantage of had it not been for his parents.

The eldest daughter Rennala, ruthless and cold she was one of the most powerful mages and she and Daniel didn't get along.

The youngest is Melony, a shy talented girl who was going to go to the mage academy like me.

I was only 10 years old so I had only 6 years left until I can go to the academy.

Crawford told me that the lab will be ready for a few months and told me that 5 test subjects is being prepared for me.

I finished my food when Zack burst in, his eyes glimmering with determination and the rest of my family follow.

"Darius, I challenge you to a duel. If I win you will stop using Dark Magic and come with us to grandmothers home." Said Zack with determination.

I got up and spoke whilst looking at Zack with indifference.

"If I win than you must cut off both your arms and burn half your face." As soon as I said those words Zack grimaced as the rest of my family looked horrified.

Zack clenched his fists and nodded.

I smirked and let out my aura, finally I can beat this guy, he's been getting on my nerves.


And thus a duel will commence between the two brothers, the difference is that Darius unlike Zack fully focused on the training whilst Zack whined and complained.