
After the heist, the news wrote articles about a successful heist and people theorised on who was the perpetrator.

Some believed it to be the rebels, others believed it to be the work of villains or rogue Mages and Psionics.

They had no idea that the perpetrator was at the Imperial Mage Academy currently attending a history lesson where he gets a reveal that stuns him.

Darius POV

I was currently sitting alone by myself in a history lesson and everyone stayed away from me. Everyone except one, Melony. For some reason she doesn't fear me.

I tried reading her mind once but was only able to get a glimpse due to her strong mental shields.

Apparently she was friends with Zack and he and her older brother didn't like each other. Daniel disliked Zack due to his ruthlessness and Zack disliked Daniel due to his nativity.

Melony wanted to ask me about me about why Zack hates me as Zack never really told anyone about our duel.

Seems to me that Zack doesn't want anyone knowing about how I destroyed him in our duel.

I was looking out the window not paying attention, but the teacher said something that caught my attention immediately.

"There were many people who attempted to break their human limits before the Emperor. There was one who came close to succeeding, a cruel man, power hungry man.

His name, David Mercer." Said the teacher with a weary tone.

My body was frozen as I was stunned, that was my name. My true name, the man I once was.

The teacher continued. "He made a serum that was incomplete and injected it. The result was an abomination that required one nuclear bomb to destroy."

So that's what happened after I took the serum. This changes everything, I always though the world I was in was new but now I realised, this was the future.

Was I trapped in the Void for so long that I lost me sense of time? This brings me back to the question I needed answers to. What was that place I was trapped in so long ago.

Would I return there if I were to die again?

NO!! Never again, I'm not going back to that place again. After being stuck for god knows how long, being weak and powerless, that's my personal hell.

I'm not gonna waste this opportunity, this time I'm not going to fail on my goal of immortality this time. The class finished and I was about to leave but was stopped by Melony.

"Darius, I was wondering. Why do you and Zack hate each other?" Melony asked, curious about what happened between us.

People were starting at us as the princess of the Federation and the crush of many boys was talking to me, Darius Blackburn.

I was very infamous, despite my good looks the girls were both attracted and fearful of me. Some developed fantasies of me that I won't even think about.

"We had a disagreement about Dark Magic. Zack saw it as evil and I did not." I replied.

Melony nods.

"To be honest I think your right, Dark Magic isn't evil, it can be used to kill and defend. That's what my sister taught me and I intend to heed her lessons." Said Melony.

The people around me was shocked, I was also a bit shocked as I had expected her to hate Dark Magic but turns out she has some common sense.

"I can imagine that sought of thinking caused some conflict. Am I right or wrong?" I said.

I'm probably right as the majory that makes up the Federation dislikes Dark Magic.

"Yeah your not wrong about that. I even know a bit about Dark Magic much to my brothers disapproval. Me and him aren't in good terms.

He believes non violence is the way to go, my house is filled with arguments between Daniel and my parents. I think they are going to strip him of his status as heir to the throne." Spoke Melony with a sad smile.

That's probably the best course of action as from what I've heard Daniel was a naieve guy, he once paid off a mothers debt to tax collectors.

Having him as Emperor would be a disaster and if that ever happened I would try to overthrow him.

Not only that Daniel never training in his life as he was scared of hurting others and was a total pacifist. Also he was often made fun off in secret his own servants.

In other words Daniel was a pathetic man who barely used his powers, he wouldn't even use it to save his own life.

"Anyways it was nice talking to you Darius, goodbye." Said Melony and with that she walked away.

How interesting, it's quite rare to see an open minded girl like her in this place. I walked off as people got out of my way in fear.

My engineers and scientists contacted me through my telepathic link that my soldiers have been armed with high tech weapons and were ready to carry out an assault.

I smiled as I contemplated my next cause of actions. Suddenly I was called to the principals office.

As I went in I was greeted by William the headmaster.

"Ah Darius, it's good to see you here. Have a seat." Said William.

I took a seat and William explained to me why he brought me here.

"It's about Zack, he's been using his Dark Magic again and has been becoming stronger. He is much more ruthless now." Said William.

Headmaster William showed me videos of Zack crushing his enemies and using his Dark Magic. He was encased in a Dark Blue aura.

"I must tell you about the tournament, there's been a change. The winner has to face Zack in combat. Zack has confidence that you will win the tournament and he seeks payback." Said William.

I watched the videos of Zack crushing his enemies, his movements weren't as precise as before. He was letting his emotions get in the way.

Zack did get stronger but I could see that he no longer used the skills he had before as his attacks were like that of an wild animal.

An animal I could easily put down. Zack wasn't the only who trained, the only difference is that I took a serum, Zack on the other hand did not.

A grin slowly made its way to my face.

"Good, Zack has finally grown stronger. I really hope that this time he actually gives me a challenge unlike like last time." I said.

The tournament was in a few weeks and I had some time to train. So I went to the training arena were there were people there but they left whe they saw me.

Even the top ten strongest students at the mage academy left, they could sense his aura. It was like a snake strangling them.

I got to work and summoned monsters as training dummies. I got out my black sword and began fighting.

Guess I'll see how much you improved in the tournament Zack. I hope you won't disappoint me.