Brothers Fall

In the academy, the tournament had an victor who was fighting another person. The victor was none other than Darius Blackburn.

Darius was locked in combat with his brother Zack, the crowd watched as the two brothers fought. They could barely see them due to their speed.

Darius's slashes were precise and accurate, Zack's slashes were animalistic and wild. Their swords collided a lot.

Eliza and Tybur was upset at the brothers fighting, Evie was also upset but both Vivian and Billy hoped that Zack would win and beat me.

The battle was intense as two auras raged in the arena, one was dark blue and the other was dark red.

Then Darius unleashed his shadow tendrils and they grabbed Zack and threw him to a nearby wall.

"You may have gotten stronger but you lack control, skill and your sloppy." Taunted Darius with a smile.

Zack got up and growled, his Dark Magic flaring.

"I thought you gave up on Dark Magic, guess your like me." Said Darius.

Tybur and Eliza was upset that both their sons were using Dark Magic.

"I'm gonna wipe the fucking grin of your face, do you hear me Darius." Said Zack with a lot of anger in his voice.

Zack charged forward with his sword raised for a slash.

Time seemed to slow down and Darius with his smile slowly walked forward, his black sword raised. With one slash Darius cut of Zack's hand.

There was only the sound of an hand falling to the ground followed by a scream of pain by Zack as he held his handless arm.

The crowd was horrified, students and teachers alike. Eliza began crying, seeing her son losing his arm to his own flesh and blood.

Tybur was also horrified, Billy and Evie began crying and Vivian held her breath.

Darius than shoots his Psionic Lightning at Zack and he screams in pain. Then Darius stops as he watches Zack hold his wound.

After a few screams of pain Zack gets up, his eyes burning with determination and pain. He begins chanting a spell, the ground turned to darkness and Darius slowly felt a headache.

Tybur realised that Zack was using his trump card, a powerful spell that was created by Seraphina and she taught it to Zack. It's name Sinner's Retribution.

The pain got worse for Darius and he held his head and dropped his sword. The pain was getting unbearable and his magic and psychic powers were reacting violently due to his emotions and pain.

"What did you do Zack." Growled Darius, still holding his head in pain.

"It's a spell that grandmother taught me, a spell that forces you to experience the pain you put others through. It's name, Sinners Retribution." Said Zack whilst healing his wounds.

Sinner's Retribution makes the target feel the pain that their victims felt. If the target had regrets the pain would be far worse and would stay like that for a long time.

However if the target had no regrets there would still be pain but won't last very long.

Zack tried getting up but his healing was taking a long time due to the enchantments Darius made to his black sword.

Darius began yelling out in pain, he felt it all. The pain his victims felt, the pain of being electrocuted, cut open, experimented on and the torture they went through. Fear found its way into his heart.

Darius's eyes got wide open as his powers were reacting his emotion of fear and anger, lighting, darkness and flames started sparking around him.

Darius began spasming in pain and snarling like an animal as the pain in his head and body got worse, his eyes flashing red.

Suddenly Zack felt something was wrong, then Darius roared out in anger and pain, his aura spreading wildly around the arena.

The crowd saw a dark red mist going around the entire stadium, as the mist died down they could see Darius and he got back up and was very angry.

Seeing Darius get back up, Zack was prepared to cast the spell again to make the pain worse but Darius raised his right hand and shot red Lightining out of fingertips.

This overwhelmed Zack was electrocuted and was left burnt and broken. Darius was feeling the pain starting to go away and he was glaring at Zack.

"You think you can beat despite the difference in our strength." Said Darius with an angry tone as crimson lighting sparks around him.

Zack tried getting up but failed, he was angry. All that training went and it still wasn't enough to beat Darius. His anger and madness slowly got the better of him.


Darius:"Your madness has taken over you brother." He mocked as he walked over to Zack. "Do you think that despite my power and your broken body that you could win gains me?"

Darius raised his fist. "DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!!" The crowd shook in fear as they heard Darius's demonic voice and the Blackburns were terrified hearing his voice

Darius delivers a devastating uppercut that destroys Zack's jaw, before unleashed a Dark Magic blast onto his chest which sends him flying.

Now Zack lied there, broken, burnt, and bruised.

All Zack saw was not his own flesh and blood. Rather a Demon with red eyes whose hands were covered in red lightning and his aura was taking the form of a serpent.

Darius:"You know Zack, I could get you some enhancements. That way you could endlessly try to kill me and fail. You would be able to provide me with entertainment, you should happy knowing you can finally do something right." Darius smiled mockingly.

Zack's entire body shuddered in anger as he got back up and limped towards the stadium.

The crowd held their breath when they saw Zack's current state. His was basically a human barbecue. Darius used Telekinesis to throw him around like a ragdoll by just moving his fingers.

After throwing him around with Telekinesis, Zack was now at the center of the stadium. He was trying to chant a spell that Darius heard.

Darius:"Are you perhaps using that same spell you used on me. Can't have that."

Darius in a blink of an eye was at front of Zack, he puts his hand inside Zack's mouth and grabs his tongue.

With one pull Darius ripped out Zack's tongue, blood spurted out as the crowd gasped in horror.

Eliza and Evie couldn't bare to watch, Tybur was horrified at what he was saying. Vivian had tears coming out of her eyes as this display of cruelty was breaking her heart.

Zack screamed out in pain and started sobbing.

Darius looked at him with a smile than stretched his arms.

"I had some fun today Zack, let's do it again some day." Said Darius as if he eas playing a a game that he enjoyed playing.

Darius than walks away as Zack was rushed into a stretcher and healers tended to him. Vivian looked at Darius with anger and was going to storm towards him.

Evie grabs her finger and shakes her head no, pleading with her eyes.

Vivian reluctantly did so, she looked at Zack with worry.

Little did everyone know the battle was watched by the Imperial family and that of Darius's grandparents, the Dagmires included.