general info

An organization known as 5 Points is what acts as judge jury and executioner using the marshalls and those under them to enforce their laws throughout the world, each of the five 5 Points locations has either a gold marshall or platinum marshall who oversees their branch each branch leader has to attend meetings with the other marshalls with the leader of 5 points to address crime rates, branch jurisdiction, and orders from the council.

In this world technology is that of the industrial revolution steam power they have telephone booths and office phones , and radios electricity,steam powered trains,cars and motorcycles in the big cities although its common to see travel by horse/horse carriage in the countryside and train or boat for long voyages

Only 5 gold star marshalls may serve at any given time and of the 5 only 1 will ever become platinum if at all.

The council dictates law and order.

5 divisions

Command core

Combat core

Apprehension core

Medical core

R&D/intelligence core

Power structure: Marshalls are the strongest, Sherrif is the second strongest, and deputies are the third strongest - this group is separate from the normal rank structure of the officers of these three there are 4 separate segments a bronze star, silver star, and gold star, the 4th category being the platinum star to become a platinum star a gold star marshall must meet three requirements

1. they are up against a strong enemy.

2. they are the last surviving member of their immediate group.

They are of marshall class, level gold, and their star badge glows to the points that it becomes platinum - This activates the star's latent power of "field promotion" which promotes the person in question to the next highest rank in an emergency once this happens the transformation is complete and they gain a power boost.

Only ranked law enforcement of lieutenants and above are given badges that unlock their abilities, lieutenants- bronze star, captain-lieutenant colonial- silver star, and a colonel - general-gold star, after General there are the deputy, sheriff, and marshall ranks each having a bronze silver and gold segment of each rank.

To obtain rank as an officer you must do one of the following

Prove yourself as a law enforcement soldier and work your way up.

Be appointed the position by a ranking officer not to exceed their rank( meaning they can't promote you higher than the rank they have)

Be appointed a rank by the council if the soldier in question obtains a useful ability.

Field promotion (which is rare and happens automatically which the badge itself will dictate as seen with the platinum star).

Captain class officers all have appointed lieutenants

There can only be one captain per squad

A lieutenant has the equivalent power of a platoon of soldiers

A Captain has the equivalent power of a company of soldiers.

A lieutenant colonel has the equivalent power of a battalion of soldiers.

A colonel has the equivalent power of a brigade of soldiers.1k to 3k

A General has the equivalent power of a division of soldiers.10k to 16k

A deputy and above has the equivalent power of a corps or higher capping at 500k for a platinum star 450k for a gold star marshall

meaning if a basic lawman/soldier has a power level of 100 for example a gold marshall's power would be 45 million which is equivalent to an outlaw with a bounty of 45million meaning they are so strong they would require someone of that strength to fight them

Bounty Hunters: They are not officially officers but they do have the authority to bring in outlaws dead or alive, (There will be bounty hunter gangs/guilds)some bounty hunters' powers are non-lethal and some are lethal upon their branding as a bounty hunter they gain an ability that best suits them they are made from their soul and come in all shapes and forms/this rule applies to law enforcement as well when they become basic lawmen however the marshalls and their direct subordinates have star badges which negate their base ability granted when they become lawmen and obtain their powers permanently until death upon receiving the star badge at which point their place is taken by the next person in line.

Bounty hunters don't get stars because they do not fight for justice but instead for their own goals (bounty hunters get money for their bounties but it also allows them to gain respect and increase their ranking amongst the other bounty hunters) higher the ranking the stronger the hunter.

Bounty hunting is a lifelong decision once they receive their brand/tattoo they are stuck being a bounty hunter until the end of their days they gain immense power from the brand however they must hunt or be hunted, if a bounty hunter wants out they must break their vow to honor the hunt which simultaneously brands the person as an outlaw and enemy of 5 point due to their powers

A bounty hunter's branding will glow signifying that a bounty is nearby.

Experienced hunters can learn an ability known as hunters intuition an eye ability that allows the user to pinpoint threats/ targets within its range as well as ascertain the bounty of targets and abilities if seen by a hunter previously, mind you this is an elevated state, not a constant ability it must be activated and it takes time to master.

Bounties are the equivalent of rank, for example, a bounty of 3,000 would mean a regular hunter or lawman should be able to handle the situation with no problems given that they are of equal class or higher

Any officer or hunter can have the bounty of an outlaw raised however the requirements to do so are as follows

The outlaw in question has progressed skill-wise and therefore is a bigger threat and requires a higher-level officer or bounty hunter.

The outlaw in question is not currently in custody.

The outlaw has committed a crime worthy of the increase,this doesn't increase their power it just reassesses their current power/skill so that they are tracked down by someone of equal or greater skill.

The bounty does not increase until officially reported and approved by the council(this is not a lengthy process it's updated at the speed the info is provided and pushed out by the apprehension core).

To become an outlaw one must simply go against the law however powers are obtained through obtaining the shattered crystals of amatsu-mikaboshi (August Star of Heaven) these shards once in contact with a human reside within them, simply having the power of a crystal is enough to make a person an enemy of 5 points.

Only one crystal can ever be used at a time if one were to attempt to take in more than one crystal the result would cause their heart to explode from over-exertion on the body causing their shard to be expelled from their body and sent to a random location where it can be found once again, however, time spent within a person can imbue it with traces of the previous users desires/will and as such it can be passed on to a like-minded person upon death if within proximity or if captured before it shoots off to a random location (it will rise from the corps of the person and then leave)

Star badges have one ability per star ( for example if a gold star marshall has ice powers and dies his star can be given to a lieutenant however the strength will revert to when the power was first used)

The star level dictates the range of ability for example a gold star marshall could have the ability to use ice and create glaciers however the right person could go beyond the power of the star but they can't make the star increase its power.