Chapter 13: Lucifer Samples The Countess

Gwendolyn looked up from the counter and saw Lucifer. She smiled, knowing that he planned to speak to her about this, having mentioned it the last time they were cuddling after having sex.

Her mouth opened and mimicked the words It's okay, take them, and I'll wait at the inn with Estella.

Lucifer nodded, blowing her a kiss, feeling that she was truly the most understanding wife as he took the hands of Irina and Lephalia, heading out of the blacksmith, wanting to find a way to cheer up the crying saintess.

Irina wiped her tears and leaned her head against Lucifer's shoulders while walking through the busy streets. Lephalia walked ahead of them, pointing at several shops and carts, but she was drawn to a unique store as Lucifer pulled Irina along, entering the jewellery store.