Episode 349: You Are Born With Such Privilege

Aaron approached Genevieve after speaking with Archibald.

"Do you have time?" he asked.

"Is it the late reprimanding?" she asked with uncertainty.

Aaron had also been so busy that the talk he wished to have with her when he saw her did not happen.

"Part of it is that, but there is something more important I want to speak with you," Aaron replied.

Genevieve sighed with a resigned thought.

 After all, she once again came here selfishly. How many times has he reprimanded her for her selfish actions?

"Here," Aaron extended his hand to her.

Genevieve slowly reached out and placed her hand on his.

But was shocked when he pulled her to him, "Hold on tight."

Genevieve wrapped her arms around his neck while Aaron flew up.

After a while, he landed and when Genevieve looked around, she found herself in the midst of the desert.