Chapter 5: The Rise of the Dead

With the collapse of the Teddy Williams Tunnel in East Boston, the zombie horde had only one direct path remaining to reach their human prey: the Tobin Bridge, connecting Boston to Chelsea and Route 1. Knowing the strategic importance of the bridge, the National Guard quickly established combat zones on both its upper and lower levels, preparing for the inevitable onslaught.

Meanwhile, back in the besieged WBZ news building, the horde continued to grow larger and more menacing. The undead crept deeper into the structure, inching ever closer to the brave news team who refused to abandon their posts. Determined to keep the public informed, Lisa and Tom continued to broadcast live, even as the terrifying sounds of the undead grew louder and more insistent just beyond their makeshift barricades.

In a daring attempt to rescue the remaining staff in the building, a helicopter from WBZ News made its way back to the besieged headquarters. As the helicopter touched down on the roof, the news crew began a frantic evacuation, desperate to escape the relentless advance of the horde below.

As the staff boarded the helicopter, Lisa and Tom faced a heart-wrenching decision. The two anchors chose to stay behind, continuing their vital mission of keeping the public informed, even at the cost of their own safety.

"Tom and I have made the difficult decision to remain here," Lisa announced solemnly, her voice choked with emotion. "We believe it's our duty to continue reporting the latest updates to ensure the safety of our fellow citizens. We know the risks, but we have faith that our city will prevail. Stay strong, Boston."

As the helicopter lifted off, leaving Lisa and Tom behind, the National Guard's battle to hold the Tobin Bridge intensified. Waves of undead crashed against their defenses, testing the resolve of the brave men and women who fought to protect the last remaining escape route from the city. With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher, as the fate of Boston hung in the balance.

Tom, Lisa, and the handful of others who had chosen to stay behind to ensure the broadcast continued without interruption began feverishly barricading the anchor room with everything they could find. They secured the only exit as best they could, which led to the helipad on the roof. The team had a few days' worth of food and water left, and the pilot had promised to return with more supplies before taking off. However, Lisa and Tom were unsure how much longer the barricade would last—a day, a week, or just an hour?

Despite their fears, they maintained their composure and continued to inform the public. They read aloud a list of names of those who had survived at WBZ and were now on their way to a safe camp in Chelsea. As they listed the names, a sudden, horrifying groan emanated from the barricaded doors. The inhuman noise triggered a visceral fear in everyone present, and their hearts raced as they began to hear the clawing and scratching at the door.

Tom and Lisa exchanged a glance, their faces pale but resolute. "We don't know how much longer we can hold out, but we will continue to bring you updates for as long as we can," Lisa said into the camera, her voice steady despite the terror gripping her heart. "Remember, stay safe, stay vigilant, and never lose hope. Together, we will overcome this nightmare."

As the undead drew nearer, the news team knew they were facing their darkest hour. But in the face of certain doom, they refused to give in to despair. Instead, they stood united, drawing strength from one another and their unwavering dedication to the truth. They would continue to broadcast, to bear witness to the events unfolding around them, and to provide a lifeline to those still clinging to hope in a world gone mad.