Chapter 10: Morning

Time flowed confusingly for Kai as the morning eventually passed. He could hear the honking of cars from the main road. Kai lived off of Broadway near Sullivan Station, which unfortunately meant that he lived in a high foot traffic area. He could hear random shouting from time to time, which shook him.

As afternoon turned into evening, WBZ broadcasted the news, and things did not appear to be getting better. However, they did report that the National Guard had arrived, which seemed to give hope for rescue. Peter and Anne did their best to reassure their son, but with them unable to reach any family or loved ones, they feared the worst. However, they did their best to reinforce the doors and windows as best as they could, turning off lights and keeping curtains closed to avoid any unwanted attention.

As night approached, the honking and shouting faded into the night, but every so often, they heard moans and the sound of something being dragged along. Too fearful, they didn't even look out the windows; instead, they kept themselves huddled on the second floor, keeping the sounds of fear from escaping.

Eventually, they all fell asleep, and morning came. Kai's first thoughts were, "We survived."

The family awoke, bleary-eyed and apprehensive, unsure of what the new day would bring. They carefully turned on the TV to check the news, hoping for a positive update. As they listened to the reports, they realized that the situation had not improved overnight, but at least they were still together and safe for now. Determined to remain hopeful, they made a plan to ration their food and water, stay vigilant, and wait for further instructions from the authorities.

In the days that followed, Kai and his family would face challenges they had never imagined. They would learn the true meaning of resilience and the importance of sticking together through the most difficult times.

Kai opened his curtain to see if he could glimpse the road and what had happened overnight. As he drew the curtain open, he saw "people" sitting on the sidewalk. He called out, "Mom, I see people! Come look!" Anne, in a dreadful tone, responded, "Kai... that is no longer a person." As if prompted, the body turned, half of its face torn off as if bitten, and looked in their general direction. Anne swiftly and expertly closed the curtain and moved Kai and herself away. "Shh, now, Kai. Shh," she whispered as they walked deeper into the house. She signaled Peter to come closer. "I think we drew the attention of one," she said.

Peter nodded and approached the window, gently moving the curtain aside to peer through. He saw the mutilated zombie trying to stand and move towards Broadway, the opposite direction of their home.

"It's moving in the opposite direction," Peter said in a low voice. Anne put her hand on her head and let out a sigh. "That was nerve-racking. We must be very careful, Kai. We just never know if something has changed or is infected, as the news said." Kai, unsure of the reality he was living in, answered, "Yes, Mom, I'll be careful. I'm sorry."

Looking directly at Kai, Anne smiled and hugged him. After a second, Peter came over and joined in on the family hug. In that moment, they knew they needed to be there for each other more than ever. They couldn't let fear paralyze them, and they had to be cautious but remain strong as a family. Little did they know that their courage and unity would soon be put to the test in ways they couldn't even imagine.