Chapter 14: The Path

As they neared Broadway, Peter paused, pulling out an old local Boston map. He had already drawn a route on it in anticipation of their journey. He studied it closely before turning to his family, "We have to go up Tremont and turn on Webster Ave. I don't see any Z's yet, but let's keep our eyes and ears open. We can't afford an ambush."

Anne, clutching a frying pan tightly in her hand, nodded. It felt ineffective against the undead, but it was better than being completely defenseless. Her eyes darted around their surroundings, trusting Peter to guide them.

Kai, however, was feeling the strain of their journey. His palms were sweaty, and he couldn't help but notice the abandoned cars lining the streets. Many of them still had keys hanging in the ignition. He voiced his thoughts aloud, "Should we take one of these cars? I see keys in them still."

Peter shook his head, pointing to a car with a shattered windshield and dried blood splattered on the interior. "There's no room for the cars to maneuver, and besides, it's probably the noise. The Z's probably targeted them first."

They continued on their path, turning onto Prospect Street, then right onto Washington St, until they reached Cambridge Street. Peter again consulted his map, assessing their next move. "We have to cross this traffic circle and move toward Alford Street. Then it'll be a straight walk to the casino."

He paused, glancing at his family, "But... This was a very busy location before. Bunker Hill Community College is nearby, and even after the circle, we'll be on the Alford Street Bridge. It's potentially dangerous, but there's no other way." His words hung heavily in the air. They had been walking for nearly an hour, and the mental toll of their journey was apparent. The reality of their situation was setting in, and with it, a growing sense of dread.

Peter's caution gave way to urgency as they approached the traffic circle. After observing the area and seeing no movement, he made the call. "We have to risk it. Kai, do you remember what I said?" Kai gave a single, solemn nod. "I couldn't forget if I tried." His father simply responded with a flat, "Good."

As they ventured into the circle, Peter's attention was drawn to an abandoned police car. "Wait..." He approached the vehicle cautiously, peering inside. The shotgun inside was unlocked, and a box of shells sat next to it. "There's a shotgun here," he said, reaching in to retrieve it.

His movements were careful and deliberate, but as he exited the vehicle, his elbow unintentionally hit the siren switch. The car erupted with an alarmingly loud WOOOPPPP WOOOOOOPPPP. Unable to figure out how to turn it off, Peter made a hasty decision. "We need to leave now."

The family moved as one, quickening their pace towards the bridge while Peter checked the shotgun. "It's loaded..." his voice trailed off, the reality of their situation sinking in further.

They broke into a light jog, the bridge coming into view. Their destination was only minutes away, but the moaning from behind them was getting louder. The Z's were drawing nearer, attracted by the deafening sound of the police car siren.

Peter's gaze darted around, trying to pinpoint the source of the moaning. The siren's blaring noise made it nearly impossible to determine its origin. "I can't see them, but hearing them is already bad enough," he said, his voice strained.

The air was thick with suspense and uncertainty. Kai's heart pounded in his chest as he clung to his bokken, his hands slick with sweat. "Dad, are we going to make it?" Kai asked, his voice trembling.

Peter didn't answer immediately, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. When he finally spoke, his voice was steady, "We have to."

As they reached the bridge, they could see the casino looming in the distance. A collective sigh of relief washed over them. "We have to try to move faster," Peter commanded, taking the lead with a slow jog that kept pace with his family.

They were halfway across the bridge when a deafening roar erupted from behind them. They froze for a moment, the sound echoing in their ears, chilling their blood. "Run!" Peter shouted, pushing his family forward.

In the distance, a horde of Z's was flooding into the area, attracted by the sound of the siren. The sheer number was terrifying - a sea of stumbling figures moving relentlessly towards the police car.

The roar had likely been one of the larger Z's, these usually were stronger and faster than the rest. Peter locked eyes with Anne, his expression hard. "Anne, take Kai and run! I'll try to hold them off!" he shouted, loading the shotgun.

"No, Peter! We can't leave you!" Anne cried, her voice filled with fear and desperation. "Just until you are cross the bridge! Go!" Peter shouted

"We have to keep moving, Mom," Kai said, tugging on her arm. He was terrified but he knew they couldn't afford to hesitate now.

With a gulp, he tightened his grip on his bokken and bolted ahead, his parents close behind. The casino was now their only hope.