Chapter 9: Good Morning, Kai

Today is October 10th, 2100. Kai, who is 15 years old, lives in Cambridge, MA. He is a 5'6" Asian American with clear green eyes and an upbeat personality. Kai grew up playing video games and participating in Kendo and track in high school. He lives with both his parents; his dad is an engineer, and his mother is a remote IT technician. Kai could be considered a perfectly normal 15-year-old American, until today.

Kai heard his father waking him up this Monday morning with a shout. "Kai! WAKE UP! Get a bag packed! Now!" Peter, Kai's father, said loudly. Anne, Kai's mother, was then heard shouting, "The National Guard was called in! WBZ is reporting live; they said to lock doors and stay inside! Peter, set the security locks for the basement and first floor!"

"Doing it, KAI COME NOW!" Peter replied and shouted.

Kai, startled by the urgency in his parents' voices, quickly jumped out of bed and started packing a bag with essentials. Clothes, toiletries, and some snacks were thrown into the bag. He grabbed his phone and charger, then rushed out of his room to join his parents. The family gathered in the living room, their faces full of concern as they watched the live news report on WBZ.

"What's going on, Dad?" Kai asked nervously, his voice cracking.

"I'm not sure, son," Peter responded, his eyes never leaving the TV screen. "But it seems like

something dangerous is happening in the city. We need to be prepared."

Anne, trying to keep her voice steady, said, "Kai, we'll get through this together. We just need to stay calm and follow any instructions from the authorities."

The situation was escalating quickly, and Kai could feel the tension in the air then looking at the TV and saw people getting tackled, mauled, and running away from what looked like a horde of shambling zombies. "Oh, is this a new trailer for a movie?" he asked, looking up at his parents for confirmation.

Peter rested his hand on Kai's shoulder. "No, Kai, this is actually happening."

Anne pulled her cellphone out of her pocket and said, "I'm going to call our parents." She quickly scrolled through her contact list and dialed her mother's number. After a ring, it picked up, but instead of her reassuring mother's voice, she heard, "The number you are currently trying to contact is not in service or is out of the normal service area. Please try your call again."

She looked perplexed and mumbled, "Eh." Anne scrolled down to her mother-in-law's number and dialed. Again, after a single ring, instead of her mother-in-law, she heard,

[Emergency Alert Tone]

Attention, this is the Emergency Broadcasting System with an urgent message for residents in the Greater Boston area. A local emergency has been declared, and we urge you to tune into WBZ for the latest updates and information.

The National Guard has been deployed to the following locations: Cambridge, Somerville, Medford, Arlington, Belmont, Watertown, Brookline, Newton, Quincy, Milton, Dedham, Needham, Wellesley, Waltham, and Lexington.

Please stay vigilant, follow instructions from local authorities, and stay tuned to WBZ for further updates. This message will repeat.

[Emergency Alert Tone]

She looked at Peter. "They have shut down cell service; it's all automated." Peter looked at her squarely. "We should probably find a way to reinforce the doors. I wish my brother the handyman was here. Oh no... Jared was working in Boston today." Anne put her hand on his arm. "It's okay; I'm sure he's on a steel beam somewhere safe, blissfully unaware of the world around him."