Chapter 3: Milky Hospitality

"Akira, I baked these…"

It was the customary afternoon teatime. The royal family had to be busy, but the three of them would always gather during midday and invite him to lunch.

Even after what he had done for them, he could not believe that the royal family was sharing a meal with a foreign commoner on a daily basis. It showed just how much emphasis the queendom placed on hospitality.

"Eh? What are these…?"

He sat across from the queen with the princesses to either side. Akira tensed up like usual when a maid served him a silver plate covered with a paper sheet. It contained a pile of freshly-baked cookies.

"I hope they are to your liking…"

The boy looked over in surprise and Stella bashfully lowered her head. These were a princess's homemade cookies. She seemed like the type to have had a pure and sheltered upbringing, so he had trouble imagining her standing in the kitchen.

"I really wanted to serve you my milk…but I'm embarrassed to admit I haven't started yet…so I thought I could bake you these instead…"

The women of Courreges blessed their guests by letting them drink their milk. They apparently all began producing milk in their teenage years thanks to their goddess, but this princess must not have started yet. She had still wanted to show her hospitality to the boy, so she had found another way.

"You did this for me? Th-thank you very much!"

A girl had never made him homemade sweets before, she was a princess rumored to be the most beautiful girl in the queendom, and this method seemed much more normal to the boy. Of course he was happy.

"Stella, why would you do a servant's work? …And for someone as lowly as him."

Rosemary glared at the obviously delighted boy. She held her head high and set down her cup in displeasure.

"What are you saying? Being honest in your thanks is a good thing."

The queen chided the younger princess and then clapped her hands together as if she had just had an idea.

"I know. Mary, you serve Akira your milk today. No daughter of mine will be ungrateful to her savior."

"W-wait, mother! Why should I have to do that!?"

Rosemary raised her voice in surprise at her mother's unexpected suggestion.

"Why should you? Because Akira saved the two of you. He is more your guest than mine, so you should act as his host and serve him your milk. If you wish to call yourself a royal, you must be generous with the milk goddess's blessing. Stella can't help it because she had yet to start lactating, but she still baked these cookies for Akira. Meanwhile, you have done nothing. Mary, I know you can produce milk."

"B-but…then he'll see my breasts!"

The princess blushed and tried to find an excuse, but she clearly knew it was futile.

"You have always been shy about the weirdest things, Mary. Baring your breasts is a holy act, so there is nothing to be ashamed about doing it in front of people. This is something you really need to learn how to do. And it's not like you will be baring them to a terrible person or anything."

"That's true, but…no, that makes it even worse…"

She knew a princess could not ignore the customs of her own queendom, but serving the boy milk meant milking herself in front of him.

Rosemary apparently found that embarrassing, so she continued to stubbornly shake her head.

(So Princess Rosemary can produce milk…)

Akira knew it was rude, but he took advantage of the princess's flustered state of mind to stare at her overgrown breasts. He felt an odd arousal in his chest when he thought about those boobs being full of milk.

"Wh-what are you staring at!?"

"Eh? …Oh, sorry…"

The second princess must have sensed his gaze because she quickly covered her breasts with her arms.

"Um, mother… I served Akira cookies today, so how about we wait until tomorrow for Mary's milk?"

"Y-yes. Princess Stella's cookies are plenty for me…"

Stella had been left behind by the conversation after going to the trouble of giving the boy homemade sweets, so she spoke up in her sister's defense. Akira agreed with her, but the queen would not budge.

"No. This is something Mary must overcome if she wants to be treated like an adult. Now, Mary, pull down that dress and squeeze out some milk for Akira."

This gave a glimpse of just how strictly the queen fulfilled her political duties and followed the queendom's customs.

The cornered younger princess looked back and forth between her own chest and the boy's face. She worried over it for a while before suddenly standing up.

"…I just can't do this!"

"Where are you going, Mary!?"

The princess ignored her mother and ran from the terrace with her curly hair swaying behind her.

"Sigh… Why couldn't I have raised her to be more honest with herself…?" The queen breathed a deep sigh as she watched her daughter run off. "Sorry about this, Akira. Please don't feel bad…"

"I don't think Mary meant anything by it, so please forgive her."

Refusing to serve him milk was the same as saying he was not fit to be her guest. That was unthinkably rude for someone who had saved her life. First Christina and then Stella gave him apologetic looks.

"I-I don't mind that much…"

It had been a bit of a shock to be rejected so blatantly, but his foreign sensibilities were more understanding of why a teenage girl might not want to bare her breasts and milk herself in front of a boy.

He frantically shook his hands side to side to show he really did not mind. That brought brightness back to the other two's faces.

"Then how about we try Stella's cookies now?" suggested Christina.

"Yes, you have some too, Akira," agreed Stella.

Teatime resumed like normal, but the boy could not keep his mind off of the girl who had run away.

And a complex look came over Stella's face when she noticed how absentminded he was.

"Welcome, Akira… Come on in. I was waiting for you."

The afternoon teatime was not the only regular occurrence in Akira's day. When the black-haired maid brought him to a room in the back of the palace, Christina welcomed him in a night dress.

She stood up from the sofa, approached the boy who stood bashfully in the center of the room, hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek. It was a heartwarming scene, like a mother giving her son a goodnight kiss.

"Hee hee… I'm glad you came tonight as well…"

But the kiss quickly moved to his lips and their tongues passionately intertwined.

After she had taken his virginity, she had told him to visit her bedroom every night. He had been hesitant since she was a queen, but the young boy had succumbed to his lust and curiosity and done as asked.

"You told me to…"

"Yes, but it still makes me happy. If you continue desiring me at this rate, my body won't be able to keep up."

They repeatedly kissed while speaking like lovers.

"Sorry… But, Queen Christina! I…I can't wait any longer…"

Unable to restrain his arousal, the boy tried to push the lady onto the bed, but she removed her lips from his and stopped him.

"Come on…don't rush things."


The boy was normally so obedient and righteous, but when his desire was brought to the surface, he would seek sex with the raw lust of an animal. Having a young male drowning in her body stimulated the lady's confidence and pride as a woman.

Christina seemed to enjoy the arrangement because she really did have sex with him every night. The passionate affair would continue until dawn and then Akira would sneak back to his room.

"I have something to discuss with you today, Akira."

"To discuss? What is it?"

She fixed the disturbed chest of her dress, sat back on the sofa, and had the boy sit facing her.

"I will explain when everyone has arrived. Sherris."

The queen clapped her hands, a knock came at the door, and the door opened to reveal the head maid respectfully bowing.

Those two had given him a double "massage" before, so he wondered if it was something like that, but that sweet fantasy was shattered by the girl who followed the maid in.

"Good evening, mother. What do you need at this hour? Eh? Akira…? Why are you in mother's bedroom…?"

The beautiful girl with long blonde hair worn in lovely ringlet curls had been pouting her lips, but her eyes widened when she saw the boy. After the princess entered, Sherris bowed and left.

"Mary, you must know why I called you here. Don't you have something to say to Akira?"

"No…I don't…"

Rosemary's gaze wandered a bit when the boy's name was mentioned.

"My. You have nothing to say to the person who saved you? And you treated him so poorly at tea. I did not raise you to be so ungrateful and impolite!!"

The queen raised her voice against her daughter who had as displeased a look as ever.

"Ungrateful? I know he saved our lives! And I am very thankful…. It's just…"

Rosemary forcefully argued back, but she trailed off when her eyes met the boy's.

She was acting tough, but she was still a teenage girl. She had experienced so much fear while captured by an enemy known for their many cruelties, so she had difficulty accepting the boy so readily.

More importantly, Akira was happy to hear Rosemary say she was thankful.

"Are you saying this is because Akira is from Sodom? Akira is Akira. And you can find bad people in Courreges too. You need to view people as individuals, not through your prejudices. It is crucial that a royal knows how to judge individuals by-…"

"…I know that!"

The princess cut off her mother's lengthy lecture and puffed out her chest.

"I am not prejudiced. Akira might not look like much, but I know he is a just person and has a kind personality. He is the best gentleman I have ever-…ah!"

When she realized she had self-destructed, Rosemary's face grew red as an apple. She had been so insistent on arguing with her mother that she had accidentally revealed her true feelings.

She was so embarrassed that her shoulders shook and she glared tearfully at Akira.

"N-no…I-I misspoke!"

Christina and Akira stared at the girl in shock.

"Hee hee… It would seem I was worried over nothing. But, Mary, you really need to be more honest…"

The boy had yet to figure out what the princess had meant, but the queen had realized how her daughter felt and embraced the girl with a smile.

"Let go of me. I have not fallen in love with Akira or anything like that. I am simply thankful."

"Oh, you and your lying… Yes, yes, I understand."

Rosemary made desperate excuses and twisted her body to try to escape, but the queen would not let her go and rubbed her cheek against her.

(Princess Rosemary…loves me!?)

Did she act so coldly toward him because she was embarrassed to let her feelings show? He could not help but stare at the younger princess.

"I am not lying! I do not love Akira at all!!"

The more strongly she denied it, the more she seemed to be confirming it. But she failed to realize this and kept saying she did not love the boy.

"Really, Mary? You have no special feelings for Akira?"

"O-of course not… Why would I?"

Christina firmly asked her about it and the princess hesitated and meaninglessly scratched at her hair before answering.

The queen released her daughter and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stella said she wanted to take Akira as her husband and I was worried you might too, but it looks like that won't be a problem."

"Eh? What did you just say…?"

It was obvious to everyone that Stella liked the boy, but they must not have thought she was that serious about it. The boy and the blushing queen both paled at this revelation.

"H-he can't! Akira can't marry Stella!"

"Why not? You have no special feelings for him, right?"

"W-well…it's not about that. Stella is the official heir of the Gatomaritie family, so she can't marry someone like him!"

She managed to find a good argument, but she could not hide how shaken she was. She worked desperately to dissuade her mother from allowing her sister and this boy to marry.

"If you really feel that way, then convince her to step down from the line of succession so you can be the heir. I simply wish the two of them happiness."

"It can't be… Akira and Stella…"

The girl had had her arms arrogantly crossed when she entered the bedroom, but now she was holding her head in her hands. Akira had never seen her like this before, but he could not enjoy it.

(Princess Stella marrying me!?)

He was shocked that this had entered the realm of possibility without his knowledge. He had been a lowly dungeon guard just the other day, but now he was known as a hero in a foreign queendom and he might even marry a princess. He wondered if he was dreaming, but pinching his cheek did not wake him.

"Well, nothing is set in stone, so you still have time to think about it."

"But, mother!"

The princess dug in her heels to stop the marriage between her sister and this boy, but the queen declared the conversation over by sitting on the sofa next to the boy and embracing him.

"We have been talking for far too long. Come, Akira, and drink the milk you love so much."

The lady shoved the boy's face between her prized breasts.

"M-mother! What are you doing!?"

When Rosemary saw the boy and her mother embracing in front of her, she approached them with the outer edges of her eyes rising and her shoulders trembling with anger.

"It may have been my daughters he saved, but one of them cannot serve him her milk and the other will not. So I have been giving him my milk every day."

"Every day? Can't you just have the maids do it? Akira! What is the meaning of this!?"

She had secret feelings for this boy, but her mother had been letting him drink her milk every night. That might be in line with the queendom's customs, but it could not have been a nice feeling for her.

"I could have the maids do it, but this is about my gratitude. I would feel ungrateful if I delegated this to a maid. Okay, Akira, drink all you want…"

"B-but…mgh, nhhh…"

The lady ignored her daughter's presence, slid her night dress off of her chest, and pressed her bare breasts against him. He was of course filled with an urge to suck them, but he could not even reach out toward them with the princess glaring at him.

"Why are you serving it directly!?"

"I've found I quite enjoy it this way."

"Enjoy…? No, it doesn't matter."

The boy struggled to escape the boobs and the lady held him tightly so he could not. They looked like a playful couple, so Rosemary made up her mind and opened her mouth.

"Okay, fine! I will do it myself!"

The princess's cheeks were slightly flushed, but she stuck out her chest as if to place her breasts between Christina and the boy. Those tits took after her mother, so they were far larger than the average for her age. She shoved them into his face.

"Oh? What has come over you, Mary?"

"I will provide the milk, so you can leave him alone. Now, Akira. We will go to my room."

The princess held the boy's head to her chest and tried to pull him away from the queen, but Christina would not allow it.

"No. I need to make sure you can do it properly."

"You…you don't have to worry about that…"

"How am I supposed to believe that after the way you have been treating him all day?"

The boy was unable to enjoy the happy pressure surrounding his face as boobs were pressed against him from either side.

"P-please calm down, you two…"

He looked up and tried to calm down the mother and daughter, but they were not listening.

"Besides, you were the one that told me to serve Akira milk, so why are you getting in my way now?"

"I am not getting in your way. This is your first time serving someone your milk, isn't it? It is a mother's duty to make sure her daughter knows the proper method."

They continued squishing his face between their boobs as they fought over him, but the princess finally relented. She knew her mother was right and she had no rebuttal.

"Fine then. I just have to do it here, right!?"

Rosemary shouted that and pulled down the chest of her dress, revealing the melons below.

"D-don't stare…like that…"

She had bared her breasts without thinking, but she quickly covered them with her arm when she noticed the boy's gaze on her.


The boy had subconsciously been staring at her boobs, so he quickly averted his gaze. And there he found the queen's ample breasts which had been freed from their dress.

"How are you supposed to let him drink your milk if you are too embarrassed to even let him see your boobs? It looks like I need to show you how it is done."

"I am not embarrassed!"

Despite her insistence, Rosemary did not remove her arm from in front of her breasts.

"Here, Akira. Like always, you can drink as much as you want."

He was bothered by the princess watching them, but when the lady pressed her milk-filled breast in front of him, he reflexively sucked at the tip.

"Ahh, yes… Enjoy as much of my milk as you want…"

As he sucked at the already-hard nipple, the queen rubbed his head with a look of ecstasy.


Rosemary could not hide her shock at seeing the practiced way her mother offered her breasts and the way the boy was knowledgeable enough of the queendom's customs to lick and massage her boobs while he sucked out the milk.

But the strong-willed princess could not back down, so even with her face red to the ears, she gulped and tugged on the boy's sleeve as he drank the queen's milk.

"Come here, Akira! Drink…m-my milk…"

That was the best the shy girl could manage. The embarrassment must have been too much to bear by the end because she looked away to avoid Akira's surprised look.

"Honestly… You really are a troublesome child. Come here."

Christina smiled at the contrary princess and used the hand not rubbing the boy's head to beckon her over.

"Let's serve Akira together."

"Fine, then… C'mon, stop drinking my mother's milk and drink mine instead…"

Rosemary lowered her arm to reveal a pair of tits just as splendid as her mother's. The light pink areolae were small for the overall size of the breasts, but the tips were beginning to grow erect.

(This is an incredible…no, downright amazing sight…)

Akira gasped at having his vision filled with boobs, boobs, and more boobs.

"Now, now, Mary… You mustn't force him."

Christina's breasts were like ripe melons and Rosemary's jiggled youthfully. Comparing a queen and princess's bare tits was an unbelievably luxury.

"I am not forcing him… Akira obviously wants to drink my milk!"

"Mgh! Nhh~~~~"

He was caught completely off guard as the mother and daughter fought to be the first to push an erect nipple into his mouth.

"You are troubling Akira. You need to be more ladylike when you let someone drink your milk. Here, I will show you how it is done."

Christina massaged her breast with practiced hand and milk flowed from the tip and into the boy's mouth.

However, the domineering princess was a sore loser and could not bear to stay silent.

"No! Drink my milk, not mother's!"

Rosemary yanked on the boy's arm to pull his head away from her mother. She was a little forceful, but he could not refuse such a desperate invitation, so he removed his mouth from the queen's breast.

"Um, are you sure you want to do it directly? You can always use a cup if that's what you're more comfortable with…"

The princess gasped when she realized what Akira was saying. She was only trying to directly serve him her milk because her mother was, but their family had not previously used that alternative method.

But she still stuck her breasts out in front of his face like it was normal. The blushing cheeks visible past her overgrown tits were all the answer he needed.

"O-of course I am sure… This is a perfectly normal thing to do for a guest and I'm definitely not doing it especially for you!!"

The princess looked away from him when she finished saying that. Nevertheless, she held her chest out to press the puffy areolae and erect nipples against him.

(Princess Rosemary is so cute…)

He could not help but smile at her dishonest behavior. He buried his face in her breasts so she would not notice the grin.


Her scream was very cute for her and she twisted her body, but that reaction only stimulated the male heart. He grabbed one of her reflexively fleeing boobs and sucked at the nipple.

"Wait, don't suck so hard right away…ahh!"

Each time his tongue crawled along the hardened pink tip, the princess writhed, shaking her prized blonde ringlet curls.

The lady's breasts had been soft, but Rosemary's tits were soft, firm enough to seemingly suck his hand inward, and resilient enough to push back at his fingers. They were perfect for groping.

"Ah, ahh…my chest feels so hot…and kind of weird. Ah, hyahh!"

The princess moaned like she had achieved a light climax. As he massaged her breasts and enjoyed the youthful feeling like he had been taught to do, he could feel pressure growing inside them.

The nipple grew harder as he rolled it around with his tongue tip.

And a sweet flavor spread through his mouth.

"Ahhn… M-my milk… is coming out…"

Christina and Sherris were adult women, but this girl was only about the boy's age and she could not hide the surprise at the milk overflowing from her body.

At the same time, Akira was definitely growing aroused by how that domineering princess had milk spraying from her breast and was moaning so cutely. His breast massage had been hesitant at first, but that gradually grew stronger and he audibly sucked at the milk-wet erect nipple.

"Oh, Akira… Suck so passionately at Mary's breasts and I'll get jealous. Please taste my milk as well."

While he lost himself in the princess's breasts, Christina lifted her weighty tits in her hands and pressed them together to show off the cleavage.


He turned his head to place his lips on the queen's breast this time and sucked at her milk. He took turns sucking at the boobs on either side of him and compared the flavors of the mother and daughter's milk. He had never before experienced anything so luxurious.

"Here, Akira… Drink more of my milk…"

"My, my. Mary, you're troubling Akira."

While he was sucking Christina's boobs, Rosemary impatiently shoved her breasts toward his mouth.

With a nipple from each of them in his mouth, enough milk flowed in that he had trouble swallowing it all, but he honestly appreciated the blessing. Some of the milk got on his lips and dribbled down his chin and throat.

"Mother…please do not get in the way…"

"I am not in the way. We need to serve Akira together."

After butting in and ignoring her mother's suggestion, Rosemary held the boy tightly like he was a favorite stuffed animal.

"Mother, you told me to give him milk so why do you have to do it?"

She had fought so hard to not give the boy her milk, but now the princess tried to keep her mother away, as if the boy belonged to her.

"Oh? When a woman is interested in someone, it is perfectly natural for her to find excuses to share each other's milk."

The queen gave a charming smile and said something unbelievable with no sign she cared about her daughter's eyes on her.

"Wha-!? E-ehh!? Mother…wh-what does…that mean?"

"Hee hee… Exactly what it sounds like. I have already milked Akira. Now it is my turn… Drink lots of my milk, okay?"

Rosemary was so shaken that Christina stole the boy away from her and held him to her ample chest.

"…Pfh! Wait, nghhh…"

Milk flowed out the instant the lady's nipple was in his mouth. He gulped down the sweet and rich milk that sprayed out.

"Wha-!? Milked him!? Wait, Akira! How dare you cheat on me!?"

"Eh? Cheat on you!? I'm not sure what to say to that…"

The princess glared resentfully at him when she learned her mother had not just given him her milk but had sex with him too. The queen argued the boy's case when she saw this.

"Cheat on you, Mary? You know as well as I do that guests are fair game for any woman in the family. Besides, Akira is not your lover."

The mother placed an exasperated hand on her cheek, but the princess argued back.

"Well…that may have been true before, but now that he has violated me here, he belongs to me!"

This milky hospitality was a standard custom in the queendom, so she would have a hard time claiming that counted as violating her. Rosemary approached the confused boy with her cheeks bright red.

"So, Akira, m-marry me! Instead of Stella!!"

Both Akira and Christina stared in shock at the sudden proposal.

"What? Am I not good enough for you!?"

"N-no…I wouldn't say that…"

The princess must have taken the boy's dazed answer as a rejection because she glared sharply at him with tears welling up in her eyes.

First Stella and now Rosemary had said they wanted to marry the boy. He had had sex with the queen, but marriage was something else entirely. He appreciated the great honor, but he could not exactly celebrate when their social status was just too different.

"C'mon, Mary, calm down… Akira won't know what to say if you bring it up all of a sudden like that." The queen sighed and worked to calm her overexcited daughter. "Besides, if simply letting him drink your milk gets you this worked up, it is far too soon to be thinking about marriage."

"Not to worry. I am more than ready."

Christina tried to convince Rosemary to take back her sudden announcement, but the princess held out her chest with great confidence.

"Words are meaningless here. A little girl who has never even kissed someone shouldn't even be thinking about marriage."

Christina took a harsher tone with her argumentative daughter, but the princess refused to back down like a child throwing a tantrum.

"M-maybe for your average girl…but I am very mature for my age!"

"Mary, a couple needs to know they are sexually compatible before they get married. I would be a poor mother if I let you marry without even trying out your prospective husband first."

"…I-I know that! I'm not stupid! I can take care of that tonight if you insist."

The blonde princess had gotten carried away and could no longer back down, so she started stripping off her dress right then and there. Christina had to put a stop to that.

"Honestly, what a troublesome daughter you are…"

The queen must have sensed the strong will behind the domineering princess saying she was willing to have sex, so she looked alternatively between Rosemary and the boy.

"Mary says she is willing, but what about you, Akira? Do you want to sleep with Mary?"

"Eh? Well, if you put it that way…yes."

Rosemary was one of the most beautiful girls in the queendom and she had a hot body with breasts large enough to put most any adult to shame. Any guy would want to sleep with her and Akira was no exception.

He was already in a relationship with the queen, so also doing so with her daughter felt like going too far. But he was extremely aroused after swallowing so much of their milk, so he nodded.

"So you're finally being honest. Well, if you want me that badly, I can hardly say no. Come with me to my room."

"Where do you think you're going, Mary?"

The princess pulled on Akira's hand and tried to leave her mother's bedroom, but the queen suddenly embraced her from behind.

"Kyah! Wh-what are you doing!?"

Rosemary struggled and flailed her arms and legs the best she could, but Christina dragged her over to the bed.

"Don't even try to pretend you don't know. It is a mother's duty to teach her daughter how to have sex."

"Y-you don't have to do that! W-wait, mother!? What are you-…stop this!"

The queen sat the princess down on the luxurious canopied bed, embraced the girl from behind, and spread her healthy legs.

"Wha-!? Queen Christina…what is this…?"

With her legs spread wide, Rosemary's skirt was lifted up and the red panties hidden at the base of her thighs were exposed.

Akira knew he should not look, but his male instincts directed his eyes right up her skirt.

"You want to have sex with Mary, don't you? I will teach you how to treat a virgin. You can start by kissing her."

The boy had only lost his virginity the other day, so having sex with a virgin may indeed have been too much for him. Even so, having sex while someone else was watching really was too much.

"Mother, please stop joking! This is my first time…"

"I am not joking, silly girl. You said you wanted to have sex with Akira, didn't you? And not all girls are lucky enough to lose their virginity in their mother's arms. And doesn't it remind you of when I taught you how to masturbate?"

"P-please don't mention that in front of Akira!"

"Why not? Introducing your daughter to the milk goddess's gift of orgasm is one of the most beautiful parts of motherhood."

"I-I know they say that, but…"

The princess could not bear the embarrassment of having her legs spread, so she bit her lip and lowered her gaze. She had to be feeling the boy's gaze on her, but she made no attempt to fix the chest of her dress or close her legs.

"I will not force you, Mary. But if you will not do it, I will spend the night with Akira."

"Wha-!? You can't do that! Uuh…Akira, you have permission to kiss me. It's my first kiss, so consider it an honor…"

She was still not being entirely honest, but her reluctance to let her mother take the boy led her to invite the boy to begin.

"Are you sure…?"

Akira was still not sure if he should really take the princess's lips, so he glanced over toward Christina for help.

"She says you can, so there is no reason not to."

"That's right. Hurry up and kiss me!"

That domineering princess was demanding he kiss her while she had her breasts bared and her legs spread wide. It was an unbelievable sight, but it was not a dream or an illusion. It was very real.

"Okay…in that case…"

He hesitantly moved his face toward her beautiful face that almost looked like an antique doll.

As soon as his lips touched her, the princess's body jumped. She had apparently tried to pull back on reflex, but with the queen holding her from behind, she had nowhere to escape and she accepted the kiss while her face tensed from nerves.

"Nn, nhh…ahm, nnh…"

As he felt her thin lips, his heart beat faster and faster. He suppressed the urge to rush and kissed her a little harder. The sweet scent of her hair grew stronger and her giant tits were squished against his chest.

"Kiss…nmh, Princess Rosemary…"

"Nnh!? Nn, nmh…kiss, slurp, Akira…kiiiiss…"

When she opened her mouth to breathe, he stuck his tongue in and captured her hot tongue.

Christina had already taught him how to kiss over the past few days, so he naturally began devouring Rosemary's lips.

The princess's saliva felt meltingly good as their tongues sweetly tangled together.

"My, my. Such a passionate kiss, you two…"

The lady breathed a jealous sigh as she watched the two youths kissing.

"…Pwah, pant, pant… G-give me a little warning before sticking your tongue in my mouth next time…"

Once released from the deep kiss that prevented her from breathing, the princess was blushing and breathing heated breaths. The sharp look of her eyes had softened and that melted look further inspired male desire.

"S-sorry… Kissing you felt so good…I kind of lost control…"

"Wha-? Flattery will get you no-…hyan!"

The princess shrieked and looked down, so the boy followed her gaze.

"Mother…wh-what are you doing!?"

The queen's white-gloved hand had reached past the Rosemary's side and snuck inside the skirt of her red dress.

"Teaching my daughter the joys of sex like a good mother should. Nothing more than that."

The queen was smiling, but it seemed she was interfering because she had not liked the way the boy and princess were looking into each other's eyes. This custom was apparently seen as a touching show of motherly love for her daughter, but their kiss had been passionate enough to fill her with childish jealousy.

"Look, Akira. Your kiss has created an absolute flood down here…"

"Please stop! If you do that, he'll see…"

Rosemary twisted her body and shook her head in protest, but the queen rubbed her finger lovingly along the crotch of her daughter's red panties. A large stain formed in the fabric and a lewd wet sound could be heard with each rub of her fingers.

"You're about to have sex, so of course he's going to see."

The lady gave a charming smile, grabbed the thin and soaked fabric between her index and middle fingers, and slid it to the side.

"Ahh…d-don't look!"

The princess was so embarrassed she covered her face with her hands. Conversely, when the boy was shown her seductively half-bared body, his eyes were drawn toward her crotch.

"Now, now, Mary. Don't cover it up… Don't you want to have sex with Akira?"

Her labia were closed so they formed a single line and they were wet with nectar. Those flower petals had not darkened at all and remained a bright pink untouched by men.

(This is Princess Rosemary's pussy…)

Akira would be the first man to ever penetrate that lovely vulva. After a life so lacking in femininity, his chest burned with emotion.

"Uuh…I suppose you're right… C-c'mon, Akira…stop staring and put it in me already!"

"A-are you sure…?"

Rosemary responded to his crass question by squeezing her eyes shut and nodding. Her gorgeous blonde ringlet curls shook and her milk-wet tits jiggled. Every one of her actions and reactions seemed tailor-made to seduce a male.

"Of course I'm sure… If you want to have sex, then do it with me instead of mother!"

After sucking on the queen's and princess's tits, drinking their milk, and kissing Rosemary so passionately he forgot to breathe, his crotch was already fully aroused. He had been resisting since she was a royal, but so soon after learning what sex was like, the boy could not restrain himself any longer.

When strong-willed Rosemary gave him a nervous upturned look, the last of his rational mind was blown away. He stripped off his pants and underwear comically fast and aimed his fully-erect rod toward the princess's crotch.


This had to be the first penis she had ever seen, at least up close, so Rosemary's face stiffened when it pressed against her vulva. But she pressed her lips tightly together and tensed her expression to hide her shock.

"My, my. Mary, you needn't be so nervous. Just relax your body."

Perhaps to help relax the princess's tension, the queen reached below her arms and began massaging her daughter's breasts.

"Ah, wait, mother… Hahn, y-you too, Akira? Ahh, it feels so hot pressing against me…"

While Rosemary was distracted by her mother's caress, Akira had the swollen penis head give a kiss to her outer labia which were soaked with love juices. He rubbed his manhood up and down the slit as if to gather the nectar, but he could not suppress his desire for long.

"I'm sorry… I can't wait any longer…"

He held the rod by the base and pressed the tip against her secret slit. He suppressed the urge to just jam it in and instead slowly moved his hips forward.

"Good, good. Lower the tip of the penis a little as you insert it."

Christina peered at their union and gave advice while kneading her daughter's breasts to help reduce the pain of losing her virginity.

He had never before done it in this seated position similar to missionary, but his penis was smoothly buried in her virgin flesh thanks to the mother's advice.

"Nhah, ahhh…Akira is entering me…"

Her vagina was far tighter than her mother's, but his erection pushed the walls open as he penetrated her. Tears appeared in her eyes and her face twisted in pain, but she did not say a word about it, either out of concern for the boy or to preserve her own pride.

(Ahh, the inner flesh is all wrapped around me. It feels so good…)

She squeezed tightly as he parted her vagina and sent his penis deeper inside. Before long, he broke through the hymen that represented her virginity and buried his manhood deep inside her.

"Kh! Ahh…i-it…ah, khh…"

The blonde girl's body stiffened while she spoke what were not really words. But her soft vaginal flesh squeezed his entire penis and it felt so good he thought he was going to cum already.

"Princess Rosemary…I'm all the way inside…"

This was his first time with a virgin and a boy could not imagine the pain of being deflowered. As the princess endured the pain, sweat plastered her bangs to her forehead and her eyes squeezed shut in an adorable way.

"R-really? Hahh, hh…now you belong to me, Akira…"

This princess had not opened up to him much at first, but now her sharp eyes were narrowed happily. He could not have been happier himself.

"Congratulations, Mary. How does it feel to have your favorite boy inside you?"

"My belly feels so full… I've never done anything so embarrassing before…but it isn't a bad feeling…"

Rosemary briefly gave a tearful smile when her mother congratulated her, but then she puffed out her cheeks and turned her head to the side to hide her embarrassment.

"Hee hee… It's nothing to be embarrassed about. When you are fond of a gentlemen, making him yours and feeling him deep inside your vagina is the happiest feeling a woman can experience."

"Ahh, ahh… Making him yours…is a woman's happiness…"

Rosemary pondered her mother's words while her beautiful ruby eyes looked at the boy's face.

(Princess Rosemary is so cute…)

Because she normally acted so cold, the gap created by this girlish behavior appealed to the male heart.

"Ah, heeen…g-go ahead and move, Akira… And you had better make sure I enjoy this…"

When he unconsciously began rhythmically moving his hips, the princess shrieked. She still felt some pain from being deflowered, so she writhed and tossed around her golden curls when the rod began stirring up her vagina.

"Kyah…ahh, ahh…you feel so hot inside me…heeen!"

The boy had only just lost his virginity the other day, so he did not know how to treat a virgin. He knew he should be gentle, but his body moved on its own and the queen had to put a stop to his wild and youthful thrusting.

"Akira, calm down a bit. You need to be gentler with a girl."

She stopped massaging her daughter's breasts and placed her hands gently around the boy's cheeks instead.

"Pant, pant…s-sorry…nmh!"

The lady reached her head past her daughter and kissed he boy. Her tongue immediately invaded his mouth and he was further aroused by the fact that he was making out with the mother while penetrating the daughter.

"Wait, mother! Hahn, wh-what do you think you're doing!? Akira should only kiss me from now on…"

The princess frantically pushed on the boy's chest to end their kiss. Seeing that domineering princess pouting her lips from jealousy filled him with such a bittersweet feeling.

"Hee hee. This is part of the lesson. Now, Akira, slowly pump in and out of her at the shallow part of her vagina."


He followed the queen's instructions by pulling his penis back until it almost came out and then repeatedly thrusting just the head in and out.

The vaginal flesh, wet with lots of love juices, wrapped only around the sensitive head and he could barely restrain himself from jamming it all the way inside her once more.

"How is this part of the lesson? …Ah, ahn!"

Rosemary clearly did not accept that explanation, but once the boy followed the queen's instructions, she arched her back and moaned with her prized breasts bouncing.

"See, it feels better than before, doesn't it? And it looks like milk is about to explode from your boobs."

Christina resumed massaging the princess's overgrown breasts which were fully exposed from her dress. Milk was already seeping from the pink nipples and some white spray reached the boy's chest.

"Kyah, nh, nnh…n-not my breasts…ahh…"

Even strong-willed Rosemary could only writhe and gasp for breath with the rod penetrating her vagina and her mother caressing her breasts. Akira subconsciously reached for the tits bouncing before his eyes. After he grabbed the princess's breasts while thrusting his hips, Christina placed her hands on his.

"You too, Akira? …Ahn, don't grope them so roughly…hyah! M-my milk is coming out…"

She reflexively grabbed the boy's arms, but she was not really protesting. Akira instinctually sensed that and moved his hips more roughly. The girl's moans grew more sexual and her harsh expression softened as if melting.

While enjoying pleasuring the princess, he massaged and milked those perfectly gropable tits.

"Hahhn…not so suddenly, ah, ahh…not my breasts…"

As he squeezed milk from her breasts and penetrated her vagina, he sensed the sweet and sour scent of the sweat covering Rosemary's pink-flushed skin.

"Princess Rosemary…this feels so good!"

Driven by the arousal of this previously-unseen side of the princess, Akira lost himself in thrusting his hips.

His hard rod pushed open her tight virgin flesh over and over while the head knocked on her cervix.

"Oh, dear. Would you look at that? You look so cute doing this, Akira. …But have you forgotten all about me?"

"Ah, um…n-no, I haven't…"

While he was busy having sex with her daughter, Christina breathed an exaggerated sigh and gave him a sulking look.

She enjoyed the boy's flustered reaction while continuing to torment Rosemary's breasts with skilled finger movements. Her white fingers dug into the princess's breasts and transformed them into obscene new shapes.

"Hhh, ah, hyah…I feel like I'm going crazy… Akira's penis is rubbing me deep inside…my chest feels so hot, ahee…and my milk is squirting out…I-I'm going to cum…"

The strong-willed princess's voice sounded so weak. Those reactions filled Akira with the joy of knowing he was bringing her pleasure.

At some point, Rosemary had begun moving her own hips to rub her vaginal flesh against his rock-hard penis in search of even greater pleasure.

"I'm…going to cum too…"

Her vaginal walls squeezed so tight he thought they were trying to push him out of her, but he rubbed his penis roughly against them while watching an impressive milking show in front of him. A magma-like mass of desire welled up within his crotch.

"Oh, I can't stop myself… I need to feel Akira too…"

Christina must have been jealous that the boy was only making her daughter climax because she reached her head past her daughter's shoulder and begged him to kiss her. As soon as he did so, she shoved her saliva-coated tongue into his mouth.

As their tongues intertwined, his brain tingled from tongue-melting pleasure.

"Hahh, ahhn…no, Akira…don't kiss mother…k-kiss me…hyahn!"

The princess tried to separate the boy and her mother, but her arms were too weak with the penis pounding deep inside her vagina.

She breathed heavily while staring blankly up at the two kissers.

"Kiss…slurp, kiss…Mary, Akira, there is no need to hold back…"

The lady ended the kiss to whisper gently to them.

"O-okay… Let's cum together, Princess Rosemary…"

Once he had the queen's permission, the boy thrust his hips with all his might. He was already past his limit, but he desperately held back on the ejaculation so he could experience climax with the girl who had given him her virginity.

"Ahn, ahn, ahn! T-together?"

Rosemary did not seem to know what he was saying because the sudden speed of his pistoning kept her from thinking straight. She reached out her weak arms to embrace him.

"Yes, together! I'm cumming!!"

Her slender limbs began to convulse and waves of tight squeezing ran through her vagina. The vaginal flesh wriggled and tightened on his penis as if trying to squeeze out the semen.

"Hee hee hee… Yes, milk is meant to be shared…"

With those words, Christina tightly pinched Rosemary's nipples. At the same time, milk erupted from the girl's breasts and soaked the breasts themselves and the boy's body.

"Hyaaaahhh! My breasts…there's so much milk! A-and…my mind feels funny…ahhhhhn~~~!!"

As she sprayed milk, the princess shook her golden curls around, arched her back, and moaned.

"Uuh…I'm cumming too!"

The boy finally arrived at his limit and thrust his penis deep inside the princess's vagina as he climaxed.

"Ahh, Akira…i-it feels so hot inside me…"

Rosemary went limp in the queen's arms and stared into space as she accepted so much semen in her vagina. All the normal thorniness was gone from her expression and replaced by the joy of becoming one with someone she loved. Her trademark sharp eyes were melted with pleasure.

"Hahhhh…it feels so good…"

After filling the girl's vagina with his seed, the boy breathed a pathetic sigh and basked in the afterglow.

"Well, Mary? This is the joy of womanhood."

"The joy…of womanhood…ha ha…"

The princess repeated her mother's words and Akira removed his penis from her. An unbelievable amount of milky liquid flowed back out of her vagina.

(I had sex with Princess Rosemary…)

He felt kind of bad when he saw the occasional hint of pink from blood mixed in, but he was also happy she had given him her virginity.

He had also learned that the princess liked him. He started to embrace her while she gasped for breath with her legs still spread wide, but…

"Okay, Akira. Now it's my turn."

Christina released her daughter and embraced him from the front.

"Wah! Eh? Wh-what…?"

The boy was entirely caught off guard, so she easily pushed him onto his back on the bed. Then she straddled him with a face of a pure horniness.

"You have to ask? You can't tease me like that and then not deliver."

"W-wait, mother! Akira is my husband, so you don't get to do that kind of thing with him!!"

After recovering some, the princess approached on all fours and tried to push aside her mother whose seductive smile made it clear she really did intend to fuck him then and there.

"Oh? A good daughter will share her husband with her mother. Besides, we still don't know whether he will be your husband or not."

"Wha-? He took my virginity, so…um, he belongs to me and must marry me! You'll be doing that, won't you!?"

Rosemary blushed and glared at him.

"I-I'm not sure I can answer that right away…"

The boy panicked at her marriage proposal, but even after ejaculating just a bit ago, his penis was quickly regaining its hardness in the queen's hand.

"See? Akira wants to have sex with me."

"I-I will not let him cheat on me!"

Christina gave a childish look of triumph and Rosemary twisted her lips into a frustrated frown. Two women fighting over a single man.

Akira had heard rumors of this happening, but he had never even dreamed it would happen over him.

"Don't worry, Mary. The milk goddess has blessed Akira to an incredible extent, so two or three rounds are nothing for him."

"In that case, I get the second round too! And the third round and the round after that!"

"Don't be so greedy. We can take turns for some valuable mother-daughter bonding. Are you ready, A – ki – ra♪"

The woman's and girl's eyes shined with expectation. They began making reservations in advance and it did not look like he would be getting any sleep until morning.

Akira had no choice but to accept it.