Chapter 5: Milked By A Beautiful Maid

Christina had apparently received word before she returned to the castle, so she immediately made her way to the tower with their personal rooms. When she saw the boy and the princesses standing at the entrance to meet her, she leaped at them.

"Oh, you have no idea how worried I was. Stella, Mary, and Akira too. I'm so glad. So very glad."

The boy she adored like a son and her beloved daughters had been attacked while she was away, so the motherly woman spread her arms and hugged all three at once. She rained kisses down on them and rubbed her cheeks against them to express her delight in their safety.

"That hurts, mother. Besides, we are just fine thanks to Akira and Sherris."

"But Akira was hurt…"

"Yes, I heard about that too. Akira…you were injured protecting my daughters, weren't you? How can I ever thank you for saving them yet again?"

She faced the boy and gently stroked the arm wrapped in bandages.

"No, it was Sherris who saved them, not me."

"No, I only did my duty. In fact, I must apologize for allowing the assassins inside the castle and for allowing Sir Akira be injured."

It had obviously been Sherris who saved the day, but the black-haired maid refused to take credit and bowed deeply before the queen. It was exactly the kind of modesty one would expect of such a hard-working and cool young woman.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Sherris. Everyone is safe and sound after all."

It was true the boy's minor injury was the worst of it, but she still felt bad for allowing the assassins into the royal bedroom area.

"Have the villains still not been captured!?" asked Rosemary.

"I'm scared they will attack again," added Stella.

The pair of attackers had not been caught and it was still unclear who they were or what they were after.

"We are doing everything we can to search, but unfortunately, no results yet. And Sir Akira was clearly their target, so I doubt they will attack either of you princesses."

The princesses looked worried, but the maid calmly explained what they knew.

"Why would they be after Akira!? And they already did attack us!"

"That would be because you were holding Sir Akira's arms. They were willing to attack anyone who stood in their way, but Sir Akira was most definitely their main target."

Stella and Rosemary were shocked, but the boy agreed with Sherris because the assassins disguised as maids had definitely turned their knife on him first.

"But why Akira? Could they be surviving Sodom loyalists!?"

"No, it would be too difficult for complete outsiders to infiltrate this tower. And former Sodomites would likely target the two of you over Sir Akira."

"Then who were those insolent attackers!?"

Sodom had been destroyed by a revolution. Akira escaping with Stella and Rosemary had likely triggered that, but a revolution had only been a matter of time as the people suffered for so long under such a horrendous government.

"It sounds to me like these assassins came from within the queendom," said the queen after listening to her daughters and the maid's conversation.

"There is no solid evidence and I can only speculate," began Sherris. "But the maids I asked to prepare the bath for them were found tied up in the bath. Since the assassins stole their clothing to reach the bedrooms, they must have been hiding somewhere in the tower instead of breaking in from outside. That means someone guided them inside. And only a select few…"

The woman fell silent there. This was a difficult thing for a maid to be saying based entirely on speculation, but Christina caught on and continued for her.

"Only a select few high-ranking people close to the royal family could do that."

That made an odd amount of sense to the queen, but Stella and Rosemary shook their heads in confusion.

"Why would someone from our queendom want to attack Akira!?"

"He's the hero who saved our lives!"

The circumstantial evidence suggested someone from Courreges was targeting Akira, but he was as confused as the princesses why anyone like that would want to attack him.

"This too is speculation on my part, but word of how much you two adore Sir Akira and how you are arguing over who will marry him has been spreading throughout the castle lately."

"What's wrong with that?"

The older princess tilted her head because she did not understand what the maid was getting at, but the younger princess held her hands to her mouth in disbelief and the queen's expression grew grimmer by the second.

"No…but…it couldn't be."

"It is hard to believe, but it would explain everything."

Christina only had two children, Stella and Rosemary. One of the two would eventually take the throne, but the queendom's influential nobles would want to further strengthen their family's influence by marrying one of their sons to the future queen.

So the boy was indeed a hero for saving the princesses, but that did not mean everyone would accept him marrying a princess. Someone must have wanted to deal with him while Christina was away. Perhaps executing the attack had been difficult with the princesses around him at all times and they had made a riskier move as Christina's return approached.

"But even if they do not like Sir Akira's presence here, it is still hard to believe they would go as far as infiltrating this tower and assassinating a hero like him."

"I imagine they had a distant relative hire some rogues to do it. That way they could cover up their own involvement if the attack failed. Tracking down the person responsible is not going to be easy."

The queen explained this while shaking her head and holding her forehead as if to say she felt faint. Stella and Rosemary could not hide their shock either. They had stern looks on their faces and their shoulders were trembling with anger.

"I can't believe it… Akira was attacked because of us?"

"Th-this cannot stand. We cannot let them get away with this!"

They could say nothing for certain, but Akira felt like Sherris's speculation was probably accurate.

(But…I can see why no one would want a princess to marry a commoner.)

He had been numbed to it by his life being pampered by the queen, seduced by the princesses and served by the maid, but this felt like a splash of cold water.

It made sense for Stella and Rosemary to marry a noble. Even if he was known as a hero, a commoner still could not marry a princess.

He had enjoyed himself enough here, so now might be the time to back away. He straightened his posture, made up his mind, and opened his mouth.

"Um, Queen Christina? It sounds like it would only cause further trouble if I stayed here, so I should probably l-leave the…castle…before too…"

But he had trouble getting the words out. He had always lived alone and this would only be a return to the old normal, but his lips just kept flapping wordlessly.

"No! I…I don't think I could live without having you as a husband! If you are leaving, then take me with you!!"

Stella tearfully leapt into his chest to keep him from finishing. Her blue sapphire eyes stared straight into his and her slender body was trembling.

"Eh!? Princess Stella, what did you just say?"

"I am only here now because of you! When you rescued me from that dark dungeon, I swore I would repay you! And life with you here has taught me I couldn't possibly live without you."

He had not expected this bold confession, but Rosemary shoved her sister out of the way and grabbed his arm.

"You aren't thinking about running away and leaving your wife behind, are you!? I demand that you make me happy!"

"Um, this isn't about running away…eh? Ehh!?"

The two princesses grabbed at his arms so he could not get away. He had not expected this reaction and Christina breathed an exasperated sigh.

"Calm down, Stella and Mary. You are troubling Akira."

"How am I supposed to calm down!?"

"That's right! I don't care what you say, mother!"

Those sheltered princesses said they were willing to abandon their lives as princesses to be with the boy.

They knew there would be opposition, but they were serious. They stood there proudly as if to say they would not change their mind no matter what anyone said.

(They care about me that much?)

The warmth reaching him from his arms heated his heart. How happy would he be if he could be with them forever? He could not help but imagine it.

"I know how you two feel, so calm down."

Only when Christina said that with a serious look on her face did her daughters let go of the boy's arms and close their mouths.

"Do you really want to leave the castle, Akira?"

"Well, um…"

He answered honestly with a silent shake of his head, so the queen smiled gently.

"I cannot abandon my duty as queen, but my feelings for you are just as strong as my daughters'. No, they might be even stronger. So do not suggest anything as sad as leaving us."

"But it would be a problem if I stay here…"

The motherly woman continued as if scolding her own child.

"Who ever said it would be a problem? Stella, Mary, and I have only ever said we love you. Right?"

Christina looked to her daughters for agreement.

"Of course. I love you, Akira."

"And there's no need for you to leave, Akira!"

"I adore you as well, Sir Akira. We will capture those assassins, so please let me continue serving you."

The black-haired maid agreed as well.

"See, Akira? There is nothing to worry about, so you can keep living here forever. Like I said before, I want you to see me like your real mother."

"Queen Christina!"

The boy could not contain his overflowing emotions and leaped into the queen's chest. He hid his tear-stained face in her soft boobs.

"Ahn… Now, now. No need to cry."

She whispered to him with a meltingly sweet voice and hugged him tight. He found it odd how calming it was to be surrounded by her warmth and her gentle aroma.

"Hey, no fair, mother!"

"Why do you always go straight for mother!? You know what happens if you don't do this kind of thing with your wife, don't you?"

The princesses embraced him from behind so their mother could not hog him to herself. Stella pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the tears from his eyes, but Rosemary pouted her lips and tugged on his cheek.

"Ohay, I'm horry…"

"Hee hee. What a funny face, Akira."

Christina and Stella laughed, but Rosemary sulkily looked the other way. Sherris smiled as she watched it all.

(I can't be so weak-willed.)

Akira made up his mind. He wanted to be with them no matter what happened, so he would not run from that feeling again.

"Now that Akira has calmed down, I need to get back to my official duties."

The queen must have had a lot of work pile up while she was gone, so he appreciated that she gave this priority after receiving word of the attack.

"Since I'm back, we can finally sleep together again tonight. I can't wait."

She held his cheeks between her hands and kissed him before leaving the tower. The sisters insisted that he sleep with them instead, but the familiar scene helped soothe his heart after the shock of having his life targeted.

The queen had her official duties and the princesses had business of their own, so he returned to the room he had been given.

Some royal knights were posted outside the room to protect him, but while lying in the bed alone, he rapidly grew lonely and longed for someone to be with him.

"Excuse me, Sir Akira."

His loneliness was interrupted by a knock at the door.

When he responded, the black-haired maid stepped in and bowed deeply.

"How are you feeling? I am here to treat your wound."

She skillfully replaced the bandages on his arm. Sherris did not seem to wear much makeup, but having her so nearby brought the sweet feminine smell of her hair to his nose and his heart started racing.

"Thank you. And sorry you have to go to the trouble."

"Her Majesty told me to stay by your side, so think nothing of it."

"Oh, Queen Christina did?"

Sherris was usually extremely busy as Christina's personal maid and the head maid, but the queen must have wanted her most trusted servant to look after him. Her obvious concern for him warmed his heart.

"And one other…no, um…"

He smiled while thinking about that lady he had been reunited with after ten days, but Sherris started to say something and stopped. This was unusual for that cool beauty.

She seemed hesitant, but she finally got it out while blushing a little.

"Her Majesty insisted on rewarding me for saving you and the princesses…so I asked to be assigned as your maid."

"Eh!? S-surely you could have asked for something better than that."

Akira viewed Christina as a sexy, kind, and motherly woman, but she was a very skillful politician.

She was not the type to be stingy in rewards or punishments, so she would have provided quite a large sum. Did this mean Sherris had declined that and asked to serve the boy instead?

"I have always offered my body and soul to Her Majesty. Serving by her side is more than enough for me, so I have no need for money."

The boy clearly did not understand, so Sherris explained as clearly as she could. The boy had been a low-ranking soldier, so he was impressed with her display of loyalty as a direct servant to the royal family.

"Also…I always felt my true calling was as a milkmaid, so it would be a shame to let my skills go to waste."

The maid smiled at him and gently stroked his upper arm over the new bandages.

"Your skills? What-…oh."

He just about asked a stupid question but caught himself. She was definitely not talking about normal maid duties like cooking or helping him change.

He had been with Stella and Rosemary the entire time Christina was gone. A maid could not get in the princesses' way, so she must have felt a need to get the queen to make this an official duty of hers.

"You want to do it that badly?"

"Yes, this is why I wanted to be a maid in the first place. You can see me as a replacement for Her Majesty and the princesses if you like, but let me milk you today."

The maid lowered her hand from his arm, but the boy grabbed it just before she touched the large tent he was pitching in his pants.

"Is a mere maid not good enough for you anymore?"

She must have thought he was rejecting her because her normally cool and emotionless face twisted sadly. The boy quickly shook his head when he saw it.

"No, it's not that. It's just, um…I really do care for Queen Christina, Princess Stella, and Princess Rosemary…but you are special to me as well. So you aren't a replacement for anyone. I want to do this because it's with you."

He was not quite sure what he was saying by the end of it, but her black pearl eyes widened in surprise.

Maybe it made him wishy-washy, but he honestly did care for all of them, love all of them, and think they were all something special. So he did not want to think any of them was a replacement for someone else and it had pained him to hear Sherris say that.

"Sir Akira, you really are kind. And despite being so young, you can step forward and act when it matters most. I can see why the princesses and even Her Majesty adore you so much."

"Eh!? W-wait, um, I'm not that great."

She was so moved by his words that she started praising him a little too much, which embarrassed the boy so much he had to hold out a hand to stop her.

"No need to be modest. Now, how about I start the milkmaid service by offering you my own milk? Go ahead. My maid boobs are yours to enjoy."

Sherris sat next to him on the bed, took his hands, and placed them on her breasts while giving him a heated look.

"Whoa, whoa. Sherris…"

He cried out in surprise, but his fingers started moving on their own to enjoy the feel of those weighty breasts.

As a working woman, she did not dress up too much, but her body was in at the peak of womanhood and her breasts had a mature softness and firmness to them.

"Ahh, Sir Akira, nh, yes. Do not hold back. Enjoy my breasts to your heart's content."

The normally cool maid's sweet voice led him to squeeze both her boobs in his hands. They were about a size too big to fit in his hands and they were amazingly gropable even through her clothes.

(Wow, her boobs are super soft.)

It had been a while since he touched the maid's boobs, so he wanted to enjoy them more. He pulled down the chest of her maid uniform to reveal the pink tips, which quickly increased his arousal.


"Hyahn, y-yes…go ahead and drink my milk."

When he squished them against each other and sucked at the nipples, her body trembled a bit, but she let him do as he wished. Drinking a maid's milk was apparently a normal thing in this queendom, but it still felt like something special to him.

He was so happy he could do this with her and lost himself in groping her breasts.

"Ah, nh…yes, you have gotten very good at this."

Heated sighs escaped her lips as he moved his hands. Knowing he was bringing pleasure to an older woman heated his heart with joy.

"Nh, your milk is coming out."

Either because she was an adult or because she was a milkmaid, her milk started flowing after even the slightest massaging, while it took the princesses a bit to get started. It had a lighter flavor with no aftertaste, so it was easy to drink.

"Nh…h-how does my milk taste today?"

"Wonderful, of course."

He nodded while taking turns sucking milk from each nipple, so the maid smiled happily.

"Really? I-I am pleased to hear it.

She normally spoke quite briskly, so it was oddly refreshing to hear her speaking so hesitantly.

She must have been feeling a lot of pleasure from her chest.

Pleased, the boy spread his fingers and groped her breasts while imagining he was squeezing all the milk out of them.

"S-Sir Akira…ah, nh…my boobs feel incredible, ahh."

The more he sucked out the milk, the more flushed her body grew and the more heat filled her breaths.

She had left him in charge this whole time, but she could restrain herself no longer and reached a hand toward the prominent bulge in the boy's pants. She gently stroked it, sending a sweet tingling through his crotch and making his hips lift up.


"Oh…you're so hard."

He continued groping her breasts and sucking out her milk, but the maid used just her hands to skillfully remove his pants and pull his erect penis from his underwear. Her smooth and slender fingers wrapped around it and her warm palm surrounded it.

The hand around his cock squeezed just the perfect amount and slowly stroked up and down, spreading a sweet sensation throughout his crotch.

"W-wait, Sherris…ah, ahhh."

The maid's trained handjob technique made him remove his mouth from her boobs.

"Oh, it's so hot and hard. Exactly the kind of penis I like to milk."

He had been having sex almost exclusively with the princesses lately and he generally took the lead there, but things were different with an adult woman. Her hand intimately knew the weak points of his dick and targeted all of them.

(Ahh… It's just her hand, so how does it feel so good?)

He probably would have cum quite quickly when he had less experience, but he somehow managed to hold it off by tensing his lower body. He tried squeezing her breasts to milk her, but she sped up her stroking hand and his focus returned to his lower body.

"Sherris, if you keep stroking it like that…I'll cum."

He sucked at her breasts to distract himself and pleaded with her, but the rhythmical stroking of her hand sped up rather than slowed down.

"Nhh, ahn…That is the point. Please enjoy it and cum."

"But…it's just your hand. Ah, hhh."

Even with an older woman, cumming from just a handjob would feel too pathetic. And if he was going to cum, he wanted to do it in her mouth or vagina, so he held off on abandoning himself to the pleasure.

He was so focused on keeping the pleasure from making him blow his load that he could not think of anything else. He could no longer taste the milk in his mouth.

"Is my hand not to your liking?"

The maid asked a worried question of the boy who was squeezing her boobs and writhing in pleasure.

"I-it isn't that. But I guess I would prefer if you sucked it…"

"Oh, that I can do for you. You should have told me sooner."

The clever maid had clearly been waiting for him to finally ask for it himself, so she looked pleased as she prepared to comply.

"Now, I will milk you with my boobs and mouth."

"Eh? Whoa, whoa."

The hand not holding his penis pushed on his chest and he toppled back onto the bed.

It caught him by surprise, giving the maid time to climb onto the bed. She stared lovingly at the erection standing tall from his crotch.

"Ahh…your penis has gotten so big for me. I will get all that delicious milk out of you soon enough. …Ahm."

Sherris buried her face in his crotch and took the penis head into her mouth.

"Wait, Sherris? Ahhh!!"

Her rough tongue tip surrounded his cock with a warmth different from her hand. So much pleasure raced through his body he thought his hips were melting and he cried out.

"Nmh, slurp…ih's so hoh."

The maid's black hair shook as she moved her head up and down and skillfully ran her tongue along the head and shaft, rubbing saliva over it all. She also formed a ring with her soft lips to stroke the surface of his erection and sucked in her cheeks while sucking.

"Sherris, move your butt this way."

Akira still managed to keep down the urge to ejaculate as he pulled her wiggling butt toward him. Sherris had declined a lavish reward to have this time with him, so he felt bad not pleasuring her any.

The maid gave him a confused look with the penis still in her mouth, but she finally lifted one leg to straddle his body and place her crotch on his face.

(Wow, these are Sherris's thighs.)

He had thought she was slender, but as an adult, her butt was large and the thighs on either side of his head were plump.

Plus, a sweet and sour scent and a pleasant warmth reached him from within her skirt, blanking his mind like he was overheating.

"Sir Akira, do not worry about me. Just leave everything to me."

The woman looked back with a smile before grabbing her breasts and placing them around his penis. Then she ran her tongue along the head poking up out of her cleavage.

"Ah! Th-that's so good."

The warmth and pleasant softness of her breasts added to the warmth of her mouth and the sensation of her tongue, so the pleasure was so great his hips started shaking.

"Nh, suck…slup, slurp…oh, look at all that precum. Hee hee. I can tell you are enjoying this. Feel free to give me your milk whenever you are ready."

The maid moved her milk-wet tits while licking up all the precum that oozed from the tip. Her rough tongue continually traced along the contours of the sensitive head, filling it with a wonderful tingling.

"Whoa…ah, ahh. Sherris, your boobs feel so good."

He was certain he would cum as soon as he relaxed in the slightest, but he somehow managed to keep that from happening while grabbing the butt in front of his face.

"Hyahn! Wait, Sir Akira. Please stay still."

Rubbing her butt through her skirt was enough for Sherris's hips to jump while she looked back at him with a troubled expression.

But he pulled up her skirt regardless, exposing the butt wrapped in fancy pure white panties. They had a simple design, but it was incredibly arousing how her slit faintly showed through the lace crotch.

(Huh? She's already wet.)

When he obeyed his curiosity and traced a finger along the crotch of the underwear, he felt a wet stickiness there. Being milked had apparently turned her on and her entire body jumped when he touched her pussy lips.

"Hyahn! I cannot focus on milking you if you do that."

That claim was belied by the way she was still rubbing her large boobs against his penis while sucking the tip. The warmth and soft pressure of those milky breasts continually increased the urge to ejaculate.

"But you're absolutely soaked down here."

He was still entirely ruled by the pleasure she was giving him, but he managed to pull the thin layer of cloth to the side and poke those nectar-wet lips with his tongue tip. The maid shrieked.

Pleased by her reaction, he used his lips and tongue to continue pleasuring her. It did not take long for her pussy lips to spread open with more and more love juices dripping out.

"Ah, ahhn! P-please…I'm supposed to be the one…eek…"

As he traced his tongue along her slit to lick up the sweet and sour nectar, her large butt wiggled in a way that stimulated his male instincts and desire.

"I don't want to be the only one enjoying it," he said. "Let's enjoy it together."

Sherris would likely be satisfied simply milking the boy, but he wanted her to feel good too. He ignored what she said, pressed his lips to the partially-spread slit, and slurped up the nectar.

"Nhh, ah…Her Majesty taught you how to do this, didn't she? Ah, nh. Please calm down, Sir Akira. Ah, ahhhn."

His head was held between her plump thighs and he could see her slit and her asshole in front of him. How could he not be turned on?

"But your nectar just keeps coming. It's super hot."

When he started using his fingers in addition to his tongue, Sherris stopped moving with her breasts still around his penis.

"Ah, nh…ahh…ahhhh! Yes, ahh."

The maid let out sweet breaths very different from her normally cool image and her body shook. Akira's heart pounded at the sight of an adult woman writhing in pleasure from his technique and he wanted to make her do it even more.

"Ahn, your tongue feels too good. How am I supposed to milk you like this? Nh, slurrrp."

But despite the pleasure, the maid once more managed to skillfully move her giant tits to rub his penis while sucking at the head.

The soft pressure of her milky boobs and her rough tongue tip teased the boy.

"Ahhh! Ah, khh."

He had already been on the verge of cumming, so when she began licking him even more intensely than before, he could not possibly hold off any longer.

The trained milkmaid's technique proved too much for the boy, so sweat soaked his brow and he could only writhe on the bed.

"Slurrp, slup, slup…pwah! Delicious. Please let me drink your milk, Sir Akira."

The maid sucked his dick with the joyful look of a traveler given water in the desert. He could not say whether or not it was as delicious as she claimed, but warmth filled his chest when he saw her blowing him so lovingly.

(Agh, I'm going to cum. I can't stop it this time.)

If he stopped thinking and just let it happen, he could cum inside her mouth. He knew she would swallow it all and then give him a cleanup blowjob to suck out what remained in his urethra.

He recalled the previous times she had milked him and the past pleasure returned so vividly that it pushed his arousal over the top.

"Sherris! I-I'm gonna cum!"

When he felt the semen rising from the depths of his crotch, he took her clit in his mouth and sucked as if to return the favor.

"Ahhh! Th-that's my-…ahh, ah. Wait, Sir Akira! I-I'm going to cum too! Ahhhhhhhhh~~~!!"

The maid's hips shook while her breasts held a penis on the verge of going off.

"Whoa! I-I'm cumming, I'm cumming!!"

When he sensed her climax, he stopped fighting the pleasure. The urge to ejaculate filled his entire body like the dam had burst and he reflexively lifted his hips.

"Nh, kiss. Please cum inside my mouth. Ngh, mhhhh~~~."

The maid's eyes widened in surprise when his penis thrust up to the back of her throat, but then she began sucking to help him ejaculate.

His desire burst out into the maid's mouth. His mind went blank and the sweet tingling in his lower body was so powerful he thought it would destroy his hips.

"Nh, gulp…gulp, gulp."

Even he was amazed at how quickly all the cum raced up his urethra, but Sherris kept his dick in her mouth throughout the ejaculation and audibly gulped it all down.

The maid's orgasm continued as she swallowed the boy's cum, so she squirted from her spread slit.

It got all over his face, but he did not care at all. In fact, it delighted him because it felt like a sign of how much pleasure she had been feeling.

"Ha ha. I cannot believe I did that. Sorry. …Ahm, kiss. But your milk really is delicious."

Sherris's delight at swallowing his cum, may have come from a similar feeling.

And even if it was the done thing in this queendom, it still made him happy she was willing to swallow it for him.

"Ahhh. Th-that was amazing."

Once the long ejaculation was over, the maid licked all the semen from his penis.

But she did not remove her mouth after that was done.

"Suck, slup…slurp… Your penis is still hard."

He had gone a little soft immediately after cumming, but it had grown hard again while she continued to lick it and coat it with her saliva.

"Ah…and you're still dripping with love juices."

He could tell she was planning to unilaterally milk him again, so he grabbed her curvy butt and prepared to finger her this time.

But the maid got up to escape his caress.

"Honestly, Sir Akira. Didn't I tell you this is about me milking you?"

The way she gave a troubled sigh seemed a lot like a big sister exasperated with her little brother's pranks, but the black-haired maid's eyes were melted and her cheeks were faintly flushed.

"I know, but it doesn't seem fair if I'm the only one feeling good."

"Fairness has nothing to do with it. This is my job as a milkmaid. But if you insist, I can use a different milking method."

The maid laughed lightly and turned around on top of his stomach to straddle his crotch. She lifted her skirt and removed her soaked panties.

"This time, I will milk you with this, Sir Akira. That way, we can both enjoy it."

The maid held the base of his erection and pressed her sexual slit against it. The hot pussy lips kissed the head and her sexual flesh started to take him inside.

"Eh? Ah! Sherris, w-wait."

The boy panicked when he saw the heated look that usually cool young woman was giving him, but she smiled and shook her head.

"I cannot wait. I need you inside me. Ah, ahhhhhh~~~!"

The black-haired woman slowly lowered her hips and his penis was swallowed up by her vagina.

Her nicely-loosened adult vaginal flesh was soft and coated with plenty of love juices. She had relatively few folds, but the vaginal walls as a whole wrapped around his penis and squeezed as if trying to milk out the semen.

"Sherris, ahh, ahhh."

The handjob, blowjob, and titjob had worked to increase his overall pleasure in advance, so he cried out pathetically when that soaked vaginal flesh surrounded his dick.

"Nh, ahh. How do you like…m-my vagina?"

She gave him an upturned look with her knees on the bed, her hips on his crotch, and her hands rubbing his chest.

"It's the best thing…I've ever felt."

"Really? I am glad to hear it. …Ah, your penis is so hot it feels like it is burning me."

He was already about to cum, so he clenched his teeth and managed to agree. She let out a sensual sigh and smiled. She also kept her hips in place as if to savor the sensation of the penis inside her.

(Agh…this is torture. But if she does move, I'd probably cum right away.)

Her vaginal flesh wriggled somewhat and squeezed at his penis, so he was constantly filled with pleasure and he would cum the second he lost his focus. But cumming now would feel like a waste.

He wanted to enjoy sex with Sherris for longer than this, but if the waves of pleasure were any less calm, he might reach his limit. That complex state of mind must have shown on his face.

"My apologies. I got so lost in my own pleasure, I forget all about milking you."

The maid could apparently tell what he wanted from the look on his face, so she balanced herself with the hands on his chest and began moving her hips.

The penis coated with love juices was almost entirely expelled from her vagina before being swallowed once more.

As the process repeated, her tight vaginal walls rubbed against the sensitive head, sending far greater pleasure coursing through his body.

"Ah, ah! Do it that rough…and I'll cum right away…"

"Feel free to do so. Please cum. I will milk you as many times as it takes."

The maid did not stop and continued bouncing her plump butt up and down. Her ample breasts jiggled and her milk-seeping nipples danced erotically before his eyes while an obscenely sticky sound came from their union and her love juices soaked them both.

Her internal flesh squeezed and rubbed to milk out his cum, so his orgasm was fast approaching in no time.

"Th-that wasn't my-…w-wait! Ahhhh!"

He had thought he was experienced enough to at least somewhat keep his cool during sex, but his experience was meaningless with this milkmaid's vagina.

"Ahh, nhh…y-yes. Sir Akira, please suck on my breasts. Please drink my milk."

While still roughly slapping her ass against his crotch, she leaned forward to offer her breasts to him.

He was at the mercy of the pleasure from her vaginal flesh roughly rubbing against his penis, so he obediently grabbed the boobs pushed in front of his face and sucked on the nipples.

"Ah, ahn! Ahhn! Yes! Suck them harder!"

The maid cried out as soon as he started sucking out her milk. The slap of flesh on flesh and her moans echoed through the room, which only increased his male lust.

He naturally started moving his own hips to thrust up into her from below.

"Hyah, ah…yes! That's too good! I…ah, ahhn!"

She shouted louder than he had ever heard her while wiggling her hips and shaking her hair around.

The rubbing at their union was so intense the love juices flowed out white and frothy.

"Sir Akira, please cum…wh-whenever you want! I…ah, ahh…I can't last much longer…"

"Urp…mgh, mhh."

Her tits filled his vision and milk flowed out faster than he could drink it. That made it hard to breathe, yet he was so happy only lust filled his mind and he could not think of anything other than devouring the maid's body.

"I am sorry, Sir Akira. But I am already about to cum."

The boy could only thrust up his hips, which was not enough for the maid, so she groped her own boobs to squeeze out the milk while she moaned in pleasure.

"Ah, ahhn! Nhh, the milk just keeps coming…m-my boobs feel so good. They're throbbing…"

Her beautiful breasts jiggled boldly before his eyes and milk squirted out in a rainbow-like arc. The warm milk splashed onto his body and face, so it felt like receiving a milk shower.

"Npfh…I-I'm about to cum too."

When he managed to reach his hands up to those milk tanks and forced out his voice, the maid narrowed her eyes happily toward him.

"In that case…we can do it together. We can cum together. Please fill me with your milk. Ah, ahhn!"

Sherris began moving her hips up and down even more intensely to induce orgasm. The boy moved his hips rougher as well and his entire body was ruled by the melting pleasure of his penis rubbing against her vaginal walls.

Tons of love juices flowed from her vagina and a sticky rubbing sound echoed through the room each time she moved her hips.

He succumbed to the growing urge to ejaculate and repeatedly thrust deep inside her.

Her deeply-penetrated vagina grew even tighter as her womb lowered for his seed while the maid massaged her breasts in both hands and rhythmically moved her hips to feel as much pleasure as possible.

"I'm cumming! Ah, ah, I'm cumming inside you!!"

"Please do! Ahh, I'm cumming too…ahhhhh!!"

Once his erect cock was buried deep inside her vagina one last time, both their bodies shook simultaneously.

"Ahhhhhh! Nhh, ahhhh~~~!"

Sherris arched her back and cried out while her vagina repeatedly contracted.

And his manhood quickly reached its limit too.

"Ahhn! Y-your milk is…filling me up so deep inside…ahn, ahh."

Each time the hot pleasure ran up his urethra, his penis throbbed in her vagina and the black-haired maid shook intermittently as she let the pleasure of climax wash over her. Also, milk sprayed from the tips of her somewhat sweaty boobs like an ejaculation.

(Ah, this feels so good.)

Not even the boy could believe how much he came inside the maid and the distinctive post-ejaculation lethargy hit him. After enjoying the afterglow of orgasm while surrounded by the scent of sweat, Sherris lost her balance and collapsed on top of him like a marionette with its strings cut.

"I-I apologize…but please let me stay like this for a bit."

She must have cum really hard because she could not move while she breathed heavily. Akira was glad she had enjoyed having sex with him so much, so he gently held her in his arms and rubbed her back.

"Pant, pant…thank you very much. I was supposed to be milking you, but I got too focused on myself."

"It worked out though, didn't it? I came a lot."

"Hee hee. You really are such a nice person. If you go easy on me like this, I might just lose my discipline around you."

She smiled happily and nestled her face in his chest, but then she looked up and fidgeted like she wanted to say something.

"Eh? What is it?"

"Well, um, if it would be all right, could I make just one more selfish demand?"

She could not quite look him in the eye and then shut her eyes as if she had made up her mind about something.

Seeing an older woman acting so cutely made his heart pound.

"Of course it's all right."

She normally behaved so coolly, so this was new. He readily placed his lips on her half-opened ones.

They exchanged some intense kisses with tongues tangling and saliva exchanged until his dick grew hard inside her once more. Just when he was ready to start the second round, the maid removed her lips to end the kissing.

"Nh, pwah…wait, Sir Akira."

"Wh-why? You said you would milk me as many times as it takes."

He was worried by this unexpected rejection and the maid gave him a troubled smile as she responded.

"And I will, but if I enjoy you too much on my own, Her Majesty and the princesses will not be happy with me."

He gasped when he heard that. Christina was back after a ten-day absence, so she was bound to be looking forward to some fun with him tonight. Stella and Rosemary might also invite him to their beds, so he probably needed as much stamina as he could get.

It was a lot like that maid to worry more about her masters than about herself.

"I will be plenty happy as long as I can milk you every so often."

With that, the maid climbed down from his crotch, took his penis into her mouth, and licked off all the semen and love juices covering it.

He sensed a different sort of dedication in her than in the queen or princesses and it made him love her all the more.

"Not to worry then. I still have plenty of rounds left in me."

The thorough cleanup blowjob had left him fully erect once more, so he approached the maid.

"Kyahn…th-that's right, isn't it? Cumming once or twice is not enough to satisfy you."

Sherris was a cool beauty who could boldly milk a man, but she apparently had trouble being on the receiving end because her cheeks grew red as she nodded.

"Then would you like me to milk you with my pussy again?'

"Not just once. I can keep going until you're satisfied."

The boy got carried away and came inside the maid three times before falling asleep from exhaustion. The queen and the princess sisters were utterly exasperated when they arrived to invite him to their beds.