
After enjoying a lot more sex and getting back in the bath to wash off, it was well into evening.

They returned to the castle, enjoyed a nice dinner together, and then received a report from the royal guards that the pair of attackers had been apprehended. They had indeed been ordered to assassinate Akira and they had been found while trying to flee the queendom after their failure.

However, they had never directly met their client and had only done as told because of the large sum of money paid up front and the equally large sum promised afterwards, so the identity of the villain was still a mystery. But since the assassins had made it into the royal bedrooms, Sherris was probably right that it was someone inside the queendom. The investigation to identify that person would apparently continue.

The thought of being attacked at any time was worrying, but he did not feel like he could complain about that while with those women and girls he loved so much.

"Do not worry. We will protect you just like you protected my daughters."

He could still feel Christina's warmth from when she told him that and gently hugged him.

"I will protect you too!"

"Yes, it is a wife's duty to protect her husband. And with me at your side, you have nothing at all to fear."

The princesses had hugged him as well so he would not forget about them and their after-dinner time had been as calming yet somewhat noisy as ever.

Once back in his room and changed for bed, Akira started thinking. He doubted any of them would come asking to have sex tonight, but he did not like the thought of spending the night all alone.

He hesitated for a bit since he had just announced his intention to marry them all, but he ended up going to Christina's room like usual. He loved Stella and Rosemary too, but those motherly hugs and breasts won out in the end.

"Hee hee. I was waiting for you, my adorable Akira♪"

Once in the bedroom, the queen welcomed him with a warm hug and kisses like usual.

But things were a bit different this time.

"I knew you would come to mother's room."

"I want to spend the night with you too!"

The two princesses and Sherris were also in Christina's bedroom.

"These girls insist that we should all share the same bed if you want to marry us all."

They had apparently seen right through him on this. Sharing a bed with them all did sound nice, but that meant he might not be able to fall asleep while sucking on Christina's boobs.

"Now, now. No need to be shy just because my daughters are here. Come drink my milk while you go to sleep."

The disappointment must have shown on his face because the queen laughed and pulled her dress's chest to either side to pull out her milk tanks.

"Is that what you do!?"

"Honestly, if you want to drink some milk, then come to me!"

The princesses hastily bared their own breasts.

"Eh? I-I don't particularly…"

He panicked at the princesses learning his love of drinking milk as he drifted off to sleep, but he could not take his eyes off of the many sizes of breasts lined up in front of him.

"Sir Akira, if you like, please use my boobs as well."

Sherris stayed back behind the mother and daughters, but she still lifted up her own breasts to show off the cleavage showing from her maid uniform.

(Wow…there are tits everywhere. How am I supposed to resist this!?)

He instantly forgot all about his drowsiness and chose to indulge in some evening milk tea.

"Ahn, yes…suck them good and hard like that♪"

"Oh, Akira, come drink my milk instead."

"Mine is obviously the best!"

He had cum so much earlier in the day, but his crotch naturally grew hot while surrounded by so many attractive and milky tits.

It seemed his happy days of milk were far from over.