Chapter 1: Studying With The Maid

"Sir Akira, would you like some more tea?"

After an elegant afternoon teatime, the queen returned to her official duties and the princess sisters left the salon because they had business of their own to attend to. They would try to spend as much time with the boy as they could, but their position as royals often left them without much free time.

Sherris had also been busy as the head maid and had always been serving by Christina's side, but she stayed with him today.

"Oh, yes please. This tea is very good."

"Understood. This is Her Majesty's favorite, so we specially import the tea leaves from outside the queendom."

Now that she was his personal maid, she spoke to him with a smile and filled a cup from the teapot with refined movements.

When everyone had been busy before, he had gone and read in his room, but now she would always be with him. But she had been proud of her position as the head maid serving the royal family, so he was a little worried she would quit or feel unsatisfied with her job.

"Sir Akira, is something wrong?"

His thoughts must have shown on his face because the maid gave him a curious look. He would only continue feeling like this if he dodged the issue, so he decided to come out and ask the question on his mind.

"Um, you weren't unhappy to be removed as head maid? You aren't unsatisfied with being my personal maid?"

"Unsatisfied? Of course not. It is true I wish I had the time to continue serving as head maid as well, but I am delighted to serve you."

She blinked in confusion at his question, but she was clever enough to get what he was trying to say and shook her head with a smile.

"Also, this was Her Majesty's way of letting me be with you even though I cannot marry you. Why would I be unsatisfied?"

The confidence of her answer rid him of his worries, but the straightforwardness of the answer embarrassed him a little.

"Really? I'm, uh, glad to have you with me."

"I am but a lowly maid, but I will do everything I can to serve you."

The black-haired woman bowed deeply. Her behavior really was impeccable, so even something as simple as a bow looked pleasantly beautiful.

(Sigh, she really is pretty.)

Stella and Rosemary were madly in love with him and Christina spoiled him like her own child or like a younger lover. Sherris did not pressure him to marry her like they did, but her affection was hard to miss.

That beautiful maid would be with him all the time now. He might spend more time with her than with a wife.

"Um…but if you're my personal maid, does that mean you'll be with me all the time?"

"Yes, I will always be there serving you. After what happened the other day, we cannot leave you alone any more than necessary."

She kindly smiled and nodded when he continued asking questions. Hearing that put him at ease and she had more to say.

"And like I have said before, I pride myself in my skill as a milkmaid, so do not hesitate to ask for milk or sex. I will gladly provide either at any time."

"Eh? A-at any time?"

"Of course. Just say the word no matter where we are."

She made it sound obvious, but he had not expected this. She had used her body to provide milk and to milk him before, but this really made it hit home that she would be his personal maid.

"If you like, shall I milk you right here and now?"

He could do her whenever he wanted. That was like a male dream come true, so his heart started pounding. Meanwhile, the maid kneeled down at his feet.

She looked up at him with clear eyes, placed a hand on his crotch, and started gently rubbing it.


She had only touched him through his pants, but a sweet tingle spread through his lower body and his hips nearly rose from the sofa. He almost gave into the pleasure, but he restrained the urge and grabbed her hand.

Her offer was certainly attractive, but he had something else to ask of her first.

"Um, I definitely want to do that later, but right now…I have something to discuss with you. Or a request really."

"A request? What is it?"

The serious look on his face led her to remove her hand from his crotch, stand up, and listen silently.

"The thing is…I want you to tutor me."

"Tutor you?"

The surprise on the cool maid's face showed she had not expected this, but her usual expression soon returned as she waited for him to explain.

"I want to be someone worthy of all of you, but I don't think I am right now."

He had lived an easy life here in the castle, but he had been made painfully aware of how uneducated he was.

He did not know the proper etiquette when eating, forcing him to mimic how the others used their utensils, and most of the books in the castle were too complicated for his limited literacy. He had also previously had Stella teach him to dance since he did not know how.

The queen and princesses understood that he came from a common background, so they did not get after him when he did something wrong. But he would be ashamed if he could never act like a proper gentleman and he did not want to embarrass the woman and girls who wanted him to marry them.

"Is that so? Very well. If you like, I can help tutor you."

"R-really? Thank you so much."

Once she realized what he wanted, Sherris quickly accepted. She really was a reliable maid.

And with that, Sherris began to serve as the boy's personal maid and tutor.

"Now, let us start by reading this book."

They quickly moved to the castle library for a tutoring session.

The library was located outside of the tower that served as the royal family's living space, so some other officials and visitors were there. Even though the two of them settled in at an isolated corner away from the others, Akira was still worried about being around others after the recent attack, but Sherris insisted these were all trusted people and he was perfectly safe.

The black-haired maid first brought him a book giving the history of the Courreges Queendom going back to its supposed founding by the milk goddess. All royal and noble children apparently read it when they were young. They thought it was important to know how their queendom came to be and Sherris must have thought the same was important for him now that he was a citizen.

It contained lists of historical queens and locations and described how the queendom had found great prosperity, so it was mostly new information for a foreign-born boy like him. It even described the occasional wars with his birth kingdom of Sodom. It pained him to read about the brutal actions during Sodom's invasions, but that was also what led to him meeting Stella and Rosemary.

It was a complicated feeling and Sherris spoke kindly to him when she saw him staring at the text.

"Your name is sure to be written down in a book like this and spoken of for generations to come."

"L-let's not exaggerate. I haven't done anything worthy of that."

He laughed it off in disbelief, but the maid continued in complete seriousness.

"I am not exaggerating and you have done something worthy of that. So do not look so glum. It was you saving the princesses that gave hope and a future to Her Majesty, the people of this castle, and all the queendom's people."

She stated that quite strongly and it somewhat put him at ease since it meant he had done the right thing.

He had not at all been trying to be a hero when he did that. He had simply been driven by a desire to do what was right, so it embarrassed him to be praised so heavily.

"Thank you, Sherris."

"I have done nothing worthy of thanks. Now, let us continue reading."

The maid smiled kindly and resumed helping him get through the text. Her explanations were helpful and he focused on this lesson about the queendom's history.

"This passage here is saying that the Courreges Queendom has…"


She suddenly leaned in to point at a line he was having trouble with.

That squished her large breasts against his elbow and he cried out in response to the soft sensation.

"Is something wrong?"

He tried to feign calm as his heart pounded, but she did not seem to notice and tilted her head curiously.

"N-no, it's nothing."

"Is that so? Then if you will look at this passage here…"

The cool beauty continued her lesson, but he could not focus on her words anymore.

She had offered to tutor him, but the boobs on his arm were the only thing on his mind. It did not help that her face was so close by and she gave off a nice aroma that sent his heart racing.

"It would probably be best to show you on the map. I believe this book has a good one."

While he was focused on her breasts, she politely continued her explanation and leaned over the table to reach a book on the other edge.

(Ohh, now her boobs are squished against the table.)

The size of those mounds was evident even through her maid uniform and now they were pressed against the top of the table, so his eyes were glued to the sideboob sticking out from below her.

But when he stared that blatantly, Sherris could not help but notice.

"Sir Akira, I am trying to tutor you."

Hearing her voice, he came back to his senses and looked up to see a troubled looked on her face.

"Oh, sorry…I-I wasn't thinking."

He had been the one to ask her to do this, so what was he even doing? He was embarrassed she had needed to point out he was staring at her chest and he quickly looked down at the book, but she shook her head.

"No, do not apologize. The milk goddess's beauty shows through in our breasts, so we honor her when we show them off. Your staring only proves that I am honoring her well."

Her expression rarely changed, but she was blushing slightly as she closed the book and turned in her seat to face him. That look from her black pearl eyes was enough for him to gulp as his pulse raced even faster.

"But if you cannot focus on the lesson, you must be tired. We can take a break. I will prepare some milk for you."

She slowly pulled down just the chest of her maid uniform.

He could only watch as the boobs he had been staring at were bared before him, but then he remembered where they were.

"W-wait, Sherris, we're in the library!"

"I fail to see why that matters."

"There are other people here!"

"Again, I fail to see the problem."

"They'll see!"

"No one will give a second glance to something as commonplace as a maid serving someone her milk. …Now, Sir Akira, please enjoy my boobs and milk to your heart's content."

"I-if you say so…"

He had sucked the milk out of her tits several times already, but never in a somewhat public place like this before.

"And like I said, I am willing to milk you at any time as well."

She began massaging her own breasts in her hands. As those beautiful melons softly changed shape, white milk leaked from the pink tips.

"You're really sure we can just do this here in the library?"

He still had his doubts, but as he watched those boobs softly jiggling before his eyes, he recalled the sweet flavor of her milk and wanted to drink it so very badly.

"Of course. The milk goddess's blessing takes precedence above all else, so please help yourself."

She lifted up her milk-dripping tits from below and pushed them together to hold them out for ease of sucking. When she presented them like that, he could not hope to resist the temptation.

"Th-then I will."

His heart was pounding from arousal as he grabbed her breasts and sucked at the hard tips.

They felt as soft as he they looked and a sweet flavor spread through his mouth.


The black-haired woman moaned quietly as he sucked at her pink nipple, but she soon held her mouth shut and placed a hand around the boy's head to gently embrace him.

She generally seemed like the type who lived for her job, but she gave off the warm acceptance and maternity of an older woman at times like this, which made him want to indulge in it all.

"How does my milk taste?"

As he lost himself in sucking her boobs, she rubbed his head and asked that question.

"Great of course. Your milk always tastes wonderful."

"Really? Ahn…I'm glad. Please tell me whenever or wherever you want to drink my milk."

He could drink such a beautiful woman's milk and indulge in her boobs whenever he wanted. Plus, she was sure to do most anything he asked.

The thought stimulated his male instincts and excited his heart. He got so carried away he pressed her breasts together, took the hard nipples and puffy areolae in his mouth, and sucked out the milk.

"Suck, suuuck… Tell me that and I really will ask to drink your milk no matter where we are."

"That is perfectly fine. And why stop at my milk? You can ask for a kiss, to grope my tits and ass…or even to have sex and I will gladly comply."

She narrowed her eyes happily and gave him a kind look.

Her expression, words, and behavior told him she was not just doing this because it was her job. She really did want to serve him like this and it turned her on. The first reason filled his heart with a warm feeling and the second one filled him with carnal desire.

"In that case, I want to kiss you."

"Yes, of course. Then excuse me…nh, kiss."

When he removed his mouth from her breasts and looked up, she placed her hands on his cheeks and placed her lightly lipsticked lips on his. After a few pecking kisses, her saliva-wet tongue entered his mouth.

"Nh, kiss…your mouth tastes like milk…nh, kiiiiis."

His eyes widened at the sudden intensity of the kiss and the maid's warm tasting organ licked all around his mouth while tangling with his tongue. A dew with a sweetness different from milk passed between their lips and seemed to heat up his blood.

(Sherris's kisses are always so i-intense.)

That cool woman's passionate kiss further aroused the young male. That arousal revealed itself in the large bulge in the crotch of his pants and the skilled maid was not about to overlook that.

"Pwah, nh…Sir Akira, that is quite the tent in your pants."

When she let out a heated breath and pointed out his erection, the embarrassment heated his body even further. He had resisted earlier and asked her to tutor him, but now he was the one wanting to do it while he groped and sucked her tits.

"I can't help it when you kiss me like that."

"A milkmaid must know how to prepare a man for milking, after all. And I am glad you enjoy it."

She rubbed his crotch over his pants and smiled at him. Her hand stroking along his penis through the fabric felt so good his hips trembled.

"Ahh. Okay, let's go find a private room."

"There is no need for that. This back corner is fairly sheltered from view."

"But this is the library."

"Yes, which means you need to keep your voice down while I milk you."

He was still concerned, but the sweet seduction in her voice proved too much for him. It was not long before she was undoing his pants and had pulled out his painfully erect penis, exposing it to her gaze and the air.

"My, you really are hard."

The maid spoke up in surprise when she saw his dick dripping with precum, but she happily wrapped her fingers around it.

She stroked up and down the shaft a few times as if confirming its shape and a sweet tingling pleasure spread from his crotch to his entire lower body.

"I will milk you with my mouth. Ahm, nhh."

Her hand felt good enough, but the maid then leaned over from her seat and took the penis head into her mouth. Her warm breaths and inner mouth surrounded it, her rough tongue wrapped around it, and it only grew harder inside her mouth.

"Ahhh…th-that's so damn good."

"Nh, nh, hh. Hee hee. You just sit there and leave everything to me. Oh, but do remember to keep your voice down. As you said, this is the library."

She breathed through her nose while sucking his dick. Her plump lips stroked the shaft, her tongue licked all over the head and poked at the hole in the tip, and then she took it deep in her throat to cover the entire thing with saliva.

Meanwhile, the hand not holding the base of the shaft was gently massaging his balls. Various pleasures ranging from sweet to tingling filled him and he could only think about the oral pleasure provided by the maid.

"Nh, ah…you really do produce a lot of pre-milk, don't you? Ahh, it's so delicious."

She gave an entranced look as she spat out his dick and stared lovingly at it twitching and dripping with precum.

It glistened bewitchingly with saliva after being in her mouth.

"I-it's delicious?"

"Yes, pre-milk is the perfect appetizer for male milk. And it is also proof that you are enjoying the milking process, so it makes me happy to see so much of it."

She sent her tongue crawling from the base to the tip to lick off all the fluid dripping down it. His hips were already trembling from the blowjob, but seeing her licking off his fluids so lovingly warmed his heart and turned him on even more.

"Sherris, I really want to go all the way…but we probably should go elsewhere for that."

He could not longer restrain his boiling desire, so he grabbed the black-haired woman's shoulders and made a suggestion.

"I was hoping you would say that. But feel free to take me right here in the library. While keeping your voice down, of course."

She seemed oddly intent on staying here in the library, so she placed her hands on the table and pushed her curvy butt out toward him. The shape of her mature ass was perfectly visible through her skirt.

That seduction left him too horny to resist, so he gave a quick look around to make sure no one was watching them in this corner of the library and then got up from his chair. He grabbed her butt as if stroking it.


The sweet voice from that cool young woman made his heart pound painfully hard in his chest.

He suppressed the urge to rush things and pulled up her maid uniform's skirt to reveal her plump thighs and her peach-shaped butt contained in lacey adult black underwear.

"I will remove this."

"Go ahead."

Once she gave consent, he reached for the thin fabric and pulled it down to her thighs.

The maid's revealed vulva was already wet and it twitched while glistening with sticky nectar to seduce a male.

"You're already wet."

"I am embarrassed to admit it, but I have been since you were drinking my milk. I was hoping things would head in this direction."

She pressed her upper body against the table, stuck her hips out toward him, and reached a hand between her legs to spread her labia with her fingers. She claimed to be embarrassed, but she was clearly 200% into it.

"Then I will put it in."

He held the base of his rock-hard cock and moved the tip against her pussy lips. His hips trembled from the heat of her wet flesh, but as he kept pushing forward, his penis was easily swallowed by her vagina.

It went in so easily that he went in too hard and the head slammed into her deepest part.

"Ahhhn…I can feel you inside me."

She arched her back and let out a moan when his erection penetrated her so deep so suddenly, but she still managed to keep her voice low for the library. Her soft vaginal flesh wrapped around his dick and squeezed at the entire shaft.

"Ah, hh…it feels so good inside you."

He just about came right away after unexpectedly plunging in balls deep, so he had to hold her butt in his hands and bear with the pleasure for a moment.

"Nhh, ahn…it feels good having you…nh, inside me too. Please start moving."

The insertion alone was apparently bringing her a lot of pleasure too because there an oddly sexy heat in her usually dignified voice. And with her hands on the table to support her upper body, she wiggled her hips to beg for more pleasure.

"O-okay. Understood."

Her vagina felt plenty good without moving thanks to the nectar-soaked and heated flesh, but the wave of pleasure had receded a bit since he had put it inside her, so he tensed his lower body and slowly pulled his hips back.

The swollen ridge of the head scraped along her inner flesh and a sweet tingling flowed from the tip to his crotch.

"Ahnn! S-Sir Akira…that's so good…nhh."

The maid moaned loudly and quickly lowered her voice to a whisper while her vaginal flesh squeezed together. The slightest movement would make their flesh rub together hard and he clenched his teeth to bear with the ejaculatory desire that brought.

"Hh…Sherris, if you squeeze like that, I-I'm going to cum right away."

But his body moved in search of further carnal pleasure, so his hips subconsciously moved back and forth while pressing his crotch to her butt.

"Nh, ahh…then go ahead and cum inside me."

The black-haired woman breathed heavily as the erect penis penetrated deep inside her again, but she still managed to smile kindly and look back at him. She said he could cum, but he did not want to do so before she did.

"N-no. I want you to enjoy this too."

As a milkmaid, she might put pleasuring him first, but she was not just a maid to him. She was one of the women who had shown him such kindness.

"Ah, nh…you are too kind, Sir Akira. B-but I am enjoying this…so go ahead and cum. Ahhn."

She shook her shoulder-length black hair and twisted her head around to look at him and tell him about the pleasure she was experiencing.

The squeezing of her vaginal flesh grew even tighter and melting pleasure spread through his crotch every time his dick rubbed against that flesh.

(Ah, ahhh…we're doing it in the library, but I can't stop!)

The resistance from her inner flesh grew stronger, but his hips sped up on their own and it was all he could do to stop his crotch from slapping against her ass.

"Nh! Ahn…yes, that is amazing. I can feel your penis deep inside me, nh."

The maid had to suppress a sweet moan with each thrust of his hips, which only aroused him even more. She could not dress up since she wore her maid uniform at all times, but she looked plenty attractive and sexy when writhing in pleasure like this.

"Ah, hhhn. You have gotten good at this."

"Pant, pant. Have I?"

"Y-yes. It feels so good I can't stop the m-milk."

She supported herself with one hand while using the other to massage her breasts. He had just drunk so much, but white milk was spraying from the nipples and getting all over the library table.

"You're so damn hot, Sherris. How am I supposed to resist when I see this?"

He was turned on even more by the way she wiggled her large butt and milked herself while he penetrated deep inside her. The only thing on his mind was pleasuring her even more.

He grabbed her ass tightly and thrust into her while doing his best not to make too much noise.

"Ahh, so rough. I am glad I can be of service to you."

His technique was still not the best and he could not pound her as forcefully as normal, but the sweetness in her voice told him she really was enjoying it. Being in the library may have played a role there.

Every time his erect penis thrust into her, her body would shake forward and back, her black hair would bounce, and her tits would jiggle seductively while flowing with milk.

(This feels so good I really am about to cum.)

The arousal from the scene in front of him and the pleasure from the vaginal flesh surrounding and rubbing his dick caused his body temperature to rise and it felt like his blood was boiling. At the same time, an ejaculatory urge rose from deep within his crotch.

He knew he would not last long if he kept thrusting inside her, but he did not slow down. In fact, he sped up as he approached climax.

"I-I'm going to cum," the boy whispered urgently to her. "This really is my limit."

"So am I…nh, I am going to cum soon," she sweetly replied while wiggling her hips longingly.

Her breasts changed shape in her hand and milk endlessly flowed from the erect nipples.

Whitish love juices flowed from their union, so it was clear she was enjoying this too. Her internal flesh wrapped around and stroked his penis while a hot sensation grew from deep within his crotch.

"Agh, then let's cum together. Together."

"Y-yes, then hurry up and…ah, p-please fill me your milk."

The maid grabbed the table with both hands to support her upper body while she moved her hips to accept the semen inside her. That increased the stimulation at their union and the great pleasure sent milk squirting from her breasts even though she was no longer massaging them.

"Pant, pant. I-I really can cum inside you?"

"Yes, of course. Ah, please fill me with your hot milk."

She pressed her face against the table to bear with the pleasure while the penis head hit her deep inside over and over and then her vagina began to convulse slightly. He had already been about to cum when this new squeezing hit him, so he moved his hips in a finishing blow for her as well.

"Ahh, I'm cumming. I-I'm cumming. Ahhh."

"S-so am I. I can't stop it. Ah, ah, ahn. Yes, yes. C-cum with me…cum with me, hhhhn."

He hit his limit the instant he thrust deep inside the maid's vagina.

Semen squirted out like water from a broken dam. Sherris arched her back and covered her mouth with her hands to suppress her voice as so much sperm flowed deep inside her.

"Ah, nhhh. Ahh, your milk is squirting inside me. I-it's so good that my milk-…ahh. Ahhhhhhh!!"

Even more milk erupted from her boobs and it splattered on the table like twin ejaculations. Her breasts were quite large, but it was still incredible to see so much milk flow out at once.

It delighted him and warmed his heart to know she had enjoyed it that much.

"Ahh, i-it won't stop…and it feels so good."

The boy basked in the orgasmic pleasure of ejaculating into the beautiful maid he was penetrating from behind. His mind had gone entirely blank and all his body's nerves were focused on what his crotch was feeling.

"Ahh…there's so much milk inside me. I truly am blessed."

The milky liquid soon filled her vagina and began to flow back out while her shoulders rose and fell.

He had really only thrust his hips in pursuit of his own desire, but the maid was looking at him with a pleasure-addled look on her face. He pumped every last drop of cum inside her while aware they were sharing this pleasure.

"Pant, pant. I came a lot, didn't I?"

Once the long ejaculation was over, he was hit by an intense lethargy instead.

His legs felt weak, so he sat back down in his chair and his penis slipped out of her vagina.

"Ahn…it came out."

She remained leaning on the table with her legs spread and her butt sticking out. Her sweaty and flushed butt jiggled while her labia twitched and let this fresh semen flow back out and onto the floor.

Seeing that showed him again just how much that beautiful maid was willing to do for him.

"Did that satisfy you?"

She moved just her head to smile back at him.

"Of course. What about you?"

"Yes. I am embarrassed to admit it, but I am very satisfied."

She nodded and narrowed her eyes happily.

The conversation ended there. The two of them sat there catching their breaths in silence for a while.

"Oh, no. I ask you to tutor me and then do this? And in the library too. I'm sorry."

Once the arousal faded and he gradually came back to his senses, the boy regretted what he had done.

He quickly glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief when he did not see anyone watching them.

The maid, however, shook her head while kneeling down under the table and licking the cum and love juices from his cock.

"No, please do not apologize. I can always tutor you later…nhh."

The way she ran her tongue along the shaft to lick it clean warmed his heart. Having a maid like this felt like it must have used up a lifetime's worth of luck.

"I love doing these things, so do not hesitate to ask it of me again."

Once the cleanup blowjob was complete, she fixed his pants and underwear while smiling up at him. That cool young woman's cheeks were a little flushed and that made her look incredibly cute.

"Understood. And, um, I'm pretty sure I will want to do these things again."

"Hee hee. I look forward to it. I will also assist with your food and bathing, so please ask anything of me."

She fixed her own clothes and bowed deeply. She also made sure to wipe the milk up from the table.

"Now, how about we continue the lesson?"

"Yes, please do!"

They sat back down and got back to work. He listened to the maid and read the book with a refreshed mind.