"It doesn't have to be you..."

The scar faced messenger approached, his footsteps echoing through the vast hall. In his hand, he held a sealed letter, bearing the sigil of  Queen Mother Ava. The Lord of Rosemane, bemused and slightly irritated, walked towards his throne.

"What does your King want now? I have already paid my tribute," he declared, a hint of annoyance lacing his voice. He took his seat upon the imposing throne, its intricate carvings a testament to the power his ancestors held over this land.

The scar faced messenger, his eyes as cold as ice, remained silent, disregarding the Lord's question. Instead, he fixed his gaze upon the seated lord, intensifying the weight of his stare. The air in the room grew heavy as if the very atmosphere recognised the danger that emanated from him.

Impatience flickered across the Lord's face, his eyes narrowing. "Speak, man," he demanded, his voice carrying the authority of a ruler who was not accustomed to being kept waiting.

Without uttering a single word, the scar-faced messenger extended the sealed letter toward the Lord of Rosemane. The Lord hesitated for a moment, eyeing the letter warily. He didn't expect that pair of mother and son to have anything good to say but what choice did he have?

His lips curled into a sneer as he ripped open the sealed letter, his hands trembling with a mixture of dread and fear. But as his eyes scanned the contents, his face transformed from one of contempt to one of disbelief. His fingers trembled, causing the parchment to crinkle in his grasp.

His gaze shot up, locking onto the scar faced messenger standing before him. "Impossible!" he roared, the words escaping his lips with a mixture of anger and desperation. "Go to hell!"

The scar faced man met the Lord's furious gaze with an indifferent stare, as if unaffected by the outburst. Without uttering a single word, he began to turn away, his footsteps carrying him towards the exit. It seemed as though he intended to leave without another word.

Fear gripped the Lord of Rosemane's heart like a vice. He couldn't let the messenger depart so easily, not when the consequences could be catastrophic. The thought of the Black hearted King appearing in person sent a chill down his spine, and he knew he had to act swiftly.

"Wait!" the Lord of Rosemane called out, his voice laced with urgency. The messenger halted in his tracks, frozen in place, but he didn't turn to face the Lord.

"This is a very important matter. He wants to marry my daughter but I have to talk to her first," said the Lord of Rosemane with a tremor in his voice. He didn't want his beautiful daughter, the cayaline flower of Rosemane and the heir to his family to marry an evil bloodthirsty demon, King. He would never let that happen even if it meant that he would die.

The scar faced messenger turned slightly his scar terrifying the Lord momentarily. "It is not a request but a command. You know the consequences if you refuse. Your protection against the Gorgons will expire with immediate effect. You can pull down the flags belonging to his majesty," he said sending shivers down the Lord's spine.

As the heavy double doors of the grand hall swung open with a resounding thud, a hush fell over the opulent chamber. The scar faced messenger emerged, his steps domineering and imposing, his presence commanding attention from all who beheld him. His eyes, sharp and piercing, surveyed the corridor, searching for the prying eyes looking at him.

Suddenly, his gaze locked onto a particular direction, and he stood still, his scarred face etched with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Sensing something amiss, he stared intently for a moment, his eyes penetrating the darkness where a hidden figure cowered, holding their breath and retreating further into the shadows.

He then turned his back and left. When his footsteps disappeared, Sienna stepped out from the shadows her long silver hair cascading down her back like a shimmering waterfall. She was dressed in a flowing gown, the colour of moonlight, which accentuated her ethereal beauty.

It was then the sound of her father raging echoed through the grand hall. Her heart quickened with worry, and without a moment's hesitation, she darted towards the source of the commotion. She moved swiftly, her gown trailing behind her like a ghostly apparition.

As she reached the grand hall, the scene that unfolded before her eyes was one of chaos and despair. Her father, a once dignified man, now appeared dishevelled and distraught, hurling objects in a fit of anger. Fragments of broken porcelain littered the marble floor, adding to the shattered fragments of his shattered composure.

Rushing towards him, Sienna's voice trembled with concern as she called out, "Father! Who upset you so?"

The Lord of Rosemane turned to face her, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and frustration. "My dear, precious daughter," he lamented, his voice heavy with regret. "It is a matter of great importance, one that threatens our very existence. I fear I have failed as a father to protect you."

Sienna felt her blood freeze at her father's words. "What do they want now? We have already given everything and have nothing left to give," she said her voice tremulous.

"Not everything...," replied the Lord his voice trailing off but his gaze remained fixed on her. It took her a while to recognise his meaning.

When she figured what he meant her eyes widened. There was no way she would marry that beast. She simply refused to marry that monstrous king even if it was for peace. She wouldn't do it.

Her eyes reddened as she stepped back her body trembling. "Father...," she called out. Feeling distraught he reached out to her. Seeing her child like this would be heartbreaking and distressing to any parent.

He swallowed his emotions down and whispered, "It doesn't have to be you..."

Sienna's pupils trembled as she looked at her father. "Huh?" she muttered.

"It doesn't have to be you. It didn't specify which princess of Rosemane. For all we know they probably meant Selena," he said his tone resolute. The solution had been right there the entire time.