The wedding feast

The priest asked them to raise their hands with the ring finger and let the entire world witness their union. They were now forever entwined, two souls navigating the murky waters of a loveless marriage, their destinies intertwined by forces beyond their control.

Sienna had stood at the upper level, concealing her presence behind the heavy curtains for the entire ceremony.

As it progressed, her emotions swirled within her, a conflicted mix of envy and anger. The bitterness that had taken root in her heart grew stronger with each passing moment.

At the end of the ceremony, she clenched her fists and let go of the curtain shutting out the scene that intensified her turmoil.

She turned away, her steps heavy with the weight of her complex feelings. Each footfall echoed through the empty corridor, a sombre reminder of her solitary discontent.

Lost in her thoughts, Sienna descended the grand staircase. Just as she reached the bottom step, a servant hurriedly crossed her path, their collision causing Sienna's hood to slip, revealing her distinctive silver hair to the startled servant.

Enraged by the intrusion and the servant's carelessness, Sienna unleashed her pent-up fury. "Watch where you're going, you imbecile!" she shouted, her voice dripping with venom. She forcefully pulled back her hood, exposing her striking features fairly similar to her sister's.

The servant cowered before Sienna's fiery gaze, stammering apologies. But her anger had already consumed her, and she vented her frustration upon him, channelling her resentment into her cutting words. With every insult hurled, her heart pounded with satisfaction.

Finally, Sienna turned away, her fury spent. She continued her hasty departure, leaving the servant behind, shocked and bewildered. As the servant watched her retreating figure, their expression changed to that of utter bewilderment. He wasn't a servant of the castle at all but one of King Liam's henchmen. While he stood guard over the wedding gifts in the courtyard, he received a note from one of the King's guards.

He read it as he leisurely leaned against the cart. His brow arched as he crumpled the piece of paper. Conley had told him to disguise himself as a servant and walk up to the upper level of the grand hall to observe the person spying from above and report back.

Unless Princess Sienna could be in two places at once there was something suspicious going on. If they were deceiving the king of all five kingdoms it was bad, very very bad.


The garden and festive hall of Rosemane Palace were alive with jubilant laughter and the clinking of goblets as the celebration festivities were underway after the wedding. The Lord of Rosemane stood amidst the revelry, his face flushed with merriment. In his hand, he held a crystal goblet filled to the brim with rich, golden wine, the finest vintage gifted by King Liam as part of the wedding gifts.

As the Lord of Rosemane took a sip of the exquisite drink, a wide grin spread across his face. The alcohol coursed through his veins, warming his body and loosening his inhibitions. He had always been a jovial man, but with the intoxication, his cheerfulness reached new heights.

He glanced around the hall, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He had never loved his daughter Selena and giving her away in place of Sienna was the best decision he had ever made.

Despite his indifference towards her, he had to sell the idea that he was both saddened and happy that she was leaving. This was to convince the Lowoak King that this was really his precious Sienna he had married.

He had also spared no expense in acquiring lavish wedding gifts for her as to the rest of the world King Liam had married her precious daughter who was closest to her heart. It was also a matter of pride for him, showcasing his wealth and influence to the entire realm.

His thoughts drifted to his precious daughter, now safely tucked away in the tower his wife used to love to spend time in during her pregnancy because of the view. It was only befitting that he hid his daughter there.  

The people of Rosemane like their Lord were renowned for their love of liquor, and the Lord's guests were no exception. The noble families, their faces flushed and their voices boisterous, indulged in the finest delicacies laid out before them. The tables groaned under the weight of succulent roasts, fragrant stews, and an array of delectable desserts.

In stark contrast, the people of Lowoak stood tall, their demeanour calm and disciplined. Their eyes surveyed the scene with vigilant gazes, a stark contrast to the carefree nature of the people of Rosemane. King Liam, with a cold look on his face, sat next to his bride, Princess Sienna. His stoic presence commanded attention, his regal aura blending seamlessly with the refined atmosphere of the Lowoak nobility.

Liam's mother stood up at some point during the celebrations and sat next to Sienna. From what she had heard Sienna was a lively-spirited girl with a beaming smile but meeting her now she seemed nothing like described. Since they would live together in the future Queen Mother Ava decided to break the ice between them.

"Sienna my dear," she said and with a graceful poise and dignified demeanour, she reached out to place her hand at the back of Sienna's but Selena retracted her hand subconsciously.

Only one person who seemed to care for her ever held her since she was born. That person was her milkmaid. Today's kiss was one the most intimate she had in a while but it happened because King Liam thought she was Sienna. Now his mother was holding her hand calling her by a name that wasn't hers. She couldn't let herself accept warmth meant for somebody else.

The queen's mother didn't fret. She understood that Sienna wasn't happy with this forced union hence her response. She took her hand back and spoke softly,

"Don't worry, we will treat you well. You will not be disadvantaged in any way shape or form. If he also makes you upset you can tell me and I will deal with him, okay?"

Her words were measured, carrying both warmth and authority but that didn't reassure Selena anyway. They would still kill her when they knew the truth.

"Tha-thank you," she politely replied not knowing what else to say. King Liam glanced at her at the corner of his eye as he took a sip of the wine in his cup.

Selena felt his burning gaze and swallowed as she lowered her eyes. She pulled down her sleeves subconsciously as she pursed her lips.

A small dessert plate was placed in front of her with a piece of caramel wedding cake and a dessert fork. She raised her head to look at him but he was looking in front with a stern expression like he wasn't the one who placed it there.

The queen mother who had to gesture to her son to give her a piece of cake smiled. She knew her son very well. He didn't know how to interact with anyone even herself. He preferred being in battle than talking to people. Even if it weren't for the dark seed he wouldn't even want a wife let alone find one for himself.