
With the queen's mother's attendants surrounding her, Selena was led to the carriage. "Sit in here dear," said Queen Mother Ava while pulling down the hood of her cloak to cover Sienna's face. She was taking great care of her as this young bride was her son's last hope.

Just as she pulled a quilt to cover her legs as it was getting a little chilly, Conley stood beside her and bowed before her saying, "His Majesty wants to speak to you."

Ava didn't seem too pleased. They were about to set off so what could be urgent? She didn't want to let Sienna out of her sight but she also knew he had to have a good reason to call her.

"My dear, I will be right back, okay? Just cover up lest you catch a cold," she said before following Conley.

Four men in black armour stood guard on either side of the carriage their expression fierce.

Selena's heart was pounding on her chest as she sat there nearing tears. She glanced out of the window and through the curtain she saw a figure in the crowd with her hood down but the necklace dangling on her chest sold her out.

Their gaze locked until the carriage started moving. It seemed the queen wasn't coming back after all. This for her was better because at least she wouldn't feel as suffocated and awkward. Her mother-in-law's kindness was hard to accept considering that it was meant for someone else.


As the golden sun began its descent in the sky, casting a warm, gentle glow over the magnificent Rosemane Kingdom a heavily armed procession travelled through the city.

For years, Selena had been held captive within the confines of the palace walls, her spirit restricted like a delicate bird in a gilded cage but today on her wedding day she could finally see the place she called home.

As the carriage rolled through the streets, Selena's eyes widened in awe and wonder. The bustling scene before her was a world she had only ever read of. The cobbled streets were adorned with a vibrant tapestry of rose petals, meticulously strewn by the citizens in Sienna's honour. The air was heavy with the fragrance of the delicate blooms, creating an atmosphere that felt both surreal and intoxicating.

The people lined the streets, their faces etched with a mixture of sadness and admiration. Some wept openly, their tears mingling with the fallen petals, while others wore smiles that hid their underlying sorrow. Their devotion to their princess Sienna, the Cayaline flower of Rosemane was evident in their actions, a testament to the love and respect they held for her.

In front and behind the carriage, King Liam's imposing army stood tall and resolute, a symbol of power and authority. Their armour gleamed in the fading light, creating an imposing sight that commanded both respect and fear.

King Liam himself rode alongside Selena, his face betraying a mix of hostility and anger. In the midst of this grand procession, Selena could feel the coldness emanating from outside despite being separated by a curtain. Her heart told her that she was nearing her end but instead of cowering she pulled the curtain ensuring to hide the bruises on her wrist and admired her home for the first and last time.

As the carriage continued its steady progress, her gaze wandered to the horizon, where the sun cast its final rays upon the kingdom she was leaving behind. The hues of orange and pink painted the sky, mirroring her emotions. She closed her eyes feeling the warmth of the sun on her face like it was the first time she had experienced it.

King Liam glanced at her face devoid of any emotion before looking straight ahead.


Queen mother Ava sat in her luxurious carriage, her heart throbbing with worry and anxiety. The city of Rosemane was gradually fading away outside the carriage window as they embarked on their journey back to Lowoak.

But it was not the joyous celebration that lingered in Queen Mother Ava's mind. It was the troubling revelation she had just learned from her maidservant, Joan.

Joan had noticed the telltale marks on Sienna's delicate wrists and ankles when she was assisting her out of the wedding gown earlier. She commanded the other girls to keep their mouths shut and she would inform the queen mother herself. The bruises, vivid and haunting, whispered of a hidden secret. Having been a nurse during the battle with the Gorgons she had treated a lot of injured soldiers. She could tell how long ago the injury took place based on the colour of the bruises. But Princess Sienna's were a result of long-time repeated restraint, especially on her ankles. How could a king who valued her daughter so much and even turned down marriage proposals with his allies let her have such bruises? It didn't make sense.

Ava's mind raced trying to piece things together. How could her son, not have mentioned such a distressing detail? Did he know something she didn't?

The carriage rattled along the winding road, its familiar rhythm disrupted by the weight of unease that settled within the queen mother's heart.

She glanced at Joan sitting next to her, her eyes filled with concern. Ava hesitated for a moment, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and concern. "Did she say anything about it?" she asked her hushed voice betraying her inner turmoil.

Joan met her gaze, her expression grave. "No Your Majesty but she refused for us to remove the accessory on her neck. I am afraid that she was hiding something."

Ava's heart sank, anguish and anger surging through her veins. How could such cruelty befall an innocent soul, one now irrevocably bound to her son? The weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon her, as a mother and a queen.

When her son refused to allow her to accompany Sienna she was a little perplexed but now it seemed a veil had been lifted. Her son must have found out and he was afraid she would start trouble.

She clenched her fist wishing she had chopped that old man to pieces. If this was how he treated people closest to his heart then what of strangers?

"Pssh... I will make him pay for this," she said glancing out of the window of the carriage.