A fake!

Selena's heart was beating through her ears as she crouched on the ground her back pressing against the wall. She didn't even realise that her forehead was laced with beads of sweat.

She wanted to get up but she didn't want to be seen through the window so she crawled back towards the table not realising how silly she looked.

She carefully manoeuvred away from the window, hoping to make a discreet retreat. However, just as she reached the table, the door swung open, and a group of maidservants entered the room, their eyes widening in surprise as they spotted their new queen on all fours.

Selena, "..."

The maidservants, "..."

Selena froze, her cheeks turning crimson as she realised the absurdity of her situation. There was simply no plausible explanation for why she would be crawling on the floor like a mischievous child.

The maidservants exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of how to react. But then, the youngest of them stifled a giggle with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Instead of reprimanding her, it set off a chain reaction and the others soon joined in, their laughter filling the room and lightening the mood.

The one in charge scolded them as she helped Selena to her feet, their laughter subsiding into gentle chuckles. Selena dusted off her gown and tried to regain her composure, her face still flushed with embarrassment.

She pursed her lips trying to find the courage to ask where King Liam was. She was more than certain that he knew already that she wasn't Sienna. She decided to face him head-on and know her fate. She hated being stuck in limbo.

"Sorry what is your name?" she asked while clutching her gown nervously.

The young woman smiled as she apologised for her rudeness. "My name is Edith, that's Joan, Emma, Isabella and Marie. We will be attending to all your needs. We are all qualified to serve you. His Majesty only picked the best of us to serve you, my lady," she said and Selena felt a little uncomfortable. She placed her hand on her elbow her anxiety seeping through. It wasn't her he was doing that for but her sister.

"Okay... His...his majesty, where can I find him?" she asked and they seemed more than willing to share that information. They knew that Queen Sienna was their King's only hope so they were eager to push them close together.

They told her where to find him but they didn't escort her there. They didn't want to be third wheels and disrupt their new couple's private time.

Selena was a little nervous at first but soon she was mesmerised by the beauty of the palace. Her heart filled with wonder she moved gracefully through the opulent halls of King Liam's palace. Every intricate detail, every shimmering chandelier, and every exquisite piece of art seemed to whisper stories of grandeur and beauty. For someone who had spent more than half her life locked away in a dismal dungeon, the palace was a world of enchantment.

As she strolled down the corridors, Selena couldn't help but slow her steps, absorbing the magnificence around her. The marble floors felt cool beneath her feet, and the soft glow of sunlight streaming through stained glass windows painted vibrant hues on the walls. It was a symphony of elegance that she had only ever dreamed of.

She eventually found her way to the king's study room. To her surprise, the door was slightly ajar. Her delicate hand reached out instinctively, poised to knock, but she hesitated as the sound of raised voices reached her ears.

She knew it was rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations so she turned to leave only for her steps to pause when she heard her father being mentioned. Her body stiffened and she couldn't move. She wanted to know what would happen to her now.

The kind and soft-spoken Queen Mother from her wedding day was completely gone. Her voice tinged with anger she yelled, "... I want that bastard buried deep in the ground for what he did? Burn his kingdom to the ground. He has no regard for you or your throne. Ugh, to think that I picked the finest wedding gifts out of the treasury for what? A fake?!"

Selena's heart sank her eyes sour. Ava was right. She was a fake and she didn't want to be here either but she had no choice in the matter. She felt a lump in her throat her chest heavy. She couldn't listen anymore but her feet refused to listen to her.

"Mother, calm down," followed King Liam's voice trying to de-escalate things but Queen Mother Ava was even more riled up.

This matter was concerning her son's very survival. He would soon lose himself in the darkness like a mad dog yet after stealing the cayaline flower from them the Lord of Rosemane dared to trick her and replace the bride.

What was the point of having this woman around her son when she couldn't help him? She felt betrayed, ashamed and guilty the burden weighing heavy on her and it was coming out as anger.

Selena suddenly heard someone speaking to her.  "Your Majesty... aren't you getting inside," said Conley and Selena's soul left her body her scalp growing numb.

She stammered a response when the door was opened and Queen Mother Ava appeared seething in anger. She grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside before shutting the door with a bang.

The room crackled with tension, and the air felt suffocating as Selena stood there trembling. Ava's face was contorted with rage, her eyes ablaze with fury. Her voice reverberated through the study as she unleashed her anger. "Did you plot this with your father, huh?! Otherwise, why didn't you say anything? You walked down the aisle, said the vows and sat next to my son but said nothing. You must have been in on it. Spill it!"

Selena's breath caught as the accusation hung in the air. She had prepared herself for this and even prepared herself for death but when the moment came she found that it was even more terrifying facing the situation head-on. Her mind raced, desperately searching for the right words to defend herself but she was too scared.

"Mother, please," King Liam interjected feeling unsettled like something inside of her was stirring up again.

Queen Ava turned her piercing gaze toward her son, her anger unabated. "Why should I calm down? We have been played for fools! The Lord of Rosemane orchestrated this deception, replacing Sienna with this imposter!"