The promise.

The promise? What was this promise that would change King Liam's mind? Under the pile of dead soldiers with smoke rising from the burning homes in the village, the young Liam lay still despite his leg being broken. His mother had her hand around his mouth whispering in his ear, "Let me be your safe haven and you will be my protector. We only have each other."

Those words echoed in his mind and he could almost forget the pain from his shattered bone. His mother's words made him feel strong. He had a purpose. She was right, they only had each other. He would do as she asked, but when he turned to look at her, she was suddenly dragged out of the pile of dead bodies.

Liam tried to grab hold of his mother but she was yanked away from him, her fingers, slipping away from his grasp. She was mouthing at him to let her go, that it wasn't time yet. Liam couldn't move fast enough. It felt like he was moving through water and she was pulled further and further away.