Unholy thoughts

Selena swiftly retracted her hand, her cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment. King Liam's expression quickly changed to that of anger, his piercing gaze fixed upon the Duke and Duchess who had barged into the room uninvited.

The Duke's voice trembled with trepidation as he desperately pleaded for mercy on behalf of Howard. When they heard what he had done the previous night and how he didn't go to the mountains as they instructed him to do they were terrified.

The Duke had only found out after punishing the young ladies as per the king's instruction. He immediately brought his wife here to plead for mercy.

Conley tried to get them to leave but they were so desperate. They knew that they were asking for too much but they couldn't watch their son die. In other words, they had assumed that Howard would be executed for his treasonous actions given the king's reputation.