How should I punish you?

King Liam's arms trembled as he carried Selena across the threshold of their bedchamber. His steps were measured and deliberate like he was carrying porcelain. 

Her long eyelashes quivered her muscles like jelly. She struggled to open her eyes but in the end she gave up falling into a deep sleep. 

Her husband lowered her gently onto the silken sheets his brows creased with concern. The physician, a portly man with greying hair, rushed into the room, ready to examine Selena. He wiped away the sweat on his forehead from running all the way here. 

He wanted to move closer and take a look but the King was in the way. In the smallest voice possible he called out, "Your Majesty." King Liam heard him but he couldn't tear himself away. He knelt by Selena's bedside, his gaze unwavering. She was pale and fragile, her chest rising and falling in shallow breaths.