"My lady, what are we going to do about that lousy lady?" The first concubine of Prince Dryan asked Taliyah whose heart is bitter.

How can she not? Who will be happy to have her space taken by total strangers? "What are your plans?" She asked Chila, who was busy beautifying the silk she is to present on Prince Dryan's birthday.

"What about making her stay here miserable?" She asked, and the others nodded their heads in acceptance.

"This is the reason I like your opinions. You are worthy of the position of 'Crown princess'. Thanks for your suggestions". Taliyah uttered with a bright smile that fit her pretty face.

"It's nothing. All thanks to you, my stay here has been wonderful, without regrets". Chila dropped the silk on her hand, and bowed before Taliyah.

The other princesses envy her a lot. They wished they could get a spot in Taliyah's heart. 'They are indeed envious of her'. Taliyah who has been studying the princesses said inwardly.

"If you all work hard for Prince Dryan, you are going to get a spot in my heart and also in my mother's heart". The princesses' mouths all went agape after they heard Taliyah's words.

Is she for real? Will they really get on the good side of the queen?

'I will make sure to win their hearts and persuade them to make me the crown princess'. That is the exact words in the mind of everyone except for Princess Amira.

"Why should we get a spot on your heart? Are we married to you or the queen?" Amira, who already knew Taliyah's plan, uttered. How wouldn't she know when she had always lived her life amidst five brothers who use their wives for their benefits, and end up dumping them? Will she also be a victim of what she has witnessed?

"It looks like we have a new bug! Can't wait to grill her skin!" With a cunning smirk on the corner of her lip, she stood up and walked up to Amira. "Why can't you win a spot in my heart?" She asked slowly as she squatted beside her.

"Cause I'm not your dog nor this royal family's damn slave! My father did not sell me to the prince, and that made me different from these poor princesses". She whispered into Taliyah's ear as she clenched her teeth, her facial expression immediately changed.

It looks like this girl just dug her grave! But will she give her an easy death? "You are just as good as dead".

Amira who already reads her words, chuckled softly before walking out on them. How can they expect the princess of Sadiah kingdom to bow at their feet?

She can be a softie, but deep inside her heart is a rock housing scars. She has no choice other than to marry prince Dryan to avoid her half—sibling's problems.

She got married to Dryan to build a more rigid relationship with them and not to become a slave. How can the princess of the world's second strongest, and wealthiest kingdom become a toy to a lady like her?

"My lady, don't bother about her, I will handle her". Aara who is the second concubine, uttered with her gaze on the ground.

"You can't stress yourself now. You are carrying the future crown prince in your tummy, so don't stress yourself out". Taliyah uttered as she stared at the fragile lady standing in her front.

On the other side, Chila's body burns in contempt, and anger. How won't she? Will she just sit, and watch another person take off the position she has placed her life to attain? "My la—"

She couldn't even finish her statements when Taliyah shot her a dreadful glare. "You did not have a son, and any concubine who gives the king his first son will be the mother of the crown prince. Don't worry, your position as the crown princess, and the future queen is still safe if your spot in my heart did not drain away. Your daughter will be the national princess, so you have nothing to lose". Taliyah whispered into Chila's ear to avoid others from hearing.

Every word of Taliyah breaks Chila's heart and body. Does she have a say when her parents' lives are in their hands? Will she do anything reckless to save her skin and kill her people?

"I will take care of the future crown prince, and his mother to the fullest". She bowed her head as she clung onto her heavy gown.

She has no choice! If she wants to leave, many lives will be gone. If she dies, many lives will also be gone.

"We will support the mother of the crown prince, and the unborn prince". The six princesses in the hall bowed their heads.

"I am going to pay someone a visit, please make sure my mother, and brother doesn't know". With order in her voice, she uttered before walking out.

"I regret ever being born. I wish I were never born, Dahira kingdom wouldn't have to face this Ill fate and pain". Chila said inwardly as she continued to design the silk.


Dasya strokes Luciana's hair, which was wet from the sweat beads on her forehead before whispering a few words into her ears.

He missed her a lot. He really wants to see her smile, and cry. He missed the naive lady, who was laying still.

"My Lord, Mel is here". A voice from outside his room echoed.

"Let him in". Without taking his eyes off Luciana, who looked pale, he replied.

The door opened, and a young man in an army robe walked in. He looked gorgeous in the robe, his short hair which was tied up, and the smile on his baby—looking face made him exceptionally handsome. "You sent for me, my lord". He went on his knees with his gaze down.

"Yes. I need you to journey to Madid". His request made Mel's eyes blink slowly.

"My Lord, my energy is weak after the last journey there. I'm uncertain if I will survive with the level of my energy". He uttered with fear in his dangerous dark brown eyes.

"What if I share my energy with you?" This is the first time Dasya is going to talk about sharing his energy with anyone.

"No. I dare not. I am afraid your fire will burn my dragon bone". He replied as he tried his best to avoid looking him in the eyes.

After a long deep breath from Dasya, he echoed. "What about sharing half the level of my water energy?" After Mel heard his suggestion, he had no choice other than to give in.

"Okay, what am I going to do there?"

"Find every detail about Princess Luciana. What she likes, hates, her sickness, what cures it swiftly, what she fears and everything linked to her". His request made Mel feel like strangling him. How can he send him to that kingdom, all because of a lady who they save? Is he…